Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Did you read the document?

What are your thoughts on a no-deal Brexit?
I did read it, thanks. But, unless you're suggesting that we Brits are incapable of making up for any 'shortfall' ... I fail to understand ...

My thoughts on a no-deal Brexit are simple. A decent deal is to be preferred. However, I seriously doubt that the control-freaking EU, which has done its damndest throughout to make negotiations anything between very difficult and completely impossible, will allow a decent deal.

If we have to walk away minus a deal, then, we do. I'm totally sure that it's EU intransigence (I'm being diplomatic !) which will force that outcome on us. Not a great outcome, to be sure, but better than knuckling under to hostile control freaks, determined to rob us of our autonomy.

We will do what we must, as a proud and independent People, Noir.