Though I have played the "how much do you weigh?" game as much as anyone, bodyweight doesn't really matter. COMPOSITION of bodyweight IS what matters. Age is a BIG factor. For most people, as you age the body becomes more dense. Same size but heavier. It's REALLY hard to bite that one because we're programmed otherwise by society. I can say this: I was a LOT bigger and stronger at 24 and 175 lbs than I was at 50 and 205.
@High_Plains_Drifter I am not familiar with the brand. Looks like it has all the bells and whistles. In a way, I wish on certain days I could work out inside. Like today when it was 98 in the garage. Or when I lived in IL and it was 0 in the garage But I got this notion it makes me tougher to just suck it up and deal (since I have no choice to begin with). Gets me outside too. Rolling out of bed and setting up the weights in the living room back in the day DID have its perks. A LOT less different apparel ensembles for one. I have stuff for rain, cold, severe cold, heat, severe heat. In the house it was shorts and a T

As long as you do something I'm sure it'll help.