Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
Aaaaah yes... makes a lot of sense... I never knew that about squats. I can see the difference big time.

I never lifted anything over 400 lbs in my life. I thought I was bad ass in the military when I finally benched 275. Good Lord have those days gone... maaaaan. Sucks getting old, but you can slow that process down with exercise.

Sounds like you had it pretty bad after that stroke, man. Damn bummer for sure. Hope you get it all back. I have some serious muscle atrophy in my right triceps. I have a thin little strip that still works. The VA told me after they did the discectomy on my cervical spine for crushed nerves that I'd get 95% of that back. Well... no... I didn't. I've put my TENS unit on the muscle thinking it would HAVE to make it jump even if my nerves won't but nope, nothing, but I'm going to see if I can't wake that fucker up. I'm going to start concentrating on working on just that. Imagine if you lay your right forearm across the top of your head, and then your triceps can't lift it off... well that's me. I hate it. I want a fucking miracle. I'm going to see if by some way in hell I can build what is left up to do more. My chest muscles actually take the place of the triceps doing bench presses, but bench presses actually are a chest exercise anyway but still...
Sort of. I was on life support with what basically amounts to a tube running through my back ribs to a dialysis machine sucking the crap out of my lung. I had an infection that had gotten WAY out of hand. The stroke was a result of me coming our of the anesthesia when I wasn't supposed to and yanking the incabation tube out of my mouth. I had no oxygen to my brain for a couple of minutes and flatlined. THAT caused the stroke. In hindsight, they screwed up with their damned anesthesia.

At any rate I was a total mess. I still have some damage I just have to live with but it could be a lot worse. The oddest/weirdest/f-d-up-est thing IS from the stroke. I see people every day but don't remember them. vision is just fine. i know people by what house they come out of/where I see them, but if they walk up to me out of place, I have no clue who they are. I just don't remember faces if I don't see them every day. It's kind of like being high all the time I know it's offended a few of the neighbors but whatever.