Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
@Gunny... question... do you do any type of stretches before or after you lift? If so, what kind... benefits?

Not sure if I should be doing some stretches or not.

Feeling pretty good though. Been hittin' it every day.
I figured either your weights fell on you, or you were down at the local watering hole asking the ladies if they wanted to see your new weight set

I'd break something if I didn't stretch. I actually have to "lift up" (pyramid) to my working weight doing Olympic lifts. I do the same with other lifting. Just makes sense. You go into something cold and try a max you're just pushing your luck on tearing, popping, straining, spraining or breaking anything you hit that's cold and doesn't want to play. Easier to do the older you get.

I just do basic leg and back stretches, and use a light bar or broomstick to stretch and warm up my upper body. The idea is to just get the fluid moving and everything loosened up enough to put some stress on it. If you get too carried away, the same injuries listed above can occur and/or your stretch routine can be a workout itself. If I stretched out now like I used to every day in martial arts I'd be done working out for the day

Daily 7 I guess is as good as any. You can look up running stretches. I use some gymnastic stretches I've done since HS. I don't think there's any one, right answer.