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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    You think that a properly disciplined child, one taught a decent perspective of right v wrong (as should follow from a well-balanced upbringing) will then go on to carry a knife, and be prepared to use it on innocent victims ??

    The UK has seen a steep rise in knife crimes. Over the same period, our Left wing has insisted that physical chastisement is wrong, an abuse of the child. You see no connection ?

    Seriously ?

    Pete, as strong as you are about condemning physical so-called 'abuse' on a child (which is really nothing of the kind) ... I haven't seen you offer workable alternatives. So ...

    ... if dealing with a child that willfully refuses to listen to what a parent says, and just keeps on being disobedient, unruly ... what alternative discipline would you apply ? Tell us of your alternatives, Pete.

    Remember ... you can't send the child to his/her room minus a meal. That, too, is 'abuse' (or do children not have any right to eat meals, or proper nutrition ?). So, come on, Pete. Offer 'better' alternatives, equal to, or greater than, physical smacking or 'paddling', that have comparable chances of succeeding .....
    Beating your child == they won't commit crimes with knives? damn, that is an impressive strawman stretch! Pretty sure inner city folk and white trash hillbillies beat their kids the most. They cause the most crime.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Ya'll talk about the need for proper parenting and then you go out and condone physical abuse of your own child. Again, hitting your child makes you a shitty parent. Means you're dumb as rocks with no ideas on how to parent if you child can't behave without being physically abused. I could never imagine beating my own child.

    I don't have any idea what your last comment about knives is about. Total non-sequitur strawman.
    As usual you are off the rails by not reading the whole message.

    NOBODY here said a thing about abuse. That we all identified as being wrong.
    A swift smack to the butt for misbehavior is not abuse.

    Boy I went to school with had the worst attitude I have ever seen. Every day his dad
    lined up all 3, 2 boys and a girl, for their daily 'licking'. Both boys were bullies that got
    their asses kicked often in school. THAT is abuse. The Starks was the family,
    Sister was a smart and delightful girl.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Beating your child == they won't commit crimes with knives? damn, that is an impressive strawman stretch! Pretty sure inner city folk and white trash hillbillies beat their kids the most. They cause the most crime.
    Would you care to site proof? Or are you just blowing smoke up
    your own ass again?

    There is a difference between spanking and a beating. It would seem
    you missed a few spankings, based on your selfish personality here.
    Last edited by Elessar; 09-14-2018 at 01:52 PM.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Noted that you support the physical abuse of children. Thanks!

    If your best option is to strike a child then you have FAILED as a parent.
    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Ya'll talk about the need for proper parenting and then you go out and condone physical abuse of your own child. Again, hitting your child makes you a shitty parent. Means you're dumb as rocks with no ideas on how to parent if you child can't behave without being physically abused. I could never imagine beating my own child.

    I don't have any idea what your last comment about knives is about. Total non-sequitur strawman.
    Well, I guess my parents & their parents were all abusive boxes of rocks.

    There is NOTHING wrong with giving a kid a slap in the bottom and a stern talking to when they do something terribly wrong, and you want to show that their are consequences and prevent your child from having further problems or issues in life. Only parents who don't give a crap about their kid are afraid of a little swat on the ass. Why not, let them run circles around you and misbehave outside and perhaps break laws without consequence.

    A spanking on the bottom is not abuse. "Beating" a child would be abuse. There's a huge difference, and only those who had parents who were AWOL and didn't care about them wouldn't understand the difference.

    And you are purposely making spanking sound worse with repeated use of the words striking and beating and what not. Folks disciplining know how to apply a spanking to the ass that will scare a child but not come remotely close to harming them. I don't think 99% of the spankings I got growing up ever even brought up a red mark right after my spankings. But they sure did scare me at the time!! And embarrassing as well!

    The liberals that had shitty parents letting them do as they please, whenever they please - is why they still do similarly today and expect the world to wait on them, and that they can do as they please - as we see SO many doing in colleges and trying to dictate situations. Thank those liberals - and tell them to thank their parents for being AWOL and clueless idiots.

    And see how that personal responsibility also continues? Similar with so many demands today, and younger kids getting pregnant, and making demands from the government to take care of them and give them freebies.... LIBERALS and their parents that forgot to parent.

    Parenting starts at home. Discipline starts at home. The dinner table is SO important. Teaching kids about personal responsibility is also important. The majority of liberals fail in the parenting department, severely, and then you see the little brats grow up into bigger brats, and instead of screaming demands at their parents, they scream demands at the government. And a little bit of discipline & some teaching at HOME may have prevented this.

    But - liberalism is a disease.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar View Post
    Would you care to site proof? Or are you just blowing smoke up
    your own ass again?

    There is a difference between spanking and a beating. It would seem
    you missed a few spankings, based on your selfish personality here.
    ah now you claim beating a child will prevent them from being selfish. What else? Does it cure cancer?

    btw, there is no difference. Hitting a child is abuse.

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    Bullshit about hillbilly crap. Percentage wise, black folks win all over in the violent crime department. Not even close.

    And which group has the most homes with fathers? AWOL parents altogether and kids learning shit in the streets from like 9-10 years old? Same group.

    This shit all starts at home.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Bullshit about hillbilly crap. Percentage wise, black folks win all over in the violent crime department. Not even close.

    And which group has the most homes with fathers? AWOL parents altogether and kids learning shit in the streets from like 9-10 years old? Same group.

    This shit all starts at home.
    No argument there, but it sure as shit doesn't start with beating your child. The only thing your child learns is the violence is a way to solve problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    ah now you claim beating a child will prevent them from being selfish. What else? Does it cure cancer?

    btw, there is no difference. Hitting a child is abuse.
    It prevents kids from thinking whatever they did is aok, and that they have no responsibility or repercussions.

    Which is why you see the violence from so many on the left, and so many freaking out. So many screaming at the skies for attention. The riots and marches. While the conservatives are generally so much quieter, much much much less violent & don't feel the need to do the crazy things - and also don't make demands non-stop, don't demand freebies non-stop and don't expect the government to bail them out, generally from their own screwups.

    And 9 out of 10 times when a liberal gets in trouble, whether from a speeding ticket or what - they will record and whine and blah blah blah. Lack of discipline over their lives turned them into whiny little pricks expecting to get away with things. Goes all the way back to horrible parenting.

    On a side note - we'll never know of course. But I'd love to see a study of far left cuckoo liberals - and find out about their parents and all that jazz. See if there is any type of connection between the inanity of liberals and what part their parents may have played in their upbringing.

    Ever see that kid at Walmart, the one turning purple and demanding that he wants something? Might even let out a little swear word while being told "No". Almost has to be dragged out, or placed in a cart. And then you have the parent. ----- I was getting a little swat in the ass when I get home and a stern talking to for that one. And I cursed? Not only the swat, but now I'm home for the next month. But then you have some parents that will shrug their shoulders and say "what am I going to do? boys will be boys" ----- fuck that. You nip that one THAT DAY and ensure that behavior NEVER happens again.

    We all know how some would handle that one.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    No argument there, but it sure as shit doesn't start with beating your child. The only thing your child learns is the violence is a way to solve problems.

    Ummmm - NO.

    I was spanked TONS AND TONS of times when I was a child - and EVERY time was well deserved. I DID NOT learn anything at all about violence. I learned that what I did that day wasn't going to happen again!!

    I've never spanked my child. I've had minimal fights in my life. And even with them, I never once ever went and attacked and solved a problem in a violent manner. MAYBE the kids who had the shit beat out of them and such might learn bad tendencies - but there's a HUGE difference between a little spanking in the ass & beating the crap out of someone.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Noted that you support the physical abuse of children. Thanks!

    If your best option is to strike a child then you have FAILED as a parent.
    Twist everything into a lie much? Oh yeah, it's Pete. I don't support the abuse of children. I don't support correcting a child by spanking them as a first option either.

    Got any more "FAIL" for me?

    I support children suffering the consequences of their actions just like adults rather than let them slide until they ARE adults then throwing them into prison because they are clueless like your dumb ass and think they can do just whatever the hell they want. My stance is backed by two generations of morons like you. Your's? Nothing.

    When the consequences of one's wrong actions results in punishment, it is deserved. I believe whatever punishment the child responds to is what works.

    When you get a brain and or even an argument, feel free to pipe up again, maggot. Otherwise, you're just flat rock dumb.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    No argument there, but it sure as shit doesn't start with beating your child. The only thing your child learns is the violence is a way to solve problems.
    I've two points to make to you, Pete.

    1. Elessar's already picked you up on this point, with Jim commenting further .. but I note that you insist on talking about BEATING a child. Giving one a quick smack doesn't qualify as 'beating', not by a long shot.

    I know why you insist on using that word. It's obvious .. you've a need to amplify, exaggerate, what's being discussed, in the hope of making any sort of credible point. Except that, by purposely exaggerating, you prove your argument to be fundamentally weak.

    2. You've completely avoided answering me .. haven't you ? Here -- let me remind you of my question. See my post again:

    ..... as strong as you are about condemning physical so-called 'abuse' on a child (which is really nothing of the kind) ... I haven't seen you offer workable alternatives. So ...

    ... if dealing with a child that willfully refuses to listen to what a parent says, and just keeps on being disobedient, unruly ... what alternative discipline would you apply ? Tell us of your alternatives, Pete.
    You carp on about 'beatings'. You tell us how wrong it all is. But I've STILL NOT SEEN ANY ALTERNATIVE SUGGESTED.

    A child needs discipline, at least, from time to time. All kids do. According to you, any physical chastisement is 'abuse', therefore, 'wrong'. Very well, Pete. TELL US OF YOUR ALTERNATIVE, ONE STANDING A CHANCE OF BEING EFFECTIVE.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Ya'll talk about the need for proper parenting and then you go out and condone physical abuse of your own child. Again, hitting your child makes you a shitty parent. Means you're dumb as rocks with no ideas on how to parent if you child can't behave without being physically abused. I could never imagine beating my own child.

    I don't have any idea what your last comment about knives is about. Total non-sequitur strawman.
    The shitty parent is the one who does NOT punish their child, by whatever means works and is appropriate, and allows their child to go forward in the world thinking there are no consequences for their actions. I would call THAT a horrible parent, and not really a parent at all. Just a sperm donor.

    There is a responsibility that comes with that roll in the sack you had. To the child and to the society in which you live. You think you got all the answers but look at the whining piss around you. Oh, that's right. Hard to recognize fault when one possesses the same. There's no free ride and attitudes like yours is what is destroying our society.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Beating your child == they won't commit crimes with knives? damn, that is an impressive strawman stretch! Pretty sure inner city folk and white trash hillbillies beat their kids the most. They cause the most crime.
    Uh HELL-fucking-O ... spanking your child is going to cause them to commit crimes with a knife? Answer your own strawman, moron.

    Inner-city blacks commit more crimes than any hillbillies, nimrod. And they don't steal from just anyone. They steal from their own. At least hillbillies are smart enough to go steal from people that have something. Your pointless deflection is duly noted.
    Last edited by Gunny; 09-14-2018 at 06:14 PM.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Default You are the sorry one here petey.

    Since you obviously are STILL A CHILD yourself. You've never had a spanking?

    Most of your time spent in TIME OUT, no tv, no playing, no outside, no desert???

    "SPAR THE ROD, SPOIL THE CHILD?" We all know how that worked for you.

    Maybe you can tell us WHY the AMISH still punish their children with a paddle?

    And they are the most Genuine, Sincere people around???
    Last edited by aboutime; 09-14-2018 at 06:16 PM.
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    ah now you claim beating a child will prevent them from being selfish. What else? Does it cure cancer?

    btw, there is no difference. Hitting a child is abuse.
    I did not claim any such thing! Smacking a rump is NOT abuse!

    Does being permissive cure cancer?

    Does being a liberal whiner cure cancer?

    My Dad died of Cancer, you liberal asshole. You make a joke of it.
    Face ME Once and I will have you pissing your liberal pants.

    You are worthless.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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