... and who is it again that is now working at Netflix? Oh that's right... OBAMA.
Well, this is about as DISGUSTING a thing as I think I've ever seen... and I'm in complete SHOCK that it's allowed to air...
'Big Mouth' for pre-pubescent sexual erotica of all kinds
If you are over 18 years old, you probably cannot imagine what’s coming next from Netflix. Think pre-pubescent sexual erotica of all kinds.
One critic calls it “pure evil.” Another suggests “animated kiddie porn.” Another says he purpose of the show is to normalize pedophilia, groom children abuse for predators and break down any final remaining taboos that still might exist in American society.
Average age of child actors in the show? Eleven.
“Perhaps the most outrageous scenes highlighted so far involve the animated portrayal of young children’s genitals, over and over again,” wrote Alex Newman.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2018/10/netflix-i...scw1e15OY3T.99