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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Back squat - what most people consider a squat. Bar on the back of your shoulders and squat down.

    Front squat - hold the bar like you are going to military/front press it and squat down.

    The balance between the two is completely different. The back squat uses the entire legs and back. The front squat pretty much isolates the quads. Everybody likes back squats more because you can lift a lot more weight. Especially when most people who don't know what they're doing usually won't go past parallel to the floor if even that.

    I'm beyond the ego thing. It took everything I had at the time to do 10 squats with no weight and holding onto the arms into a chair just to get out of the hospital. I could at one time half-squat 405 with the best of them. Which amounts to being able to hold up 405 and squat down about 3-4 inches which means it amounts to not much at all. I wouldn't even consider touching that much weight now
    Aaaaah yes... makes a lot of sense... I never knew that about squats. I can see the difference big time.

    I never lifted anything over 400 lbs in my life. I thought I was bad ass in the military when I finally benched 275. Good Lord have those days gone... maaaaan. Sucks getting old, but you can slow that process down with exercise.

    Sounds like you had it pretty bad after that stroke, man. Damn bummer for sure. Hope you get it all back. I have some serious muscle atrophy in my right triceps. I have a thin little strip that still works. The VA told me after they did the discectomy on my cervical spine for crushed nerves that I'd get 95% of that back. Well... no... I didn't. I've put my TENS unit on the muscle thinking it would HAVE to make it jump even if my nerves won't but nope, nothing, but I'm going to see if I can't wake that fucker up. I'm going to start concentrating on working on just that. Imagine if you lay your right forearm across the top of your head, and then your triceps can't lift it off... well that's me. I hate it. I want a fucking miracle. I'm going to see if by some way in hell I can build what is left up to do more. My chest muscles actually take the place of the triceps doing bench presses, but bench presses actually are a chest exercise anyway but still...
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 09-08-2018 at 09:01 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Aaaaah yes... makes a lot of sense... I never knew that about squats. I can see the difference big time.

    I never lifted anything over 400 lbs in my life. I thought I was bad ass in the military when I finally benched 275. Good Lord have those days gone... maaaaan. Sucks getting old, but you can slow that process down with exercise.

    Sounds like you had it pretty bad after that stroke, man. Damn bummer for sure. Hope you get it all back. I have some serious muscle atrophy in my right triceps. I have a thin little strip that still works. The VA told me after they did the discectomy on my cervical spine for crushed nerves that I'd get 95% of that back. Well... no... I didn't. I've put my TENS unit on the muscle thinking it would HAVE to make it jump even if my nerves won't but nope, nothing, but I'm going to see if I can't wake that fucker up. I'm going to start concentrating on working on just that. Imagine if you lay your right forearm across the top of your head, and then your triceps can't lift it off... well that's me. I hate it. I want a fucking miracle. I'm going to see if by some way in hell I can build what is left up to do more. My chest muscles actually take the place of the triceps doing bench presses, but bench presses actually are a chest exercise anyway but still...
    Sort of. I was on life support with what basically amounts to a tube running through my back ribs to a dialysis machine sucking the crap out of my lung. I had an infection that had gotten WAY out of hand. The stroke was a result of me coming our of the anesthesia when I wasn't supposed to and yanking the incabation tube out of my mouth. I had no oxygen to my brain for a couple of minutes and flatlined. THAT caused the stroke. In hindsight, they screwed up with their damned anesthesia.

    At any rate I was a total mess. I still have some damage I just have to live with but it could be a lot worse. The oddest/weirdest/f-d-up-est thing IS from the stroke. I see people every day but don't remember them. vision is just fine. i know people by what house they come out of/where I see them, but if they walk up to me out of place, I have no clue who they are. I just don't remember faces if I don't see them every day. It's kind of like being high all the time I know it's offended a few of the neighbors but whatever.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Sort of. I was on life support with what basically amounts to a tube running through my back ribs to a dialysis machine sucking the crap out of my lung. I had an infection that had gotten WAY out of hand. The stroke was a result of me coming our of the anesthesia when I wasn't supposed to and yanking the incabation tube out of my mouth. I had no oxygen to my brain for a couple of minutes and flatlined. THAT caused the stroke. In hindsight, they screwed up with their damned anesthesia.

    At any rate I was a total mess. I still have some damage I just have to live with but it could be a lot worse. The oddest/weirdest/f-d-up-est thing IS from the stroke. I see people every day but don't remember them. vision is just fine. i know people by what house they come out of/where I see them, but if they walk up to me out of place, I have no clue who they are. I just don't remember faces if I don't see them every day. It's kind of like being high all the time I know it's offended a few of the neighbors but whatever.
    Dang brother... I had no idea it was that bad. I apologize for being an asshole here or there and not being more understanding. I won't slip up on that again.

    Ya know, have you ever tried hypnotism to see if there's parts of your brain you could wake up like that? You remember that show "Ghost Mine?" If you do, remember the hot little red head, Kristen Luman? Well she's a licensed hypnotherapist, and believe it or not I've had several sessions with her. I contacted her through her facebook and then we get together online, skype or whatever, and she's good. I like what she does. They say the more intelligent you are the easier you are to hypnotize. To tell you the truth, I don't know if I was ever hypnotized by her, but that is what she does, but you do remember everything. She doesn't give you any post hypnotic suggestions that you won't remember anything. But she can help with pain, which is why I contacted her, and whatever else, all kinds of things. She might be able to help you, man. Just a thought. Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool. Don't laugh until you've tried it, bro... all bull shit aside.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Dang brother... I had no idea it was that bad. I apologize for being an asshole here or there and not being more understanding. I won't slip up on that again.

    Ya know, have you ever tried hypnotism to see if there's parts of your brain you could wake up like that? You remember that show "Ghost Mine?" If you do, remember the hot little red head, Kristen Luman? Well she's a licensed hypnotherapist, and believe it or not I've had several sessions with her. I contacted her through her facebook and then we get together online, skype or whatever, and she's good. I like what she does. They say the more intelligent you are the easier you are to hypnotize. To tell you the truth, I don't know if I was ever hypnotized by her, but that is what she does, but you do remember everything. She doesn't give you any post hypnotic suggestions that you won't remember anything. But she can help with pain, which is why I contacted her, and whatever else, all kinds of things. She might be able to help you, man. Just a thought. Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool. Don't laugh until you've tried it, bro... all bull shit aside.
    I don't look at it that way, and there is nothing to apologize for. This may be hard to comprehend given the way I come off, but I am an eternal optimist, and I try to lean something from everything and everyone. God gave me these gifts and when I started taking them for granted/squandering them, he took them away and told me to deal with it or throw in the towel. I had to start over from scratch. Walking, balance -- a lot of simple things we take for granted every day. I was always cock-strong, could go all day, and could analyze anything. So I figure I just got knocked off my perch to teach me a lesson. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away and no matter how good I was or thought I was, I wasn't THAT good. Someone else is the final authority.

    I hardly have the worst or most problems of people on this board. I know of at least 4 bad tickers. I never have gotten the actual story on how Kathianne blew out her shoulder but apparently then had to rebuild it with an erector set. Jimbob's always beating himself up for not be perfect. Darin apparently has to hide out from women like he was one of the Beatles in the 60s. Ask him

    I just have some pain in the ass physical limitations mostly. The memory thing is WAY down on the low end of priorities. My long-term memory is fine. The short term thing apparently coincides with the part of my brain the stroke affected so it's just something to deal with. I laugh at myself a lot. I'll go downstairs to do something and forget why I went downstairs Ask a question I just asked 5 minutes ago. I gave up trying to go to the store without a list long ago.

    I could completely wire a restaurant without the Code book because I could do that before, but my daughter has to help me fill out simple forms. So it's a short term thing.

    I get to see my grandkids every day, for better or worse I could be in a LOT worse place in life than I am.
    Last edited by Gunny; 09-09-2018 at 08:24 AM.
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    Well I don't know if I slept on my neck wrong or it's from the work out yesterday, but my neck is killing me. I think because of sleeping wrong on it because nothing I did yesterday hurt. I decided to just start from the neck down with a routine, so yesterday I worked the shoulders and upper back. Going to put my TENS unit on it after I use the massage deal. Ain't gonna stop me though, I'll just work around it. Working the arms and chest today. When I get down to the legs I'll just start over again.

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    @Gunny... question... do you do any type of stretches before or after you lift? If so, what kind... benefits?

    Not sure if I should be doing some stretches or not.

    Feeling pretty good though. Been hittin' it every day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    @Gunny... question... do you do any type of stretches before or after you lift? If so, what kind... benefits?

    Not sure if I should be doing some stretches or not.

    Feeling pretty good though. Been hittin' it every day.
    I figured either your weights fell on you, or you were down at the local watering hole asking the ladies if they wanted to see your new weight set

    I'd break something if I didn't stretch. I actually have to "lift up" (pyramid) to my working weight doing Olympic lifts. I do the same with other lifting. Just makes sense. You go into something cold and try a max you're just pushing your luck on tearing, popping, straining, spraining or breaking anything you hit that's cold and doesn't want to play. Easier to do the older you get.

    I just do basic leg and back stretches, and use a light bar or broomstick to stretch and warm up my upper body. The idea is to just get the fluid moving and everything loosened up enough to put some stress on it. If you get too carried away, the same injuries listed above can occur and/or your stretch routine can be a workout itself. If I stretched out now like I used to every day in martial arts I'd be done working out for the day

    Daily 7 I guess is as good as any. You can look up running stretches. I use some gymnastic stretches I've done since HS. I don't think there's any one, right answer.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I figured either your weights fell on you, or you were down at the local watering hole asking the ladies if they wanted to see your new weight set

    I'd break something if I didn't stretch. I actually have to "lift up" (pyramid) to my working weight doing Olympic lifts. I do the same with other lifting. Just makes sense. You go into something cold and try a max you're just pushing your luck on tearing, popping, straining, spraining or breaking anything you hit that's cold and doesn't want to play. Easier to do the older you get.

    I just do basic leg and back stretches, and use a light bar or broomstick to stretch and warm up my upper body. The idea is to just get the fluid moving and everything loosened up enough to put some stress on it. If you get too carried away, the same injuries listed above can occur and/or your stretch routine can be a workout itself. If I stretched out now like I used to every day in martial arts I'd be done working out for the day

    Daily 7 I guess is as good as any. You can look up running stretches. I use some gymnastic stretches I've done since HS. I don't think there's any one, right answer.
    I didn't hit the gym yesterday, I worked instead. I drug out the new DeWalt miter saw and table saw and bunch of other tools and got to work finishing some trim in my bathroom. The dude that used to own this house refinished the bathroom but he didn't finish it, and a carpenter he's NOT. He can plaster like a pro, but as a carpenter he's a fuckin' HACK. He sunk into the wall the back hinge side of the door jam, so that is an incredible cluster fuck, and the door jam itself wasn't wide enough for the wall, and the wall is crooked so I had to scab some wood onto the jam to even trim it, and that had to be custom cut because NOTHING is STRAIGHT. Took me 4 hours just to get the top and the latch side of the door trimmed. That was my WORK OUT for yesterday.

    Yeah I'm going to start stretching. I think that's a good idea. I don't start out lifting heavy though either. I always start with less and add weight as I go. I've always done that. I always have more strength in the second set anyway.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 09-14-2018 at 09:21 AM.

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    @Gunny... well I've had the gym about two weeks now and I've hit it every day except for one. I'm really starting to feel it already. My strength is returning and I can lift with "form," and nothing hurts when I lift. Several spots did when I started. I've already started adding weight.

    I did try that stand in front, facing the gym and hook your ankle behind the bottom of the front leg curl and then rest your knee in front of the top pad, and you can do reverse leg curls, works good actually, but it's amazing how weak the back of the leg is. Three sets of 15 of reverse leg curls with 20 lbs will burn.

    Oh, and I quit smoking too. Haven't bought any cigs since I put the thing together. I did buy a VAPE though. I got a SMOK, Devilkin. I had a different one a couple years ago and wasn't all that impressed with it so went back to cigs. I'll have to say they've come a LOOONG way since I quit. There's a lot more flavor juices and they taste better, and the new vape technology works so much better too. Yeah vaping may not be completely harmless but still, it's a lot less harmful than smoking, since you inhale BURNING shit and all it's toxins when you smoke, you're not when you vape. Ever tried it, Gunny?
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 09-15-2018 at 09:15 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    @Gunny... well I've had the gym about two weeks now and I've hit it every day except for one. I'm really starting to feel it already. My strength is returning and I can lift with "form," and nothing hurts when I lift. Several spots did when I started. I've already started adding weight.

    I did try that stand in front, facing the gym and hook your ankle behind the bottom of the front leg curl and then rest your knee in front of the top pad, and you can do reverse leg curls, works good actually, but it's amazing how weak the back of the leg is. Three sets of 15 of reverse leg curls with 20 lbs will burn.

    Oh, and I quit smoking too. Haven't bought any cigs since I put the thing together. I did buy a VAPE though. I got a SMOK, Devilkin. I had a different one a couple years ago and wasn't all that impressed with it so went back to cigs. I'll have to say they've come a LOOONG way since I quit. There's a lot more flavor juices and they taste better, and the new vape technology works so much better too. Yeah vaping may not be completely harmless but still, it's a lot less harmful than smoking, since you inhale BURNING shit and all it's toxins when you smoke, you're not when you vape. Ever tried it, Gunny?
    Leg curls are NOT good for the ego "Yeah, I can squat 300 lbs and leg curl 20!"

    As far as the "habit" goes, I have done some SERIOUS study on THAT one. It started with the drinking and AA. Disclaimer: I have nothing against AA and found the people to be well-intended and want only what is best for the person and I will state here and now if anyone needs help and that works, get it. It didn't work for me, but that is because of me and the way my mind rolls.

    I came to view AA (again, for ME) as replacing one addiction (the booze) with another (AA). I decided if that was the case and I just needed to replace the addiction, I was a gym rat since I was a kid. Had no choice about the gym thing because I couldn't walk. Drinking and working out are NOT conducive no matter what anyone says or thinks. So, I'm a work-out-aholic. I'll get over it. I'd rather a piece of iron do my thinking for me than what's in a bottle.

    Moving right along, I got talked into trying that vaping stuff. Another "not for me" thing. The physical addiction to nicotine isn't that big a deal. A week or two and your body's clean. The psychological addiction of having that smoke in your hand and the hit from the smoke is quite another story. It's the habit that is the addiction. I didn't want to trade one addiction for the exact same thing just a different piece of equipment.

    When I was in the hospital I survived just fine with the patch. There was nothing to the inpatient lifestyle that worked with smoking. I kick myself in the ass every day for picking up another cigarette. In both cases of addiction, being bored is the bottom line. Most everything bad in my life has boredom as the root to the evil. Smoking is a pain in the ass and expensive. I don't care about any of the rest of the crap about it. Just those two reasons. You'd think if it was such an "evil" they'd have come up with a real cure for it.
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    Just can't underestimate the benefits of exercise though. I can't believe how much better I feel ALREADY.

    Got up this morning and had my coffee, watched some news, the usual routine, and then figured I'd hit the gym quick before I went to a car show at the Chevy dealer where I bought the Camaro, and I did NOT want to quit. Had I not had to get in the shower and get going, I could have spent who knows how long on the gym... it felt that good. Yeah I'm afraid I'm kind of a lift-a-holic like you. I'm getting to the point where it doesn't make me feel tired or wear me out, it makes me feel BETTER as I go. Give me a year on this contraption and I should be a new man. Actually more or less just getting back where I was years ago. I can see the coming winter when it's colder'n a witches tit in a brass bra outside and there's NOTHING else to do, and just spend the DAY working out, and then the next day, and the next, and the next... shit... the gym has 160 lbs of iron but I can upgrade it to 210. Never know, might have to do that.

    Best money I've spent in a long, long time. It's an investment in my own health. Sure I'm going to be feeble one day and maybe need a WALKER... ... but that day ain't gonna be anytime soon. You can slow down the aging process quite a bit with exercise. My "kinda" girlfriend, Heather, freaked out when I showed her the gym, and now she wants to come over and work out too. She's 46 and pretty dang hot already, not an ounce of fat on the girl, but yeah, she'd just be all that much hotter if she wants to start stopping by to lift too. She made a few comments about... "if I was dating anyone, it would be you"... kinda stuff... well my, my, my...

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    Well, DEFINITELY feeling stronger. Have added 20 lbs. to just about every exercise except the legs, they seem a little slower to respond. But I'm doing stretches and warm ups before I start now too, and I'm hitting it every day. Definite visual difference too already, starting to see more definition with some minor bulking. Can't wait to see the 6 months difference, or even a couple years. I think the important thing is just STICK WITH IT. Shouldn't be too hard because I look forward to it.

    Haven't smoked either. So far the new vape is working, and I don't hit that all that much either.

    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 09-22-2018 at 10:48 AM.

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    @Gunny ... so, my only hold back is the atrophy in my right triceps, but I'll be damned if I think maybe, MAYBE, I might be having some effect on what little still works. I think it's actually getting stronger. I don't know if it's possible to build "NEW" nerve connections, but I mean, I don't think any of my nerves were ever SEVERED, they were CRUSHED, but they're still there. So this could be interesting, or not, but even if I can actually build up what little works, that would be a miracle in my eyes. Bench presses, either with the fixed upper gym swing arm or the independent cables are my only weak point. If I had no problems with nerve atrophy, I'd really be going to town. Well, I'm hittin' it pretty hard regardless, I just can't pack on the weight and do bench presses.

    But, more muscle means more nerve, right? Could the nerve actually GROW?

    This is interesting... maybe my right triceps can "talk" to my left, and help them...
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 11-08-2018 at 09:15 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    @Gunny ... so, my only hold back is the atrophy in my right triceps, but I'll be damned if I think maybe, MAYBE, I might be having some effect on what little still works. I think it's actually getting stronger. I don't know if it's possible to build "NEW" nerve connections, but I mean, I don't think any of my nerves were ever SEVERED, they were CRUSHED, but they're still there. So this could be interesting, or not, but even if I can actually build up what little works, that would be a miracle in my eyes. Bench presses, either with the fixed upper gym swing arm or the independent cables are my only weak point. If I had no problems with nerve atrophy, I'd really be going to town. Well, I'm hittin' it pretty hard regardless, I just can't pack on the weight and do bench presses.

    But, more muscle means more nerve, right? Could the nerve actually GROW?

    This is interesting... maybe my right triceps can "talk" to my left, and help them...
    I really can't say what to do about injuries and/or nerve damage beyond my own experience. Depends on the injury. Some you just aren't getting past surgery to repair. Or you can be hard-headed like me. The nerve damage I have is permanent. I just accept it.

    I injured my shoulder falling into a brick post on the porch when I first started trying to walk again and I tore "something". It took forever for me just to raise my arm above my head. I've managed to stubborn my way through most of it but I still don't have some range of motion (negligible). It's taken 2 years and it still hurts.

    "How much I can lift" matters only insofar as "how much did I lift last time?" goes. I wouldn't take any bets that I'll ever climb under a 350 bench press again As far as the aforementioned injury and bench presses go, I just slowly worked myself up, making sure I worked the supporting muscles. The shoulder held me back until slowly over time it's eeked its way along.

    I do believe that once a nerve is crushed it is gone. That you'd have to look up. I'm just going on some vague recollection.
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    You ever overdo it a little and then take a day or two off because you're sore?

    Or do you still lift even if you're sore?

    Most I ever benched before I had nerve damage was 285, at Nellis AFB. I highly doubt I'll ever do that again either...

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