Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
Oh, I think she'll be challenged, but when she's at her weakest, when the need for that challenge is beyond reasonable dispute. You see, the Conservatives prefer not to compound difficult situations with un-needed chaotic complications. Better to wait for better times. As in, soon ... no doubt.
“Better to wait for better times”
I could not adequately describe how hearty a chuckle that like drew out of me, pure gold.

... but, I'm intrigued ....

... You'll happily blame the EU for their faults ?? Really ??!? Now, Noir, this I really MUST put to the test !! So, a challenge of my own ... reply to this with a post that lists the EU's various faults !!

Go on ... DO IT. Don't duck this.
Sure - Too bureaucratic, not transparent in policy or process, poor implementation of international court rulings, unnecessary formation of executive, poor responses to financial crisis, very slow to modernise law in the digital space (ie net neutrality, Patents etc), poor protections and representation for smaller countries...the list goes on, and on.