Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Well apparently the “better times” we were waiting for was yesterday

A vote of no confidence has been triggered and will take place this evening.
Your first sentence was as inaccurate as it gets.

OK, you're fundamentally anti-Conservative ... naturally, I get that. But for all of Mrs May's faults, given a straight choice, I'd back her any day against the likes of Corbyn. Because what you seem to not be grasping is that, out of all this mess, Corbyn's agenda is to seize power for himself and his Party any way he can.

Yes, the Conservatives are moving at breakneck speed to get the vote on Mrs May's continued leadership over and done with VERY quickly .. I've never, ever, before seen them move as quickly as this. It's not surprising, though, as the contest acts as a distraction to the more fundamentally vital issue of Brexit.

That said: I want Mrs May gone and replaced by someone tougher, more uncompromising. I want that replacement to re-approach the EU and insist on better terms for our withdrawal from the EU. I want that Conservative-led Government to be prepared to enact a 'no deal' exit, should the EU still refuse to meaningfully cooperate with us.