Firstly ... congratulations are in order. Farah, I applaud your approach. Instead of merely posting material, you are now making efforts to enter into debate. This is what we're here for !
I have a couple of questions (granted, they don't particularly address the main subject, though I still think there's relevance in them ..).
1. You say
'You should take your soldiers away as quick as possible'. I want to get the fullest sense of why you say that. Is it a friendly piece of advice, or, is its fullest meaning that of a more intolerant spirit ? I ask because I don't get any sense from your posting that you adopt any pro-Western sympathies, to put it mildly.
2. I noted that in a previous post, you included this ... I quote verbatim:
Please explain your use of quotation marks. This comes across as a non-acceptance of the accuracy of what you're saying. Are you implying that the US should not be regarded as an ally ? More critically, perhaps ... you also seem to question (from the same level of judgment employed) a questioning of whether ISIS ever seized the region they in fact HAD seized.
It's possible to discern from all of this that you're fundamentally anti-US, and critical of reports which objectively describe ISIS's actions. From this, I must ask: do you retain sympathy, or any level of support at all, for ISIS .. ?