Quote Originally Posted by tailfins View Post
Before you get on your high horse, remember that it's the American drug consumer that finances the drug cartels. Deal with American drug users and you'll get less of the criminal element crossing over from Mexico.

So tell us. If you want us to come down from our High Horse. Why didn't Obama, and his various Appeasing, Crooked A.G.'s do anything about the Border to STOP the Cartels that were PERMITTED to travel, and SELL their deadly drugs?

Answer YOU won't like, or agree with. Because WHEN CROOKS run the country, and look the other way, while making Millions for LOOKING THE OTHER WAY. We The People were forced to be subjected to the CARTEL's who also made BILLIONS...thanks to the U.S. Government Leaders who claimed to be helping ALL AMERICANS.

TF...YOUR BULLSHIT runs out of your ears.