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    Default Warmongering Democrats

    $675 Billion dollars.

    "unlimited war projects"

    Actually, $857 Billion in total. Both sides guilty of a massive spending bill.

    But shows that the democrats are willing to spend endless billions for their earmarks and other BS that THEY want. And while they can vote to spend so much - they can't find - out of 675 billion for defense - 5-20 billion for the defense of our border via a wall.


    44 Warhawk Democrats Voted to Approve $675 Billion for US War Machine — Only One Voted to Secure US Border – Think About That!

    On August 23, 2018, The US Senate voted for a $675 billion appropriations bill to fund the unlimited war projects.

    The Warhawk Democrats carried the majority.

    The vote was 85-7 led by Democrat Senators.

    44 Democrats voted for the bill.
    41 Republicans voted for the bill.
    0 Democrats voted against the bill.
    6 Republicans voted against the bill.
    1 Socialist Bernie Sanders voted against the bill.
    3 Democrats did not vote.
    5 Republicans did not vote.

    These SAME DEMOCRATS voted 47-1 on Friday to block funding of border security in the latest spending bill.

    These same Democrats attacked President Trump for withdrawing US troops from Syria — after their mission was accomplished.

    It appears we have a new party of warmongers!

    Odd bunch of bugger to have vote in such a way such a shot time ago, and now vote so much differently. Can't let Trump get a win.

    Senate passes $675 billion defense budget bill, with hopes of avoiding funding lapse next month

    WASHINGTON — Senators on Thursday advanced an $857 billion appropriations measure that includes full defense funding for fiscal 2019 and raises hopes that Congress may be able to avoid a government shutdown or short-term budget extension for Pentagon programs this fall.

    The measure, which passed 85-7, includes money for the departments of defense, health and human services, labor and education. The so-called “minibus” of appropriations bills was touted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as making America “stronger overseas and right here at home.”

    Of the total, $675 billion would be set aside for military spending next year, including nearly $68 billion in overseas contingency funds. The levels are in line with the recently adopted defense authorization bill and the budget deal reached by Democrats and Republicans last spring.

    “The funds meet many of the requirements of our military commanders, equipping and training units to meet and to overcome the most dangerous of emerging global threats,” McConnell said before the vote. “As ever, we are to provide adequate training, weaponry and skills so that Americans always prevail on the battlefield.”

    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    I don't see why the wall can't be included in defense spending. This isn't rocket science. What is it we are defending? The US. That includes its borders. "Defense" to me isn't defined by our Ambassador to "Who-Gives-A-Fuck" halfway around the world. THAT is force projection, not "defense".

    And why yes, I AM picking their words apart. Dumbasses. You can't defend what you can't define and you can't define as yours what you can't hold.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    It's hard to keep up with the mongrel democrats hypocrisy these days. They seem to change what they stand for with the changing of the wind.

    One thing is for certain, with this recent unhinged display over the president pulling troops out of Syria, the dems are no longer for PEACE AND LOVE. Oh no... they want our boys to KEEP FIGHTING... KEEP THEM WARS GOING.

    I'll tell ya, I completely missed the part where the dems transformed from PEACE AND LOVE to WARMONGER. Could someone please tell me when that was?

    As far as the dems not voting for securing our border, I understand that. Even though they've claimed they were for it, they were flat out LYING. Never, ever, were they serious about our border security, not since they believe that flooding America with all those uneducated parasites would keep them in power, all those... UNDOCUMENTED DEMOCRAT VOTERS. Pretty easy to see why they want to keep the southern border doors wide open.

    Democrats are the party of trash
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 12-25-2018 at 06:58 AM.

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