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    Default British Jihadis !!

    Dominating the British media's news sources over the past several days has been the subject of whether a young girl (one of three who made the journey to Syria from Bethnal Green, London, to join ISIS) should be allowed to return to Britain. She says she wants to, in fact needs to, to provide a decent life for the child she's just given birth to (literally within the past 24 hours ... the father is/was an ISIS terrorist, or an ISIS 'fighter', as the ever-disgusting BBC puts it).

    She's been clear that she does NOT regret joining ISIS .. she even talks callously about seeing severed heads in a basket, saying the sight of that didn't faze her one bit.

    In an interview with Sky News, she claims to have done nothing wrong, and she thinks people in Britain should have sympathy for her.

    ... Well: I regard her as one example of proof that terrorists, and those who commit to ally with them, cannot be regarded as properly human; therefore, deserve no human rights, because to apply them is a travesty, an outright nonsense.

    Our Home Secretary is loathe to let her return to England ... but ... it's beginning to look as though he cannot stop her returning. She holds British nationality, and to deny her the right of a British citizen to return would, it's argued, render her 'stateless' ... seen as illegal.

    Well .... President Trump has a 'take' on cases like hers, and terrorists generally, including those originating from Britain. Which is .....

    British jihadis could be sent to Guantanamo Bay after the UK is being seen to do little to punish them, it has been reported.

    US officials believe the UK is not doing enough to punish people returning from Syria as they are offered rehabilitation programmes, rather than facing legal consequences.

    According to The Times there is a growing opinion the UK is avoiding its responsibility over extremist converts who have joined ISIS.

    Now, the paper has been told the two surviving members of the British terrorist group known as 'The Beatles' because of their English accents, El Shafee ElSheikh and Alexanda Kotey, could be prosecuted in America.

    The Trump administration fears they could end up evading justice and want to send them to Guantanamo where there is room for about 50 jihadis.

    'These guys have American blood on their hands,' a source told The Times.

    US photographer James Foley was executed by the leader of 'The Beatles' Mohammed Emwazi known as Jihadi John.

    Fresh talks over how jihadis who return from Syria are dealt with have begun after the discovery of one of the three schoolgirls from Bethnal Green who fled to Syria in 2015.

    Shamima Begum, now 19, married in Syria after running away from home with friends Amira Abase and Kadiza Sultanta.

    At nine months pregnant she wants to come home and have her third child in Britain, despite showing no remorse for joining ISIS. She left the surrounded village of Baghuz as ISIS fights for its last slither of territory in eastern Syria.

    She said she has 'no regrets' about joining them.

    Security Minister Ben Wallace said the UK would not be rescuing her from the Northern Syrian camp she escaped to.

    He said: 'I'm not putting at risk British people's lives to go and look for terrorists or former terrorists in a failed state.

    'The message this government has given for many years is that actions have consequences.'
    My view: if she, and others like her, end up in Gitmo ... if anything, that's better than they deserve. I'll be happy if Shamima Begum is captured and sent there.

    For President Trump's approach, all I can say, is ....

    Last edited by Drummond; 02-17-2019 at 01:04 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    It's hard to imagine the degree to which POLITICAL CORRECTNESS has INFECTED the psyche of Britain, because they ARE, FACILITATING terrorism in their OWN NATION. I can't fathom what's driving it, other than just look at LIBERALISM and LEFTISM as a MENTAL DISORDER.

    It seems to be infecting the entire world though, and it can only lead to one thing, and that's the destruction of the entire human race.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    It's hard to imagine the degree to which POLITICAL CORRECTNESS has INFECTED the psyche of Britain, because they ARE, FACILITATING terrorism in their OWN NATION. I can't fathom what's driving it, other than just look at LIBERALISM and LEFTISM as a MENTAL DISORDER.

    It seems to be infecting the entire world though, and it can only lead to one thing, and that's the destruction of the entire human race.
    The typical liberal argument is that the girl from Bethnal Green was too young to properly realise what she was doing, when she went to Syria. Of course, such people are blind to what she herself has said ... that she does NOT regret what she's done.

    They'll argue that she was a victim of radicalisation, making her a victim, not someone who's betrayed her country to savage enemies of it.

    Had ISIS been more successful, of course, her child could've easily grown up to be a terrorist, killing future victims of that terrorism. Its father was, after all, a terrorist himself.

    But the mental disorder driving liberalism will, of course be blind to all that. They see only what they want to see.

    So, they have only pity for the 'poor girl' in a Syrian refugee camp, when that girl is only driven by cynical contempt for human life not her own, or her baby's, or her country's subhuman enemies.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    The typical liberal argument is that the girl from Bethnal Green was too young to properly realise what she was doing, when she went to Syria. Of course, such people are blind to what she herself has said ... that she does NOT regret what she's done.

    They'll argue that she was a victim of radicalisation, making her a victim, not someone who's betrayed her country to savage enemies of it.

    Had ISIS been more successful, of course, her child could've easily grown up to be a terrorist, killing future victims of that terrorism. Its father was, after all, a terrorist himself.

    But the mental disorder driving liberalism will, of course be blind to all that. They see only what they want to see.

    So, they have only pity for the 'poor girl' in a Syrian refugee camp, when that girl is only driven by cynical contempt for human life not her own, or her baby's, or her country's subhuman enemies.
    They are... WRONG. I have no idea what DRIVES such DISTORTED thought. I can't even begin to understand it.

    Maybe we need WWIII to wake people up. There's too many people alive that have been brain washed into this distorted utopian view of life. They seem to utterly REFUSE to believe there is EVIL in this world. It's insane. They'll tell us that don't buy into their madness that we shouldn't live in FEAR. Yeah... well tell that to the 3,000 INNOCENT people that were SLAUGHTERED in the twin towers in NYC.

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    It’s certainly an interesting case study in how we should consider such cases.
    If you also agree that an animals suffering should be avoided rather than encouraged, consider what steps you can take.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    It’s certainly an interesting case study in how we should consider such cases.
    Yeah there ya go... you need to STUDY it... moron.

    Idiots like YOU are what's WRONG.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-17-2019 at 07:41 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    It’s certainly an interesting case study in how we should consider such cases.
    What is there to study Noir?
    Facts are out there, these girls went over there to join murdering muslim scum. This girl married one of them- got pregnant and now wants to return home(free from any punishment) to raise the brat to be a future muslim terrorists, live off of the freebies the damn Brit government gives these muslim scum- which is all very fine according to Koranic commandments!
    Remember the KORAN instructs it followers to lie to deceive as they murder all that do not accept Allah, instructions given by Mohammad ( otherwise known as , Ali babi the goat humper, child molester and murdering snake).
    Now you have the facts-- go into your little liberal room and study away in order to try to justify giving this female POS a free pass. ..
    When she should be executed on the spot, IMHO. -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Default U.S. version

    Here ya go:

    Alabama-born ISIS wife who reportedly told Americans to kill themselves now begging to come home

    If she does get to come back to the U.S. does that mean her raghead husband can come too? Does she and get all the welfare stuff illegals get? Just wondering....
    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
    Here ya go:

    Alabama-born ISIS wife who reportedly told Americans to kill themselves now begging to come home

    If she does get to come back to the U.S. does that mean her raghead husband can come too? Does she and get all the welfare stuff illegals get? Just wondering....
    She can go to hell. If she was so easily radicalized once, bad enough to run half way around the earth so she could join up with the worst terror organization on the planet, then she can be again, not to mention it could be a ploy so she can get back here and pull a suicide bombing or shoot up another fag night club... fuck her. Let her sit over there and rot.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-18-2019 at 12:31 PM.

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    Default Hoda Muthana 'deeply regrets' joining Isis and wants to return home

    Yes, you are forgiven, come on back home. Then I pray you to be arrested the minute you land, and have your child taken from you. Then hopefully place you in prison for a minimum of 25 years.

    You don't get to go and take up arms with the terrorist enemy, and try to radicalize and bring forth more people, and move from place to place with them. And then when things get to sucking, and nearing the end, you want to cry as if you didn't like it, you say you're sorry, and think you can swing on by home and act as if nothing ever happened?

    Tough shit. Stay there and bake in the desert, or come back "home" and face the consequences.


    Hoda Muthana 'deeply regrets' joining Isis and wants to return home

    Exclusive: Muthana is the only American among 1,500 foreign women and children at a Syrian refugee camp

    An American woman captured by Kurdish forces after fleeing the last pocket of land controlled by Islamic State says she “deeply regrets” travelling to Syria to join the terror group and has pleaded to be allowed to return to her family in Alabama.

    Once one of Isis’s most prominent online agitators who took to social media to call for the blood of Americans to be spilled, Hoda Muthana, 24, claims to have made a “big mistake” when she left the US four years ago and says she was brainwashed into doing so online.

    Speaking from al-Hawl refugee camp in northern Syria, while her 18-month-old son played at her feet, Muthana said she misunderstood her faith, and that friends she had at the time believed they were following Islamic tenets when they aligned themselves to Isis.

    “We were basically in the time of ignorance […] and then became jihadi, if you like to describe it that way,” she said. “I thought I was doing things correctly for the sake of God.”

    Muthana is the only American among an estimated 1,500 foreign women and children inside the sprawling camp of 39,000 people, which is situated about two hours from where a final battle to oust extremists is days from being completed.

    Her experience in the so-called caliphate tracks the arc of Isis’s shocking rise and precipitous collapse over five brutal years. Muthana fled her home and took a flight to Turkey in November 2014 after several months of planning, which she kept secret from her family.

    She settled into the Syrian city of Raqqa, then one of Isis’s two main hubs – the other being Mosul in Iraq – where she married an Australian jihadist, Suhan Rahman, the first of her three husbands.

    Rahman was killed in the town of Kobanî, and soon afterwards Muthana angrily tweeted: “Americans wake up! Men and women altogether. You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping! Go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriots, Memorial, etc day … Kill them.”

    For many months in 2015, her Twitter feed was full of bloodcurdling incitement, and she says she remained a zealot until the following year. She now says her account was taken over by others.

    Soon after, she married her second husband, a Tunisian fighter, with whom she had her son, Adam. Her husband was killed in Mosul, and Muthana retreated with dozens of other women deeper into Isis’s ever-shrinking land, where she briefly married a Syrian fighter last year.

    Muthana says her family in Alabama were deeply conservative and placed restrictions on her movements and interactions, factors she claims contributed to her radicalisation. “You want to go out with your friends and I didn’t get any of that. I turned to my religion and went in too hard. I was self-taught and thought whatever I read, it was right.

    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Tough shit.

    She made her bed...
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    Let her rot over there. She slept with at least three of those murdering vermin and now that those cockroaches are getting eradicated she pleads to come back here and not be punished. We should send a sniper to end her miserable terrorist life , IMHO.
    She joined them- she is a terrorist, not some captured, imprisoned victim.
    Bring her back- give her life in prison with no possibility of release or else shoot her, IMHO.
    Take her young child and give that innocent boy to a good American Christian family to raise.
    She deserves not one damn ounce of mercy. -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 02-18-2019 at 05:33 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    What is there to study Noir?
    What importantance (if any) do we put on the fact that the decision to join ISIS was made when she was fifteen.
    In what ways would her treatment be different if she did not leave the country.
    To what extent would her being punished result in the punishment of her newborn child.
    If she had joined a non-Muslim terrorist group in what way would her punishment be differnt.
    If you also agree that an animals suffering should be avoided rather than encouraged, consider what steps you can take.

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    Yeah, I posted that earlier. Might want to merge the threads to save space at
    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    What importantance (if any) do we put on the fact that the decision to join ISIS was made when she was fifteen.
    In what ways would her treatment be different if she did not leave the country.
    To what extent would her being punished result in the punishment of her newborn child.
    If she had joined a non-Muslim terrorist group in what way would her punishment be differnt.
    Yes. Shamima Begum was fifteen years old when she went to Syria.

    Four years later, she still says she doesn't regret the journey. She says she was old enough to make the decision she did.

    This terrorist wife (!!) tried to express sorrow that innocent civilians get killed (her effort to try and sell herself to us as a normal, 'caring' girl). She then promptly tripped herself up by trying to paint an equivalence of that with Western military actions that also kill people.

    Noir ... wake up to the fact that she still sees things the ISIS way. She wants sympathy (she's said she believes she deserves some !!). But she still holds 'values' in line with ISIS thinking.

    She doesn't deserve to return back to the UK. I say, let her rot where she is .. OR .. let's see her sent to somewhere like Gitmo. More ... if she did return (would you want her to, Noir ??), would she pose a permanent threat to our people ? By her own actions, maybe. By her attempts to radicalise others, also maybe.

    She's an unrepentant enemy, and traitor to her country. NOTHING argues in favour of her return. At least .. not if justice is to be served.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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