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Thread: Jussie Smollett

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    Dude is an idiot and deserves jail

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    The case with Jussie Smollett is getting worse and weird. After he bailed out yesterday, he quickly went back to the "Empire" show, and had a sit down with the entire crew, and ensured them that it's all a lie and that he is of course innocent.

    Here is the PDF/Writeup from the police. Sound like an innocent man being setup? I don't think so. (crappy typing as I had to have it converted from PDF to TXT.


    Defendant: Jussie Smollett (DOB 6/21/82) - 36 years old
    Charge: Disorderly Conduct-False Report (Class 4 Felony)

    The Defendant Jussie Smollet is an Actor and Singer-Songwriter, who currently appears as a character on the Fox television show ?Empire.? Defendant Smollett currently resides in an Apartment in Chicago?s Streeterville neighborhood.

    The People expect the evidence to show that:

    On Tuesday, January 22, 2019, Defendant Smollett received a written letter at the Cinespace Chicago Film Studios, which is a facility on the Southwest Side of Chicago where the Empire Television Show is ?lmed. This letter contained written threats directed toward Defendant Smollett, and contained a then unknown white powdery substance. The letter also contained cut out letters pieced together which stated ?Smollett Jussie you will die black
    and the word was hand written on the envelope where the return address is typically located. This powdery substance has since been determined to be crushed
    ibuprofen tablets. The letter also contained a drawing of a stick ?gure, which appears to have a rope around the neck and a gun pointed at it. Law enforcement authorities were contacted, and the letter was turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is currently conducting forensic analysis of the letter.

    In January of 2019, and at all times relevant hereto, Defendant Smollett was close friends with an individual by the name of Abimbola ?Abel? Osundairo, who is 25 years old.

    Smollett and Abel initiated their friendship in the fall of 2017. During the course of this friendship, Defendant Smollett and Abel socialized together, exerCised together, as well as worked together on the Fox television series Empire. Within that working relationship, Abel was a stand-in for a character named ?Kai?, who is a love interest of Defendant Smollet?s character on the Empire TV Show. Additionally, text messages between Defendant Smollett and Abel revealed that Abel was a source of designer drugs for Defendant Smollett. Speci?cally, since the Spring of 2018, on several occasions, Defendant Smollett requested Abel to provide him with ?Molly?, which is a street name for the narcotic Ecstasy.

    Text messages generated by Defendant Smollett to Abel, speci?cally starting on the morning of January 25, 2019, reveal Defendant Smollett asking Abel when he would be leaving on his upcoming trip to Nigeria. This trip was scheduled to take place on the evening of January 29, 2019, and it had been planned by Abel and his brother Olabinjo ?Ola? Osundairo (27 years old) two months prior.

    After Abel con?rmed the date and time of his trip, Defendant Smollett texted Abel stating ?Might need your help on the low. You around to meet up and talk face to face?? The two then made arrangements to meet at the Cinespace Studios that afternoon, where Defendant Smollett subsequently drove Abel home to Abel?s apartment in the Lakeview neighborhood. During the ride, Defendant Smollett indicated to Abel his displeasure with

    the Empire Studio?s handling of the racist and homophobic letter he received three days prior. Defendant Smollett then stated that he wanted to stage an attack where Abel would appear to batter him. Defendant Smollett also suggested that Abel?s older brother Ola assist him with the attack. Defendant Smollett had met Ola on several previous occasions through Abel. Additionally, Ola had also appeared as an extra of the Empire TV show. Abel and Ola are both dark Skinned, black males, born in the United States, with Nigerian decent.
    When Defendant Smollett and Abel reached Abel?s apartment at approximately 5:00 PM on January 25, 2019, Ola, who was then living with Abel, was summoned into Defendant
    Smollett?s vehicle. Once inside, Smollett asked Ola if he could trust him. When Ola said he could, Smollett detailed his plans of the attack to the brothers. Defendant Smollett statedthat he wanted them to appear to attack him on the evening of January 28, 2019 near his apartment building in Streeterville. Defendant Smollett also stated that he wanted the brothers to catch his attention by calling him an ?Empire Empire Defendant Smollett further detailed that he wanted Abel to attack him, but not hurt him too badly and give him a chance to appear to ?ght back. Defendant Smollett also included that he wanted Ola to place a rope around his neck, pour gasoline on him and yell ?This is MAGA country.? Prior to the brothers getting out of Smollett?s car, Smollett provided Abel with a $100 bill to
    purchase the rope, gasoline, ski masks, gloves and red baseball caps which resemble the ones that say ?Make America Great Again.? The ride from Cinescape Studios to the Osundairo brothers? home and the meeting between Smollett and the brothers is corroborated by CPD POD videos and cellular phone tower data of Smollett?s phone number.

    On the late morning of Sunday January 27, 2019, Smollett drove his vehicle back to the Lakeview neighborhood to pick up the brothers and show them the scene where he wanted the staged attack to take place. Smollett then drove the brothers to the corner of New Street and North Water Street in Chicago where the staged attack was to take place. This was just outside Smollett?s apartment building. Further details were provided by Smollett which included that the staged attack was to take place near the stairs on the southwest corner of New and NorthWater Streets at the following night. Smollett also instructed the brothers not to bring theirrcell phones with them. Smollett directed the brothers? attention toward a surveillance camera on the corner, which he believed would capture the incident.
    There was a change in the plan that bleach was going to be used rather than gasoline during the simulated attack. Smollett then drove the brothers home and provided them with a $3500 personal check made payable to Abel, which was backdated to January 23, 2019.

    On the morning of January 28, 2019, the date of the planned incident, the brothers purchased the clothing items at a local beauty supply store and the rope at a nearby hardware store, using the $100 bill that Smollett had given them. These purchases were corroborated by surveillance video and a receipt. Abel also deposited Smollett?s check that same day in his own bank account. Later that evening, the plan had changed and the time of the attack had to be pushed back because Smollett?s ?ight into O?Hare Airport from New York had been delayed by four hours. Smollett?s plane eventually landed at O?Hare at 12:30 AM on January 29, 2019. At 12:49 AM, there was a phone call between Smollett and Abel which lasted three minutes. During this call, Smollett told Abel the attack would take place at exactly 2:00 AM at the preset location. Minutes later Ola ordered an Uber ride share to his home to leave for the crime scene. Cell phone records and Uber records con?rm this call and
    the Uber ride.

    The brothers then took the Uber to the 1400 block of North Wells where they exited the Uber and ?agged down a taxi which took them to within three blocks of the arranged scene at approximately 1:22 AM. The taxi?s in?car video captures the brothers ?agging the cab and riding in the back seat.

    From approximately until approximately video evidence showed the brothers on foot in an area bordered by Lake Shore Drive on the east, Columbus Drive on the
    west, Illinois Street to the north, and the Chicago River to the south. Video evidence also showed that Smollett returned back to his apartment from the airport at approximately 1:30 AM. At 1:45 AM, Smollett left his building to walk to a nearby Subway restaurant at Illinois Street and McClurg Court At 2:00 AM, the brothers were at the intersection of New St. and North Water Street; however, Defendant Smollett did not arrive exactly at the preset

    time. The brothers then proceeded a quarter block north and waited near a bench until Smollett arrived, which was four minutes later. Surveillance cameras captured the brothers waiting at this location just prior to the staged attack. During Smollett?s interview on Good Morning America which aired on February 14, 2019, he identi?ed the people shown in a still of this surveillance video as his attackers. Also, during this interview, Smollett indicated that he was positive that these were his attackers. The two men in this video are in fact that Osundairo brothers.

    It was at this time, that the brothers staged the attack of Defendant Smollett just how Sm?ollett had instructed them. While the staged attack was occurring, a witness, who is an employee of NBC News Chicago, had just parked and exited her vehicle just around the corner from the location of the staged attack. This witness indicated that she heard nothing at the time the staged attack was occurring, despite the fact that Defendant Smollett told CPD detectives that his attackers were ?yelling? racial and homophobic slurs at him, and he in turn was ?yelling? back at them. The staged attack lasted 45 seconds, and it was just outside the view of the
    desired nearby camera that Smollett had pointed out to the brothers approximately 15 hours earlier.

    Approximately one minute later, video evidence showed the brothers run from the location, southbound toward the Chicago River and westbound toward Columbus Drive Video evidence also captured the brothers entering a taxi at the Hyatt Regency Hotel across the river at 02:10 A.M.

    Video evidence then showed that at 2:25 AM, the brothers exit the taxi on the 3600 block of North Marsh?eld Ave. and walk northbound. This was only a few blocks from the brothers? Lakeview apartment, which was also the original Uber pick up location to the staged crime scene. Video shows the brothers walking from where they were dropped off toward their home. Two minutes after the brothers exited the taxi, at 2:27 A.M., Defendant Smollett?s manager called the police to report the incident. At approximately 2:42 A.M., Chicago Police arrived at Smollett?s apartment. Chicago Police Of?cers observed that Smollett had a rope draped around his neck. This was captured on police body worn camera. Seconds later,
    Smollett asked the Police to shut off the cameras. Smollett then made a police report where he claimed he was the victim of an attack in which the offenders struck him while yelling racial and homophobic slurs. Smollett also reported that the offenders placed a rope around his neck, poured a liquid chemical on him, and told him this is Country.? Defendant Smollett also reported for the ?rst time, that three days prior, on January 26, 2019, he received a phone call from an unidenti?ed phone number in which an unidenti?ed male caller stated, ?Hey you little before ending the call. Smollett also told police that the incident happened near a camera, which he stated should have captured the attack. This is the same camera that Defendant Smollett pointed out to the Osundairo brothers in preparation of this staged attack. Smollett also told police that the initial and primary attacker (now known to be Abel Osundairo) was wearing a ski mask which covered his entire face, with the exception of his eyes and the area all around his eyes. Smollett stated to the police that he could see that the area around this person?s eyes was white-skinned. As stated earlier in this proffer, the Osundairo brothers are dark skinned male blacks. During the Good Morning America interview referenced earlier, Smollett stated ?And it feels like ifI had said it was a Muslim, or a Mexican, or someone black, I feel like the doubters would have supported me much more. A lot These statements by Smollett further misled the police and the public to believe that his attackers were white.

    On January 29, 2019 at 7:45 PM, just less than 18 hours following reported attack, Defendant Smollett placed a phone call to Abel and the duration of the call was ?ve seconds. Two minutes later, Abel called back Smollett and the call lasted 1 minute and 34 seconds. The brothers then boarded their ?ight to Nigeria and left the country. On January 30, 2019 at 10:46 AM, Defendant Smollett called Abel, who was in Istanbul Turkey, and the duration of the call lasted 8 minutes and 48 seconds.

    For the next two weeks, the Chicago Police Department investigated this matter as a Hate Crime. Chicago police were able to identify the Osundairo brothers as the alleged attackers through an extensive investigation using Surveillance Videos, Police Pod Videos, in?car taxi camera videos, rideshare records, credit card records, bank records, and a store receipt. On February 13, 2019, the brothers returned from Nigeria, landing at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, and they were detained by US Customs. Members of the Chicago Police Department then placed them into custody. That same evening, the Chicago Police executed a Search Warrant upon the Osundairo brothers? residence where they recovered evidence which linked Abel to the Empire TV show. Chicago Police already had determined that Ola was af?liated with the show as well[ Following their arrest and through consultation with their attorneys, the brothers agreed to c00perate in the investigation. As more evidence, such as text messages, phone records, social media records, bank records, surveillancevideo and the receipt from the purchase of the rope was obtained by nvestigators, the investigation shifted from a Hate Crime to a Disorderly Conduct investigation. The Cook County State?s Attorney?s Of?ce approved charges of Disorderly Conduct against Defendant Smollett at 6: 10 PM on February 20,2019. At 5:00 AM this morning (January 21,2019), Defendant Smollett was placed into custody at Area Central Chicago Police Headquarters.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

  3. #78
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    I predict he gets either zero jail time, or just a few months and let out early. But mostly I think it will be zero.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    I predict he gets either zero jail time, or just a few months and let out early. But mostly I think it will be zero.
    He's supposed to get THREE years for just the sending of the felonious envelope alone!!
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    What a dumbass! Not only did he payoff these guys to help him, but he did so using his CHECKBOOK, and it's all been proven.


    Video: Charles Barkley Torches Jussie Smollett: “Do Not Commit Crimes With Checks”

    Charles Barkley torched race attack hoaxer Jussie Smollett on the NBA on TNT Thursday night. Video clips posted online show Barkley cracking up co-hosts Shaquille O’Neal, Kenny Smith and Ernie “E.J.” Johnson. At one point Shaq laughed so hard he choked, doubled over and appeared to do a spit take (third screen image below).

    Best lines: “America, do not commit crimes with checks!”; “You wasted all that damn time and money. You know what you shoulda did? Just went up in Liam Neeson’s neighborhood!” and the “bologna and government cheese” sandwiches at Subway that you want to go out at 3 or 4 in the morning for (in second video clip below).

    Barkley and the NBA on TNT crew piled on with a graphic of a fake check made out to “MUGGERS” and another graphic mocking Smollett captioned, “Who me?”

    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    He's supposed to get THREE years for just the sending of the felonious envelope alone!!
    I know, right? But liberals control the narrative via the media, and that’s why he will likely be free.
    Even his TV show is only suspending him for two episodes, for now. Unreal.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    I smell a Nike ad campaign.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    I know, right? But liberals control the narrative via the media, and that’s why he will likely be free.
    Even his TV show is only suspending him for two episodes, for now. Unreal.
    Mind-boggling is it can look like crap, smell like crap, feel like crap ... but if the left says it isn't crap then it must be so. So much of everything wrong in this country right now is as obvious as the sun and it just gets ignored for politics. If these idiots actually believe saying it ain't so makes it not so, they have some serious issues with cognitive reasoning.

    Oh wait ... did I say "reasoning" and "lefties" in the same paragraph?
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    And why not? This scumbag is playing it smart. Even after the arrest, he went right back to the set, and apologized to his castmates but also told them he was 100% innocent. But he's also laying the roadwork on how best to get a minimum sentence. The proof? Some of it can be beat with a great lawyer like Mark Geragos, who I last heard he hired. But some of the other stuff on camera, and in text messages and other things, a judge would have to be in on it to somehow not find him guilty.

    So with that, his best deal is to work out a deal with prosecutors - hence him already lining up this drug crap and I also hear perhaps going to drug rehab in addition.

    A scumbag is a scumbag, nonetheless.


    Now Jussie Blames Drugs?

    You just knew this was coming:

    Jussie Smollett told cops he has an untreated drug problem — raising questions about whether he might try to use the claim to at least get any potential prison sentence reduced, according to a report Friday. The “Empire” star divulged his alleged drug problem after turning himself in Thursday morning on charges he filed a false police report involving a hate crime, TMZ reported.

    Prosecutors said Abimbola “Abel” Osundairo, one of the brothers who helped Smollett allegedly stage the Jan. 29 hate attack, served as Smollett’s drug dealer, selling him Molly several times since the spring of 2018.

    The 36-year-old actor, in claiming to have a drug problem, could be paving the way to use it as a “mitigating factor” when it comes to sentencing, the site said. In court documents, Smollett answered “no” to whether he had any mental or alcohol problems.
    I'm as tired of this non-story as you are, but the item above does raise an interesting question: why would alleged illegal drug use be a mitigating factor in any possible sentence? Does one alleged crime mitigate another? Our "criminal justice" system is not only a joke, it's also become a tool of the social-justice Left, excusing one pathology by the invocation of another.

    Jussie Smollett claims he has an untreated drug problem

    Jussie Smollett told cops he has an untreated drug problem — raising questions about whether he might try to use the claim to at least get any potential prison sentence reduced, according to a report Friday.

    The “Empire” star divulged his alleged drug problem after turning himself in Thursday morning on charges he filed a false police report involving a hate crime, TMZ reported.

    Prosecutors said Abimbola “Abel” Osundairo, one of the brothers who helped Smollett allegedly stage the Jan. 29 hate attack, served as Smollett’s drug dealer, selling him Molly several times since the spring of 2018.

    The 36-year-old actor, in claiming to have a drug problem, could be paving the way to use it as a “mitigating factor” when it comes to sentencing, the site said.

    In court documents, Smollett answered “no” to whether he had any mental or alcohol problems.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    And why not? This scumbag is playing it smart. Even after the arrest, he went right back to the set, and apologized to his castmates but also told them he was 100% innocent. But he's also laying the roadwork on how best to get a minimum sentence. The proof? Some of it can be beat with a great lawyer like Mark Geragos, who I last heard he hired. But some of the other stuff on camera, and in text messages and other things, a judge would have to be in on it to somehow not find him guilty.

    So with that, his best deal is to work out a deal with prosecutors - hence him already lining up this drug crap and I also hear perhaps going to drug rehab in addition.

    A scumbag is a scumbag, nonetheless.


    Now Jussie Blames Drugs?

    You just knew this was coming:

    I'm as tired of this non-story as you are, but the item above does raise an interesting question: why would alleged illegal drug use be a mitigating factor in any possible sentence? Does one alleged crime mitigate another? Our "criminal justice" system is not only a joke, it's also become a tool of the social-justice Left, excusing one pathology by the invocation of another.

    Jussie Smollett claims he has an untreated drug problem

    Jussie Smollett told cops he has an untreated drug problem — raising questions about whether he might try to use the claim to at least get any potential prison sentence reduced, according to a report Friday.

    The “Empire” star divulged his alleged drug problem after turning himself in Thursday morning on charges he filed a false police report involving a hate crime, TMZ reported.

    Prosecutors said Abimbola “Abel” Osundairo, one of the brothers who helped Smollett allegedly stage the Jan. 29 hate attack, served as Smollett’s drug dealer, selling him Molly several times since the spring of 2018.

    The 36-year-old actor, in claiming to have a drug problem, could be paving the way to use it as a “mitigating factor” when it comes to sentencing, the site said.

    In court documents, Smollett answered “no” to whether he had any mental or alcohol problems.
    "Jussie now blames drugs". Doesn't get you off the hook for committing a crime when you're drunk.

    What will get him off the hook is his "affluenza".
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    I can't believe this guy continues to deny what happened. And many of his supporters still claim it was a setup against him.


    Chicago PD Superintendent: ‘A Lot More Evidence’ Against Smollett

    Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson revealed “there is a lot more evidence” going against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett’s version of an alleged hate crime.

    Johnson said as of now, Smollett will still get his day in court, but he said physical evidence, video evidence and testimony “does not support the version he gave.”

    “[T]here’s a lot more evidence that hasn’t been presented yet and does not support the version he gave,” Johnson told ABC’s Robin Roberts.

    He added, “But there’s still a lot of physical evidence, video evidence and testimony that just simply does not support his version of what happened.”

    Johnson wanted to make it clear that the Chicago Police Department is not coming out against Smollett. Instead, he said the evidence, facts and witnesses are saying Smollett created a fake hate crime.

    “It’s important for people to recognize that it’s not the Chicago Police saying he did something,” he argued. “It’s the evidence, the facts and the witnesses that are saying this.”
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    "Jussie now blames drugs". Doesn't get you off the hook for committing a crime when you're drunk.

    What will get him off the hook is his "affluenza".
    The only way he gets off the hook at this point is if a jury lets him off. And actually it would have to be two juries, because he's going to face federal charges as well.

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