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    Default Liberal media & the left has a meltdown

    Just read that Rachel Maddow was nearly in tears, CNN is in shock - and all of those that outright declared that Trump will be indicted, Kushner will be indicted, Trump Jr. will be indicted - either making excuses or disappearing. I should have been posting every funny article I've read so far...


    Meltdown: MSNBC Threw The Biggest Tantrum Since Hillary’s Loss After Mueller Report Shows No Trump-Russia Collusion

    Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the mouth. For the Left, their allies in the media, and the Democratic Party, the drumming has been relentless, so severe that dental records might have to be used to identify their bashed in political personas. For two years, these anti-Trump forces said President Trump, his campaign, and the Kremlin colluded to tilt the 2016 election. They thought he was a Putin asset—all of this unadulterated crap that was backed up with zero evidence. Half the country knew this claim was trash. Half didn’t in a pathetic way to cope with the fact that Hillary Clinton will never be president.

    And then, there’s this Mueller investigation that started off as an FBI counterintelligence probe into possible collusion that was taken over by former FBI Director Robert Mueller, who was designated a special counsel by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, after Trump fired James Comey in May of 2017. The report took until yesterday to be submitted. We all knew it had nothing on Trump. Nothing. There are no new charges against anyone (via NYT) [emphasis mine]:

    The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, on Friday delivered a report on his inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election to Attorney General William P. Barr, bringing to a close an investigation that has consumed the nation and cast a shadow over President Trump for nearly two years.

    Mr. Barr told congressional leaders in a letter that he may brief them on the special counsel’s “principal conclusions” as early as this weekend, a surprisingly fast turnaround for a report anticipated for months. The attorney general said he “remained committed to as much transparency as possible.”

    In an apparent endorsement of an investigation that Mr. Trump has relentlessly attacked as a “witch hunt,” Mr. Barr said Justice Department officials never had to intervene to keep Mr. Mueller from taking an inappropriate or unwarranted step. The department’s regulations would have required Mr. Barr to inform the leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary committees about any such interventions in his letter.

    A senior Justice Department official said that Mr. Mueller would not recommend new indictments, a statement aimed at ending speculation that Mr. Trump or other key figures might be charged down the line.
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    Flashback: Howard Dean Incorrectly Predicts Mueller Will Indict Jared Kushner

    Appearing November 5th, 2017, on MSNBC, former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT) wrongly predicted special counsel Robert Mueller would indict President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner for money laundering as part of his investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

    “[W]e believe we may well have a criminal in the White House,” Howard Dean told host Keir Simmons.“Certainly, he has a special interest in the Trump family and their investments. And we think there is substantial likelihood that he has laundered money. That’s what his associates have been charged with. And so, this is a very serious matter. I don’t think this about politics, actually.”

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    Flashback: Steve Cohen Wrongly Predicts Mueller Will Indict Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner

    Appearing July 30th, 2018, on CNN, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) wrongly predicted to host Wolf Blitzer that President Donald Trump’s son and son-in-law — Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner — would be indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller as part of his investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

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    Flashback: John Brennan predicted additional Mueller indictments just 2 weeks ago

    Former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan predicted just two short weeks ago that President Trump’s family members or associates would be indicted in the special counsel’s probe.

    During an appearance on MSNBC on March 5, Brennan predicted that Mueller would issue indictments related to a “criminal conspiracy” involving Trump or his associates’ activities during the 2016 election. The forecast proved far off the mark on Friday after Robert Mueller ended his investigation without issuing new indictments.

    “If anybody from the Trump family … is going to be indicted, it would be in the final act of Mueller’s investigation because Bob Mueller and I think his team knows that if he were to do something, indicting a Trump family member, or if he were to go forward with an indictment on a criminal conspiracy involving U.S. persons that would basically be the death knell of the special counsel’s office,” Brennan told anchor Lawrence O’Donnell.

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    CNN forced to admit Mueller report vindicates Trump

    CNN pundits are admitting that Mueller’s final report vindicates President Donald Trump, undercutting the frenzied coverage the network has given the Russia investigation since its inception.

    Special counsel Robert Mueller submitted his report on Russian collusion to Attorney General Bill Barr on Friday, finally wrapping up a 22-month investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Watch Shameless Deep State Hacks Brennan, Clapper and McCabe LIE About Trump-Russia Collusion to American People

    Washington DC was abuzz all day Friday over Mueller’s impending report.
    After nearly two years of investigating President Trump and his associates for so-called ‘Russian collusion’ during the 2016 election, Mueller delivered a report to the Justice Department.

    Barr told Congress that Special Counsel Robert Mueller finished his investigation on the junk Trump-Russia allegations. Barr also told the lawmakers that there will be no more indictments of Trump officials regarding the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.

    This news devastated the American left. Rachel Maddow was in tears.

    Never forget that the top officials in the Obama DOJ and FBI who spied on the Trump campaign and later the Trump administration all went on national TV and lied to the American people about Trump-Russia collusion.

    Former CIA Director John Brennn, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, fired Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe and fired FBI Director James Comey all went on TV and claimed President Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.
    It was a lie. They knew it was a lie.

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    I'm guessing the tingling has went away?

    Must Watch: Chris Matthews Suffers an EPIC Meltdown Over the Mueller Report

    Perhaps no single reaction Friday night to the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation rivaled that of MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews, who was apoplectic, inconsolable, and irate at the notion the Mueller team will not offer any further indictments in hopes of criminal charges concerning Russian collusion. And even his most adored guests couldn’t avoid his scorn.

    Somewhere along the way, it never occurred to MSNBC that maybe a call should have been placed to Barack Obama to help calm Matthews down. Maybe that would have helped.

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    And I think it's more than Mueller - more than ever they have exposed themselves as political hacks, and liars on top of that.


    The American Media Destroyed Themselves over the Mueller Investigation

    With only a few exceptions — Fox News, the editorial pages (not the front pages) of the Wall Street Journal, and a handful of websites — the better part of the American media has spent the last two years fulminating about Trump-Russia collusion we now know never existed.

    Actually, we always knew that, but finally, it's official. It was always a bunch of — excuse the expression — trumped up baloney that made no sense except to those who wished so deeply to believe it was true.

    Which makes the people who were doing that fulminating — media, politicians and (usually retired) intelligence figures, who were, as is becoming increasingly clear, betraying the American Constitutional system with impunity — sick and evil.

    That may sound extreme, but it's the all-too-obvious truth. What they did is unforgivable, particularly since few, if any of them, will have the honesty or basic morals to apologize. Some, however, may go to jail.

    The provenance of what happened also couldn't be more obvious. People who considered themselves elite guardians of our country were so appalled by the possible election, and then the actual election, of the "barbarian" Donald Trump, they thought nothing of breaking the law and then exploiting it to bring Trump down. In so doing, consciously or unconsciously, they expressed their utter contempt for roughly half of their fellow citizens, not to mention their disdain for the electoral process and the law many of them swore to uphold.

    It was a conspiracy and, worse yet, a conspiracy ignited and carried out from within the FBI and the Department of Justice. Nothing could be more dangerous to a democratic society than that. How high this conspiracy went is still somewhat unclear. I say "somewhat" because the likelihood of it having reached into the White House of the previous administration is great. It's hard to imagine how it could have happened otherwise.

    These conspirators all worked in tandem, through leaks or directly, with the aforementioned media that has disgraced itself beyond words. The reputation of this media, never terrific, is in tatters and being washed, deservedly, down the drain. Anyone who believes a word they say from here on in should have his/her or zhe's head examined.

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Like I said, they wouldn't accept anything. And now they will continue to push and push any type of investigation they can. A congressional senate intelligence committee investigation found nothing. And a huge probe by Mueller and Co. found nothing. NOW they just want to push and hope and pray it will do damage enough to harm him for 2020. And now, I truly think the American people will start saying ENOUGH. Actually, those numbers started pointing in that direction a month ago or so.

    I said outright from the beginning - if they find anything, I would be the first to say toss him and lock him. Many on the left did say that they would accept Mueller's findings. And now, without even reading it - just the fact that he is done and said no more indictments - that's enough for them to already NOT accept it.


    Dem Rep. Lewis on Trump Impeachment Post-Mueller Report: ‘I Think That Day Will Come’

    Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) offered his thoughts on the completion of Department of Justice special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, which was submitted to Attorney General William Barr a day earlier.

    Lewis insisted Congress will demand the report be released to the public. The Georgia Democrat also said he still believed President Donald Trump’s impeachment was still inevitable.

    “I think that day will come,” Lewis said when asked by Reid about impeachment prospects. “I don’t think he’s legitimate. I said it back at the end of the election. I still believe that today.”

    This one apparently is in love with Mueller. A little sick in the head.

    Chelsea Handler Admits She’s ‘Very Sexually Attracted to Robert Mueller’

    Far-left comedienne Chelsea Handler has admitted she is “very sexually attracted” to FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller, just hours after he concluded his investigations into supposed collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

    On Friday evening, the Justice Department announced that Mueller had concluded his investigations into the matter and that he would not be recommending any more indictments against Trump or anyone else involved in his campaign.

    Yet despite the weight of disappointment felt by the majority on the Hollywood left, Chelsea Handler admitted that her obsession with the 74-year-old prosecutor may have been because she found him sexually attractive.

    “If I’m being completely honest, I am very sexually attracted to Robert Mueller,” she wrote on Twitter. “I know it’s not meant to be, but that doesn’t mean I won’t hang a poster of him above my bed.”

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    SO many of them. Great watching them squirm and sweat their way around this, and still try and convince viewers that Trump is 100% guilty, even without their own teams finding anything at all. But this one especially, one who spent 2 years on the subject almost entirely.


    Rachel Maddow appears to hold back tears after Mueller report, anti-Trump pundit forced to make stunning admission

    Crow, served hot and fresh

    After nearly two years of investigation, how would America react when special counsel Robert Mueller concluded his investigation? It's a question that finally received an answer Friday — and the result was what many expected.

    While supporters of President Donald Trump applauded Mueller's decision to pursue no additional indictments, the mainstream media, anti-Trump pundits, and Democrats — who for years have accused Trump's presidential campaign of impropriety in the 2016 election — did not take the news lightly.

    How did the media react?

    One of the most notable reactions of the night came when MSNBC host Rachel Maddow appeared to hold back tears as she reacted to Mueller's report. Maddow interrupted a vacation in Tennessee to cover the breaking news.

    "A couple of hours ago, or maybe even less than that, I was standing knee-deep in a trout stream in Tennessee," Maddow said to open her show. "But now it's Mueller time! And so I'm in a studio in the great state of Tennessee. The trout are basically just as safe as they were when I was flailing away at them ineffectually this afternoon."

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Now think about this for a minute. The left, the liberals, the supporters - ALL OF THEM. They are all disappointed that it was announced that there would be no more indictments.

    Shouldn't ALL of America be happy to find out that no collusion took place, and that are election process was fair and square, of course excluding what we have found out about the OTHER side doing to Trump.

    Now, we can move on, right? Of course not. But since we won't be, I sure as hell hope that the republicans push more and more and do more about what we know the left did.


    Mainstream media, celebrities stunned as Mueller report filed with no new indictments planned

    The mainstream media seemed to suffer a collective shock Friday evening after the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller handed its final report of its Russia investigation to the Department of Justice.

    MSNBC host Chris Matthews seemed livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel.

    “Maybe he missed the boat here,” Matthews said of Mueller. “Because we know about the Trump Tower meeting in June 2016, we know about the meeting at the cigar bar with Kilimnik [Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian political consultant]. My God, we know about all of those meetings with Kislyak [Sergey Kislyak, a Russian diplomat] at the Republican convention in Cleveland. All these dots we’re now to believe don’t connect.”

    The liberal cable news host was particularly upset that the president wasn’t indicted on obstruction of justice and never sat down for an interview with the special counsel.

    “Why was there never an interrogation of this president? We were told for weeks by experts, ‘You cannot deal with an obstruction-of-justice charge or investigation without getting the motive. ... How could they let Trump off the hook?” Matthews asked. “He will not be charged with obstruction of justice or collusion without having to sit down with the Special Counsel Mueller and answer his damn questions. How could that happen?”

    Matthews' primetime colleague, Rachel Maddow, was visibly emotional throughout her show.

    Maddow kicked off by telling her viewers she was reporting live from Tennessee because she felt she needed to interrupt her vacation to address the breaking news. She appeared to be holding back tears.

    "A couple of hours ago, or maybe even less than that, I was standing knee-deep in a trout stream in Tennessee," Maddow told her viewers. "But now it's Mueller time! And so I'm in a studio in the great state of Tennessee. The trout are basically just as safe as they were when I was flailing away at them ineffectually this afternoon."

    Meanwhile, several personalities on CNN were forced to admit that the announcement of the Mueller report was a positive development for the president.

    CNN’s chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin offered rare favorable commentary for President Trump, calling the end of the Mueller probe “really good news” for the commander-in-chief.

    "There has been a lot of suspicion around certain people. And a lot of negative things have been said and imputation of criminal activity,” Toobin told “Situation Room” anchor Wolf Blitzer. “Mueller has said, ‘I am not proceeding.’ There is no better news to receive than you are not being indicted by the United States government.”

    Later, CNN’s chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta said the White House was “quietly celebrating” and that the Trump administration was reacting to Mueller’s report with “a fair amount of glee.”

    “I talked to a Trump campaign adviser earlier this evening who said, ‘This was a great day for America and we won,’” Acosta told “AC360” anchor Anderson Cooper. “That’s how they feel right now.”

    Liberal celebrities also appeared surprised by the sudden end to the investigation.

    In Hollywood, “Real Time” host Bill Maher expressed disappointment but doubled down on his negative views of the president, whom he has often called a "whiny little b----."

    “Did the Democrats put too must trust in the Mueller report? Because I don’t need the Mueller report to know he’s a traitor. I have a TV,” Maher told his panel of guests.

    Outspoken anti-Trump comedian Chelsea Handler took to Twitter on Friday night and told her 8 million followers that she was “sexually attracted” to Robert Mueller.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Default Liberal media & the left has a meltdown

    Should Americans be glad that there was no collusion?

    Yes, and they are

    Elitist, Park Avenue left wing swine like Rachael Maddow and Chris Matthews on the other hand are not.

    Why? This is what identity politics does to us, folks. It makes us think we are part of some tribe instead of what we truly are, i.e. Americans.

    By the way ... when are the Maddows and Matthews planning on leaving the country as they threatened to if Trump were elected?
    How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin. - Ronald Reagan

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