Darkness Where Now Poe And Raven Reside,
(Part Five) - Of Six Total

Among the hideous, Poe's great love stood
Annabel, her beauty shining so well
Wretched souls glaring, free them if she could
From agony of this malignant hell.
She watched as Master Poe walked away
Noticing his limping, unsteady gait
And that broken smile as if to her say
I am sorry at your accursed Fate.

A glimpse of love and pity others lack
Perhaps a glimmer of- its not too late
Sweetest message- darling I want you back
You will see my clever plan just you wait.
Then onto the stage a small cage was brought
Its covering removed, there hissed a snake
With green dripping fangs, Annabel it sought
She knew, her very life was at a stake!

Seeing upon stage, black bag Poe had dropped
She raced over to find short sword inside
With it perhaps now the snake she could stop
As it was flowing with its coming slide.
Those watching this horrific scene went wild
With swiftest motion cutting off its head
Then overcome, she cried like a small child
Asking, is it, really and truly dead?

Its gushing black blood pouring at her feet
Again the crowd, gave her cheering applause
Such beloved hero to that snake defeat
Then a booming voice caused all there to pause.
The Hero had returned, sword in his hand
Annabel to save, he ran to her side
Shouting, my Fate, freeing all in this land
No longer my destiny will I hide!

With that heard, Poe every gate key threw
Save one he had given Hero before
Love had said, her release is overdue
For its help, Poe fallen down to implore.
Now poor wretched souls saw Hope was alive
Raven was summoned to stop their mad flight
Freedom's promise, on its lights they did thrive
But Raven had great powers in his might!

Robert J. Lindley, 5-13-2019
Dark Rhymes, ( As Raven And Poe Both Survive Below )
Part Five... (Of 6 total)

Syllables Per Line:
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables:400
Total # Words:306

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2019