Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
It's a shame. Illegal aliens are bleeding America, everything from health care that they use going into emergency rooms to having to teach them in Spanish.

We shouldn't be doing that in America.
... which is why, surely, having Trump for a President must be such a godsend to you. His policy, the whole direction of his Presidency: 'AMERICA FIRST'. He's strong against the issue of your southern border. He's strong on the matter of admitting those who there's good reason to believe hold 'values' which makes them enemies of your country.

Trump clearly has more work to do, though, and ensuring that teachers uphold the law, not defy it (!!) is clearly something deserving of his attention (or that of his Administration, at minimum).

Tyr's spot on. If teachers act in a way which proves they're NOT guardians of the values they represent that they SHOULD be teaching, then they have no right to be teachers. By what possible right do teachers opt out of responsible behaviour, when surely as teachers, they're role models for the kids in their charge ?

More ... to not report known illegals is to be complicit in their illegality (a point Tyr has addressed ... it isn't a matter of being 'police', but it IS a matter of being a responsible citizen). Arresting teachers who willfully do this, is surely no less than deserved ... and any case proven against an offending teacher should result in their never being allowed to teach again.

I fail to see how that isn't blindingly obvious.

Seems to me that President Trump has more than one swamp to drain.