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    Default Allah and Muhammad SAWS in my dreams

    Muhammad Qasim the dream man, who has been sharing his dreams on the internet for over 5 years. For the first time he has revealed himself on live tv for interview. Since he started sharing dreams, for years many people have asked to see his face. Every single video on youtube or a post on facebook, many comments would ask to see who this dreamer really is. After a very long time and thousands of requests he is on TV revealing himself to the whole world

    “Assalamu alaikum you are watching show live with Nadeem Siddiqui
    viewers people saw different types of dreams some dreams you saw while sleeping and some dreams you saw about them you don't know the meaning but all dreams have their importance some dreams are those about whom you asked for their interpretation and the interpretation of that dream is good and some dreams are those about whom people say to not to share them to others if is so in the history then Prophet Yusuf alaihissalam was into the The dungeon there was a person who said that their King had a dream please tell me about its interpretation and that dream become very famous and once Noor uddin zangi had a dream of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam comes into his dream and tell him that in Madina near my roza Mubarak some people are digging round roza Mubarak when nooruddin zangi went near the roza Mubarak he saw that there are two Jewish man who are digging and trying to reach roza Mubarak astagfirullah so dreams like this in which sometimes big and great personalities coming to your dream and if you had a dream Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then I will say that dream is very honoured today we have sir Muhammad Qasim who has seen great dreams and told us that he had his first dream when he was the kid he has seen Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the first time in the age of 13 and then ownwords in the age of 17 and then afterwads Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ala wasallam comes into his dreams many times
    Nd : So we welcome Muhammad Qasim in our show we want to ask you that when did you saw Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in your dream for the first time ?
    M.Qasim : when I saw Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ala wasallam for the first time my age was almost about 13 years
    Nd : what is the importance of the dream how do you feel and what do you feel when you had that dream ? What message do you get from your dreams?
    M.Qasim :says I will tell you the dream in that dream there is a small stadium and different kids playing cricket there and some of them were doing feilding and on different positions and two of them were doing bating one empire and one baller and my position was towards the third man there I look towards the VIP section so so that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had come there and Allah SWT asked Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam that whoever kid you want to choose choose him and tell me
    Then prophet Muhammad (PBUH) look towards all kids and in the end turn look towards me and then prophet Muhammad (PBUH) tell Allah SWT that I have choose that kid then I said that here are alot more better kids than me who are playing cricket more better than me then why prophet Muhammad (PBUH) only points towards me and the dream ended there
    Right after that day when I wake up i feel rohani happiness and i spend my day with happiness and playing alot and that day i never saw in my life again .
    Nd : but how a normal person can believe on these dreams ? How do you convince people about this ?
    M.Qasim : there's a hadees about this that whoever has seen Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his dream then that person has seen Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) because shaytan cannot copy the noble personality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) . so there is nothing to argue over this who ever seen the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has actually seen prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and that is not satan
    Nd: yes what you are saying is right but what message do you wanna give to viewers on rohani bases ?what do you want to tell about the alivating feeling that you have experienced ? What development had come into you cause of which you wanted to convey this message to whole muslim world ?
    M.Qasim : when i reached to the age of 17 the dreams i continuously started to receive the dreams so i also think that why these dreams are coming and what do they mean so i did not share about these dreams with anyone . And not even think right to share so on April 2014 i was commanded to chare my dreams with the muslim worlds there are some dreams that are related to the future events so in the dream of December 2014 prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) cone into my dream twice and command me to share my dreams to people to save islam and Pakistan so basically there is a planning in the dreams that told how to handle the up coming events for example you also tell us about hazrat yosuf A.S .that in the time of Prophet yosuf A.S there was a king who had a dream that there are seven thin cows who are eating the healthy cows so the interpretation of that dream which prophet yosuf A.S told that seven years of prosperity will come and after them the seven years will come of
    Famine and then they planed according to the dream and that's how they got saved from the severe famine. So the plannings that has been shown in these dreams that if we follow them then we can saved from big troubles.
    Nd: the dreams you saw and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) you saw in your dreams and the message you wanted to convey to the muslim world it is like you are conveying your feelings to the muslim world . Have you ever seen any dreams on your bases
    M.Qasim: says no i didn't see dreams on my own nor i have control on my dreams that i can even ask question so there is nothing like this mostly the message that has come in that dream is there are several types of shirk ,so we have to clear our country with those types of shirk and after that ALLAH's blessings will fall upon.
    Nd: says yes shirk is a legitimate and poor thing in islam
    M.Qasim: but if you saw the modern era then there are modern different types of shirks everywhere even in the dreams The stuff that has been shown to me that this thing come into shirk that thing come into the shirk so after that i realized
    Nd: says illegal acts in the world and the situation that is going in the world like with the time Muslims become weak so what do you feel that in coming time what will be the situation of Muslims and how Muslims got their Victory over their enemy ?
    M.Qasim: the thing that come in the dreams to me is that Muslim's situation become worse and worse and they keep on getting into dark so untill we praise ALLAH SWT .All the prophet that has come give the message that ALLAH is one even prophet Ibrahim A.S remove the statues and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the battle of fatah Makkah remove statues. now in present era you will see the statues in the muslim countries every where .
    Nd: so what do you think the situation in the Muslim world and their less attention towards deen and many countries going towards secularism and some countries are liberal so if we talk to consolidate all this what do you think what will be the situation that islam will rule over the entire world .
    M.Qasim: The thing that come to me in my dream is that the destruction will start in the middle east so on the other hand these dreams reach to the country's army chief and i explained to him .
    Nd: so tell me that you have seen such truthful dreams and ALLAH SWT has also give you some power to think .so what are your views in the light of these dreams that what will be the situation of Pakistan and the situation of muslim world ?
    M.Qasim: well about this what has come into my dreams is that Muslims will not pay more attention on the types of shirk and to get rid of them they don't give much attention that if this thing is a form of shirk they will ignore it you can say on the name of art and culture you can see small and big statues in the homes and even outside of homes so basically this is a form of shirk on the day of resurrection ALLAH SWT will forgive the sins of whoever ALLAH wants .
    Nd: shirk is a very hateful act in from of ALLAH SWT it is unforgivable .
    M.Qasim: whoever do shirk is actually harm itself so when we don't get rid of such things then ALLAH SWT will get angry
    Nd: so what thing do Muslim countries need to do to get rid of shirk? what will you suggest for this?
    M.Qasim: for this is that whatever statues and unnecessary pictures we have in our homes sometimes we hang the pictures of celebrities are unnecessary .
    Nd: tv, pictures,statues,in our childhood we have been told to not to hang the pictures in homes
    M.Qasim: so these all are the form of shirk,so as this thing is spreading Muslims are getting into darkness .
    Nd: so how Muslims can get their lost position back ?
    M.Qasim: they can't get it untill they remove shirk from their homes and even from their country . Untill that ALLAH SWT's help will not come . So whatever plan we made for the betterment and happiness of our country they cannot become successful . Because the help of ALLAH wasn't present with us in that . So when we protect ourselves from the shirk and the types then whatever the plan we made then ALLAH SWT will help us and when ALLAH SWT will help us then that plans will exactly go the way we planned them and then Pakistan fastly developed .
    Nd: I donot understand here that the removal of interest and the shirk and all the forbidden Islamic acts that are present in whatever form shall be removed so that the islamic presidential system will come
    M.Qasim: the meaning of Pakistan means pure land means the place that is clear and pure from shirk . because the meaning of Pakistan laillaha illallah so if the shurk and it's types will found in laillaha illalah then the help of ALLAH SWT will not come .
    Nd: so you think that on the basic level the removal of shirk is very important
    M.Qasim:yes exactly and the thing that comes to me in the dreams is that ALLAH help me because i try to protect myself from shirk and it's types . As you can see that the people who believed on my dreams are those whom i've never met in my life not even i talk to them . I have never talked to them but they believe on my dreams so all this is the help of ALLAH
    Nd: the situation in middle east like iraq,libnan,yemen there the situation that is going with the Muslims who are unstable in these countries what do you say about them untill when their situation will get better ? What do you think that what message do we need to give to the muslim ummah so that they can get reunited .what step do they need to take that the Muslims in the whole world become powerful and tookover the whole world ?
    M.Qasim: well regarding this what i have seen in the dreams that alot of destruction will happened in the middle east and Muslims also lost turkey . And many of the areas of the middle east will also lost from our hands .
    Nd: viewers we will continue from here please stay with us .”

    Link of The Interview: (Part 1) (Part 2)

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    Does it cover mohammed and his pedophile ways too?
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Another noobie drive by spam!

    Again, no introduction at all...just burst in drop a load, and depart.

    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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    Nd : So we welcome darin in our show we want to ask you that when did you saw big booty bitches (PBUTT) in your dream for the first time ?
    darin : when I saw big booty bitches sallallahu ala wasallam for the first time my age was almost about 13 years
    Nd : what is the importance of the dream how do you feel and what do you feel when you had that dream ? What message do you get from your dreams?
    darin :says I will tell you the dream in that dream there is a small stadium and different Veterans playing grab-ass there and some of them were doing lines of blow and on hookers, in different positions and two of them were doing yucky-cookie one Marine and one Sailor and my position was towards the third man there I look towards the enlisted club section so that a big booty bitch (PBUTT) had come there and a PFC asked the big booty bitch, sallallahu dependhi pottomous that whoever you want TriCare from, choose the E3 and claim him. Then Big Booty Bitch (BBB) (PBUTT) look towards all lower enlisted and in the end turn look towards me and then BBB (PBUTT) tell Gunny that she had chosen that E2 then I said that here are a lot higher ranks than he like those who are pew-pewing at goat-fuckers, even a Staff Sergeant! Then to me the BBB (PBUTT) said she only wants me and the dream ended there.
    Right after that day when I wake up i feel nausea and i spend my day vomiting and playing with myself and taking 800mg motrin out of fear I would never see my Retirement check again .
    Nd : but how a normal person can believe on these dreams ? How do you convince people about this ?
    darin : there's a Strictly Veterans Facebook group that whoever joins has seen BBB (PBUTT)'s power and validates this dream - Those veterans have seen also the fore-runner to a DependaPottomous (PBUTT) because ex-strippers cannot help but copy the noble twerking that attracts the lower enlisted.
    Nd: yes what you are saying is right but what message do you wanna give to viewers on Fort Bragg and Fort Benning bases? what do you want to tell about the alleviating feeling of next-morning regret, when they awaken in their beds with The Clap and a pregnant ex-stripper who convinced him to buy a 2010 V6 Mustang for $25000 at 48% interest? What development had come into you cause of which you wanted to convey this message to whole Soldier and Veterans world ?
    darin: I would tell the E2 or E3 to avoid the temptations of the strip clubs. Avoid a car dealership within 30 miles of base. Use two condoms. Tag-out. Call your squad leader to extract you from the clenches of the BBB (PBUTT).

    @Gunny @CSM
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Ok Darin, that made me laugh.
    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
    Thomas Jefferson

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    NONE of these sons a bitches EVER debate. They join, dump a load of pathetic propaganda, and then GONE.

    I'd ban these cock suckers as fast as they could join and drop their load of crap if the board was mine.

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