Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
They are uber-nationalists since way before the US was even bumped into by vikings and before any ayatollah's. A quick "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" deal isn't going to change that. EVEN IF we somehow miraculously aided and abetted a coup, they'd turn on us before the smoke cleared.

I am by no means for letting Iran off the hook. I just don't want to see all these dumbass politicians making deals with Satan's son to kill Satan. I say we take out the regime on our own, then leave with the warning: get your shit straight or we'll be back to blow you up again as many times as it takes. Of course, when has this country EVER held to a committment like that?

Iran has also been cozying up to Russia, lest anyone forget. So has Erdogan in Turkey. Those countries border each other from the Baltic to the Indian Ocean. Just sayin'

That's been my take from the get go. Russia's proxie. Russia too has been 'challenging' in the air around Alaska and on the seas. Not exploding mines or shooting, but still provocative.