Now this will be interesting:

AOC Sued For Blocking People On Twitter
JOHN SEXTONPosted at 10:41 pm on July 9, 2019

Earlier today Ed wrote about the 2nd Circuit decision that President Trump may not block people on Twitter on the grounds that it constitutes viewpoint discrimination for what are defacto government communications. Now Fox News reports Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being sued for blocking Republicans from her Twitter feed.

Former Democratic New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind filed a lawsuit against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. in federal court on Tuesday for blocking users on Twitter based on their personal viewpoints, following a federal appeals court ruling earlier in the day barring President Trump from doing the same.

“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has blocked me on Twitter yesterday apparently because my critique of her tweets and policies have been too stinging,” Hikind said in a statement announcing the suit, which was filed in the Eastern District of New York and obtained by Fox News.

“Just today the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a ruling that elected officials cannot block individuals from their Twitter accounts, thereby setting a precedent that Ocasio-Cortez must follow,” he added. “Twitter is a public space, and all should have access to the government officials on it.”

One of the arguments in Trump’s case is that he regularly breaks news on his Twitter account, therefore blocking progressive trolls cuts them off from important communications from the president. Of course, it doesn’t really cut them off. They can always log out and view his feed and any important news would immediately be retweeted by lots of people who don’t block those same users. But the court said Trump can’t do it so it would seem AOC can’t do it either. After all, the same circumstances apply. She’s a government representative who regularly makes news on Twitter. Hikind’s full complaint can be found here.

I'm not certain the same standards would apply 'to any government official.'

On of the things Trump does a bit differently is use his Twitter as a way of communicating not only with the people, but also with and against heads of state, etc. He has paid staff to post on his feed. He has acknowledged using Twitter as a form of campaigning and communicating.

Prior to his being elected, no question of his being able to block folks. My guess is the same when he leaves.

It will be interesting to see how the court rules on the other challenges, it may well become that any elected official who chooses social media as mode of communicating, will not be able to block trolls and those that just disagree with them.