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    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar View Post
    Let him move on. He's convinced he is superior to all of us that have seen and done things that he cannot imagine..
    Yet he hides in his little basement, telling us how great he is. A punk Wimp!
    Oh I know, I have no personal issues with him, just with some crap he writes like above. I had not even posted yet, But you, Gunny,
    HPD, Tyr, Russ, Drummond... but the comment was about the majority here, the "abundance" of members. Its one thing when brushes are of parties, but large brushes about members here is a different aim.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Coming from you? LOL

    A foreigner who comes here and talks down to us like one of our own self loathing democrats. A young, large mouthpiece, who's never done jack shit but complain, is going to again talk down to folks much much better than him who have actually DONE things in this world, other then whine and complain before they're even out oh HS.

    DO something in this world before you talk sensibilities out of your ass some more. And YES, it does account for more when someone has done more than graduate HS and complain about it, or perhaps picket a dairy farm

    Takes more than a large mouth to go places in this world. What you don't apparently have, which will be a requirement in life... well its sad at times watching such people later in life.

    meanwhile, everyone here mostly have families, full careers, multiple degrees & many who served our country in addition to other careers. Have raised families & been through things you've yet to experience in this world. And you still sit back like you're somehow better. That's laughable in several ways.

    I'll remember just how smart you think you are when you avoid 99/100 threads that prove things incorrect about the pathetic and whiny liberals. Or if the so sensible muslim next kills someone, and remind myself just what it is you take the time to comment on, and what you ignore, and the lack of sensibilities among the members here.
    Thank you for this thoughtful, extensive, and direct personal insult.
    If you also agree that an animals suffering should be avoided rather than encouraged, consider what steps you can take.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    It’s a statement on the lack of sensibility to be found (apparently in abundance) on this forum.
    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Coming from you? LOL

    A foreigner who comes here and talks down to us like one of our own self loathing democrats. A young, large mouthpiece, who's never done jack shit but complain, is going to again talk down to folks much much better than him who have actually DONE things in this world, other then whine and complain before they're even out oh HS.

    DO something in this world before you talk sensibilities out of your ass some more. And YES, it does account for more when someone has done more than graduate HS and complain about it, or perhaps picket a dairy farm

    Takes more than a large mouth to go places in this world. What you don't apparently have, which will be a requirement in life... well its sad at times watching such people later in life.

    meanwhile, everyone here mostly have families, full careers, multiple degrees & many who served our country in addition to other careers. Have raised families & been through things you've yet to experience in this world. And you still sit back like you're somehow better. That's laughable in several ways.

    I'll remember just how smart you think you are when you avoid 99/100 threads that prove things incorrect about the pathetic and whiny liberals. Or if the so sensible muslim next kills someone, and remind myself just what it is you take the time to comment on, and what you ignore, and the lack of sensibilities among the members here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Thank you for this thoughtful, extensive, and direct personal insult.
    I will admit that it was a useless comment to this thread. It really offered nothing and perhaps my reply and your original post could have been moved but I planned on no more entry on this. But do you not acknowledge own post? Which is what I was replying to? Do you truly think that your post was thoughtful, extensive and not an insult to some on this board? Then you think somehow it was better than my comment?

    I apologize for reading your comment and replying as I did, I should have just taken higher road and moved on but sometimes I wake up early and get agitated before I have my coffee but still not a great excuse. And my apologies to all readers for not taking my own advice as of late.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Leave the religion and you die. Apostasy is not accepted in their cult.

    Gay? No closet for you! Instead you get death.

    Cheat on hubby? Buried to your waist and stoned in head to death.

    Raped? You better have witnesses, or you're dead again.

    Women's rights? Surely you're kidding?

    Non-believer? Dead.

    Blasphemy? Perhaps head cut off, or sat in chair in desert and shot with an RPG.

    Simply be be born Jewish.

    And the right condemns. The Democrats pretty much ignore any and all issues related to such - well, the Dems pretty much ignore all of the tough questions.

    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Leave the religion and you die. Apostasy is not accepted in their cult.

    Gay? No closet for you! Instead you get death.

    Cheat on hubby? Buried to your waist and stoned in head to death.

    Raped? You better have witnesses, or you're dead again.

    Women's rights? Surely you're kidding?

    Non-believer? Dead.

    Blasphemy? Perhaps head cut off, or sat in chair in desert and shot with an RPG.

    Simply be be born Jewish.

    And the right condemns. The Democrats pretty much ignore any and all issues related to such - well, the Dems pretty much ignore all of the tough questions.

    Yet the dem party is faithful and firm allies to that murdering cult even tho its 1400+ year history shows it is a murder cult that has only death to deliver to any and all that opposes its world enslaving goal!
    Mainstream media covers for the dem party in that unholy and absolutely insane alliance!
    Dem party is now a group that actively works to destroy this nation, our freedoms and our rights. --Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 07-18-2019 at 03:04 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Oh I know, I have no personal issues with him, just with some crap he writes like above. I had not even posted yet, But you, Gunny,
    HPD, Tyr, Russ, Drummond... but the comment was about the majority here, the "abundance" of members. Its one thing when brushes are of parties, but large brushes about members here is a different aim.
    Noir's blindness does not bother me, nor does his insults. In fact, they are an affirmation that I am indeed on the right path. -Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Thank you for this thoughtful, extensive, and direct personal insult.
    I've just now caught up with the latest posts on this thread.

    Noir .. my 'take' on this is that you've deserved the comments you've had (especially Jim's).

    I believe that you're so opinionated, so smugly 'sure' of yourself and what drives you, that nobody's comments, here, will matter a damn to you. You won't learn from them. You won't be open to any consideration that your self-invented sense of moral 'superiority' deserves the smallest criticism.

    In fact, Noir ... to me, you're the 'poster boy' here for all I say is true of the Left. Your greatest worth to me, here on this forum, is to prove that by perfect illustration.

    You have your 'principles'. You have your 'worldview'. You have the agenda which you think all of this deserves you to have. And, from that point on, yours is a totally closed and blinkered mindset. A thoroughly unchanging and fossilised mindset.

    If anyone has anything to teach you, you won't respond with anything other than lofty judgmentality against whatever greater wisdom comes your way. You see your role here AS a teacher, I think, of 'enlightened' values (with you as the only one seeing them that way).

    .... So ... who appointed you to this role, anyway ?

    You just don't get that there are people here who'll have had experiences, who will have lived lives, in the REAL world; that LIFE has been their teacher. You don't get that the US, in its role as the most powerful nation on earth, in real terms the greatest single guardian of free and civilised values this world has ever seen, has become, by just being that, THE target for all evil beliefs, influences and powers, who want to see those values crushed and replaced by their backward and savage alternative(s). You don't get that the US, just by existing as it does, by being what it CHOOSES to be, is forced into an ideologically (and worse) combative role against those adversaries.

    Our own home-grown Anjem Choudary, for example, makes his wished-for defeat of the West in general, and America in particular, VERY clear indeed. He, and all like him, are the enemy of free-thinking non-Muslims everywhere.

    Along comes a know-it-all Leftie, who thinks that Muslims deserve to be defended, considered, deferred to. Why ? Because some cloud-cuckooland belief, NOT grounded in reality but in total defiance of it, thinks this is the 'enlightened' thing to do.

    And ... to hell with reality, and any evidence pointing you to it. To hell with fighting for what's good and decent, realistically so. Eh, Noir ?

    Yours is the mindset dreaming of a fictional 'nirvana'. It has zero relevance to today's realities, Noir. You need to be receptive, not judgmental. You need to have an open, not a closed, mind.

    But ... FAT CHANCE, eh ? You'll never do it.

    So prove me wrong, @Noir. I challenge you to.
    Last edited by Drummond; 07-18-2019 at 12:27 PM.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post

    Best post of this thread .

    You guys piling on Noir give it a rest, he's doing NOTHING that many conservatives on this board aren't also doing. How many of YOU listen to opposing views and think "hmm , maybe I was wrong about this?" Because I can tell you one damn thing that many on this board definitely need to learn, Trump aint always right. Oh and here's another. You're not liberal scum who deserves to die if you don't agree with every aspect of conservative dogma.

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    I apologized for my own actions/words. i told him i would ignore going forward, and i honor my word. I have no issue in doing so. i can appreciate anyone who would be supportive of either member , but not necessary.


    lets get back to the topic, as it's a good one, imo. my one post on islam stands, and literally cannot be denied.

    and odd thing is, the dems find less contempt for any of them - and more for Trump and/or the right. do they REALLY believe in those things?

    one is more dangerous, and the other is the bigger enemy to the US.

    and it matters not which group you place in either position. IMO.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

    That is the relationship the radical dem party in America and islam have. They both hate Christians, Jews, and now it's pretty obvious... AMERICA and it's CONSTITUTION. I'd say they're both, equally dangerous to the United States of America and it's citizens.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 07-18-2019 at 01:40 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
    Best post of this thread .

    You guys piling on Noir give it a rest, he's doing NOTHING that many conservatives on this board aren't also doing. How many of YOU listen to opposing views and think "hmm , maybe I was wrong about this?" Because I can tell you one damn thing that many on this board definitely need to learn, Trump aint always right. Oh and here's another. You're not liberal scum who deserves to die if you don't agree with every aspect of conservative dogma.
    In the final analysis, could it just be that one side is right, and the other is wrong ?? Given a choice between one set of beliefs, a worldview, grounded in the real world, recognising and responding to all that happens in that world .. versus, one that's built on a philosophy believed in just because its Utopianist vision somehow seems 'better' .. whether it's pure fantasy, OR NOT ... I'll go with the one grounded in reality, any day of the week.

    In my early teens, thanks to youthful idealism, I was where Noir is, now. I had my Utopian worldview. What looked good on paper, what 'seemed' superior, was what I argued for. Then, I faced reality. I saw that 'Socialists' were tearing my own Society apart, driven by selfish greed.

    I came to understand that any beliefs and worldview had to serve, not dictate to, the truth of human nature. You had to deal with reality in ITS terms. So I turned my back on Socialist drivel, and the older I've become, so, the more I've hated Socialist delusion as the ENEMY it is.

    Noir could learn, as I did. But I don't think it'll happen ... he's way too preachy, way too judgmental. Me .. I expected my beliefs to be proven. I waited for that proof. I witnessed the EXACT OPPOSITE. I learned how utterly wrong I was.

    My mind was open. I don't think Noir's is. But, as ever, I hope for proof I'm wrong.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    I apologized for my own actions/words. i told him i would ignore going forward, and i honor my word. I have no issue in doing so. i can appreciate anyone who would be supportive of either member , but not necessary.


    lets get back to the topic, as it's a good one, imo. my one post on islam stands, and literally cannot be denied.

    and odd thing is, the dems find less contempt for any of them - and more for Trump and/or the right. do they REALLY believe in those things?

    one is more dangerous, and the other is the bigger enemy to the US.

    and it matters not which group you place in either position. IMO.
    The answer is the same as it ever is. No, the Dems don't believe that Trump, Christians, or the right are more dangerous than Islam. Democrats believe in NOTHING so they can easily defend anything that they perceive as giving them more power. That's the only reason the Dems take ANY position. Does it give them more power.

    Look at the weasel Joe Biden as proof of that, for nigh on 40 years that old shit bird has seen political gain in defending the Hyde Amendment, but the MOMENT he thought being against it woud bring him more power, he suddenly became against it.

    15 years ago every single Democrat who is in Congress now and was then was solidly anti illegal immigration. Hell 10 years ago they were, today what's changed? Oh well they thin being for it will give them more power so they are for it.

    Democrats are SCUM who lack any principles or moral guidelines whatsoever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
    The answer is the same as it ever is. No, the Dems don't believe that Trump, Christians, or the right are more dangerous than Islam. Democrats believe in NOTHING so they can easily defend anything that they perceive as giving them more power. That's the only reason the Dems take ANY position. Does it give them more power.

    Look at the weasel Joe Biden as proof of that, for nigh on 40 years that old shit bird has seen political gain in defending the Hyde Amendment, but the MOMENT he thought being against it woud bring him more power, he suddenly became against it.

    15 years ago every single Democrat who is in Congress now and was then was solidly anti illegal immigration. Hell 10 years ago they were, today what's changed? Oh well they thin being for it will give them more power so they are for it.

    Democrats are SCUM who lack any principles or moral guidelines whatsoever.
    Since I'm not American, I'm going to lack an insight into the Dems that pretty much any American could be expected to have. In my limited way ... I see them as a weak version of the Socialists we see over here. Full-blooded Socialists are a lot worse.

    America has never seen full Socialism applied to its society. I pray that it never will.

    Isn't it true that, several generations ago, Woodrow Wilson was pro-segregationist, one generation later than Abraham Lincoln, who had more 'enlightened' philosophies driving him ? Seems to me that this shifting of beliefs and policies has been true of the Democrats for much if not all of their history.

    The one sure thing is that, like the UK's Socialists, they'll say and do whatever it takes to win power. Which is one very good reason for never trusting any of them.
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    Since I'm not American, I'm going to lack an insight into the Dems that pretty much any American could be expected to have. In my limited way ... I see them as a weak version of the Socialists we see over here. Full-blooded Socialists are a lot worse.

    America has never seen full Socialism applied to its society. I pray that it never will.

    Isn't it true that, several generations ago, Woodrow Wilson was pro-segregationist, one generation later than Abraham Lincoln, who had more 'enlightened' philosophies driving him ? Seems to me that this shifting of beliefs and policies has been true of the Democrats for much if not all of their history.

    The one sure thing is that, like the UK's Socialists, they'll say and do whatever it takes to win power. Which is one very good reason for never trusting any of them.
    I feel pretty confident in speaking on this subject since I have a PhD in History .

    Lincoln would have happily kept blacks in slavery if it would have kept the Union together. His primary objective was avoiding a Civil War. He did not want war, for he knew the long term consequences would be devastating.

    However once there was war he realized that there was no going back to any form of slavery.

    He didn't free the slaves because he believed slavery was wrong, He did it from a pragmatic point of view. He fully realized that freeing the slaves was the ONLY way to heal this nation once the war was over.

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