Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Would you rather be in a shopping mall when suddenly an intended mass murderer pulls out a knife or a gun?

Would you of preferred all the rioters had access to guns aswell?
I would prefer that I be allowed as a law abiding citizen to also protect myself, my family and other innocent people when my life or theirs was threatened by any crazed armed gunman!!!! I can not do that as things now stand , as government and Dems have made it very perilous for a man to defend oneself or others even when directly threatened with death or other serious harm. (yet in Chicago, their favorite voting block goes armed and murders daily, weekly, monthly at a staggering rate-with the Dems doing their best to hide that glaring fact/reality)
To defend myself and others, I must be allowed my Constitutional right to bear arm --without having to endure additional attacks, searches and violations of myself by law enforcement or any other agencies that want to keep me as a damn slave in desperate need of their damn overbearing stewardship, and arrogantly proclaimed bullshit so-called help..

We that have such ability are denied that Constitutional right because the dem party--in its socialist/liberal ideology fears us and wants a nation completely unarmed --where the central government is --ALL POWERFUL-- and functions as did a feudal kingdom or a dictatorship.
Yes, Noir, you get to ignore my posts because long ago I so refuted your stupidity(leftist/socialist type ideology) so damn truly , utterly and convincingly -- that running away was your only course to take.
Cold, hard truth-- something that the lying dems, libs and other vermin hate with monumental passion, fear and loathing..
A solid gold fact.--Tyr