Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
Actually, your premise is incorrect for the simple assumption you state:

You insist on framing perfected good fighting perfected evil. Man, which in the non-pc lexicon is synonymous to human, the individual, is not perfect. That would be God.

By your definition, which you create off the basis of your own thoughts, anyone not fitting your created definition is incapable of passion or compassion. Yeah, that I will reject as a premise. We join in the community for the survival of all-consciously or not, agreeing to provide and protect the whole body. We do that as individuals-anything else is a Hobbesian choice.

We are individuals, but we are social beings. Anyone subsumed by either is what we'd call 'not quite right.' Those are the psychopaths and they don't know or care about your 'right' and 'left.' We all need to make those basic needs, thus willing take up basic rights which we have more or less defined in the Declaration and Bill of Rights. If scarcity comes, we fail to provide for the whole those basics, then the individual will only use the means of the community to ensure the survival of their own individual. It all falls apart.

There are extreme far right individuals, which you seem incapable of understanding their existence, because with your construct, they cannot exist.

The right is for less government, not an abolishment of such. That would be anarchy-which is also something that is a desire by the far left. Note that. The extremes only sound different, their end game is the same. Both are seeking their definition of 'perfection' which both mean they would control the apparatus to destroy those they deem not.

It's easier to see your 'enemies' as complete evil doers, the terrorists seem able to do that with both individuals, countries, even systems of government.
If I've learned anything, it's that the Left can use equivocation. They build on it, see it as a basis for making inroads. Me, I'd rather not grant them that advantage.

Human nature is not perfect. I've never said it is. However .. it's completely fundamental to all of us. So, it makes sense to suppose that the best of all political philosophies will be one that works with it, to serve it. Right wing political thought does that.

The Left does pretty much the opposite to that. The Left try to mould human nature to fit their own agenda. They don't serve. They dictate.

The worst dictators this world has ever seen have been creatures of the Left.

You have jumped on a 'good v evil' comparison. I say again: human nature isn't perfect, so why you've inferred a 'good v evil' absolute to my argument ... I don't know. My basic point is one of fitting jigsaw pieces together ... a political philosophy fitting well with that it's meant to serve, will do a better job than will the jigsaw piece which sees Lefties try to reshape the 'fit' so that the one can relate to the other ... but by force and manipulation.

You do the best you can. Right-wing political thought is the best there is. Which is why it needs to succeed.

I've seen the application of its polar opposite. Result ... chaos, misery, destruction. Because Socialism cannot be made to work. Human nature intervenes, always.

You say we're social creatures. I agree. The Left sees that as a means to an end. The Right does not. THAT is the point.

Kath, your tendency towards finding a middle ground, with the natural effect coming from it of equivocation, waters down the inevitable political battle necessary to combat the Left. The British, with our natural cultural inclination of striking balances, has all too often given the Left its opening to influence and gain power. You see where that has led us.

Nothing I can say will convince you I'm right. Which is why I'm not trying too hard to prove the point. I can only say that the path you choose to tread is a familiar one in my society. It has led us to where we are today.

I'll leave you to decide whether it's all been a 'good thing'.

Have I already been proven right ?

Some would say it's in the eye of the beholder. But I know what I believe ... well, I should !!