Quote Originally Posted by CSM View Post
In that we can agree. If we don't like the law, CHANGE IT! There are processes in place to do so, including for amending the COTUS. I too understand and empathize with the fireman. He was trying to do the right thing. However, as has been said before, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
And we've came full circle, because that's what I said from the start. If I were Trump that would be my sole concession to the left. NOTHING the left proposes to do would prevent shootings. THIS would if not prevent at least weed out legal gun owners , or at least most of them. Sure a few stubborn assholes would end up being arrested and charged but the vast majority of people who just carry firearms in public to make a point would not do so if it were outright illegal , allowing the police to further narrow down their attention to those who truly intend to do harm, rather than wasting time on poeple who are simply carrying AR15s around because they are assholes.