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    Default Latest Epstein Updates

    Bernard Kerik should and would know about the inside of the prison system. There were cameras that would identify who went to Epstein's cell. Wanna bet NOTHING is found, or the camera wasn't working, or wasn't recording?


    Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik: Cameras in Hallway Will Show Who Entered Jeffrey Epstein Prison Cell and at What Time

    Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik joined Sean Hannity on Monday to discuss the surprise death of multi-millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein on Saturday in the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Lower Manhattan.

    Kerik, as the former NYPD Commissioner, is very familiar with the prison. Kerik also ran the Department of Prisons in New York for six years involving about 133,000 inmate admissions a year.

    Bernard Kerik told Sean there should be video from the hallway outside of Epstein’s prison cell.

    Bernard Kerik: I think there is a couple things the Attorney General is going to focus on, primarily Sean. Who authorized him to come off of suicide watch? Was he put in a buddy system? Was there a secondary system in that cell? The reporting is, there was. That person was removed. I can tell you I know that housing area that he was in quite well. In the northside and the southside of the hallway where those cells are, there are cameras overhead. So you’ll be able to see who went in the cell, who came out of the cell. There’s no camera facing in the cell. So you wouldn’t see inside.

    Sean Hannity: But we would know the time he was last checked on…

    Bernard Kerik: Sean, that area that he was in, 9 South, historically those bed checks are 15 to 30 minutes. A bed check is looking into a cell, identifying the person that’s in there and they have to guarantee that they’re breathing. If they can’t see that they’re breathing, once they see the body they have to wake the person up to make sure they’re alive. I cn tell you if those checks were not done, that’s going to be one of the irregularities that the Attorney General’s talking about.

    Rudy Giuliani on Epstein’s Death: “What Happened Here is Mind-Boggling, It’s impossible to Happen”

    Former New York City Mayor and Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani joined America’s Newsroom on Tuesday to discuss the death of Jeffrey Epstein at the MCC in Manhattan.

    Rudy said, “What happened here is mind-boggling. It is impossible to happen.”

    Rudy added, “This argument over whether he was on suicide watch or not is like, silly. Because if he wasn’t on suicide watch he should have been ‘on watch.’ The guy was a high risk prisoner. Wasn’t he? He’s a guy where there are probably 50 very important people who had a motive to kill him. We don’t even know who they are. I’m not acknowledging that any of the people named. But it’s true there are some people who are in a lot of trouble because of Epstein.

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    Epstein Boasted He Had Dirt on Powerful People – Including Tech Oligarchs – Was Ready to Talk

    Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein told New York Times columnist James Stewart that he had dirt on many very powerful people, including the tech oligarchs.

    Mr. Stewart visited Epstein at his mega mansion in Manhattan last August where he bragged about knowing an “astonishing number of rich, famous and powerful people.”

    “He had the photos to prove it,” Stewart wrote, adding that Epstein claimed to have very damaging and embarrassing information on some very prominent names in the tech industry, although he didn’t drop any specific names.

    “He said people in Silicon Valley had a reputation for being geeky workaholics, but that was far from the truth: They were hedonistic and regular users of recreational drugs. He said he’d witnessed prominent tech figures taking drugs and arranging for sex (Mr. Epstein stressed that he never drank or used drugs of any kind),” Stewart wrote.

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    BOOM! Dr. Marc Siegel: Odd That Autopsy Delayed – Have Never Seen Anyone Taken Off Suicide Watch in Two Weeks

    Dr. Marc Siegel joined Mark Stein on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss the unusual death of Jeffrey Epstein.

    Siegel pointed out several unusual lapses in procedure the night of his death.

    Dr. Marc Siegel: Where were the cameras? Where were the observation? Why wasn’t he being observed? For someone who had supposedly been on suicide watch, me as a physician, no psychiatrist would take a person off of suicide watch in this kind of condition, sex offender and just, “He’s fine. He says he’s fine.” That’s not how a psychiatrist would act…

    Mark Stein: So basically after six days on suicide watch his suicidal tendencies cleared up. That’s the official position. That’s ridiculous from a medical point of view!

    Dr. Marc Siegel: I have never seen that in all my years of practice. It doesn’t happen. Suicide is something that comes on over a long period of time. Severe depression would not go away. No self-respecting psychologist would ever say, “OK, he’s no longer suicidal.” It lingers… You shouldn’t have the kind of bed sheets that you can hang yourself. You should have paper bedsheets and you shouldn’t have any place that you can hang yourself from. The ceiling is too high for that. You shouldn’t be able to do it from a bed, from a door, or anything like that… It’s clearly very, very unusual for him would be taken off suicide watch, put in a room where he’s unobserved and no cameras are pointing at him.
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    REPORT: 6′ 0″ Epstein Found Hanging in Jail Cell from His Bed with Prison sheet Wrapped Around His Neck

    Jeffrey Epstein reportedly hanged himself with a prison bedsheet, according to a law enforcement source who spoke to the New York Post.

    Epstein, who is 6 feet tall, reportedly secured the bedsheet to the top bunk bed and wrapped the sheet around his neck.

    The New York Post reported:

    Jeffrey Epstein was found hanging in his Lower Manhattan jail cell with a bedsheet wrapped around his neck and secured to the top of a bunk bed, The Post has learned.

    The convicted pedophile, who was 6 feet tall, apparently killed himself by kneeling toward the floor and strangling himself with the makeshift noose, a law-enforcement source said Monday.

    Epstein was “unresponsive” when he was discovered in his cell in the Special Housing Unit of the Metropolitan Correctional Center around 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, the federal Bureau of Prisons has said.

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Does everyone here realize he also had a cell mate , as the rules call for , until said cell mate was without explanation transferred out the previous friday night?

    This guy didn't kill himself, I called this two moths ago in the original thread.

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    I've been reading and ignoring this all morning, anyways it's not going away:
    New Epstein Mystery: How Did 4chan Get The Scoop?
    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 2:01 pm on August 13, 2019

    Or did they at all? BuzzFeed reports that the FDNY has opened a “review” as to whether one of the first responders to Jeffrey Epstein’s cell took some time out to post the news of his suicide on 4chan. At issue is a posting timestamped nearly 40 minutes before the first media report went out on Twitter from an ABC reporter.

    That assumes that someone didn’t figure out how to troll 4chan with a backdated post, of course, although the sequence seems to argue against that possibility. Whoever posted the initial report kept interacting with users in real time:

    Less than 40 minutes before ABC News first reported Epstein’s death on Twitter, someone posted still-unverified details on 4chan, the anonymous message board popular with far-right trolls and white nationalists.

    “[D]ont ask me how I know, but Epstein died an hour ago from hanging, cardiac arrest. Screencap this,” read the post, which was published at 8:16 AM alongside an image of Pepe, the green frog that has become a mascot for the right-wing internet trolls.

    After publishing the post, other 4chan users egged on the author. When they said they didn’t believe that the information was true, the original poster added more information to the discussion thread, including a detailed breakdown of the procedures allegedly used to resuscitate Epstein, which suggest the poster may have been a first responder, medical worker, or otherwise privy to details about efforts to resuscitate the disgraced financier.

    How accurate was that information? The FDNY isn’t saying, according to BuzzFeed. The stakes might be high if this turns out to be on the level, though. The firefighters union president noted in an e-mail to Buzzfeed that releasing such information would violate HIPAA regulations and result in “discipline, suspensions, civil penalties, etc.”

    Frankly, that makes this 4chan account look even more suspicious, though. Why would a first responder risk all that for an anonymous 4chan post, of all things? Why not sell it to TMZ or the National Enquirer, or just leak it out to a local reporter? It sounds suspicious enough to warrant some skepticism about those timestamps and their accuracy. It sounds like a publicity stunt or a practical joke.

    At the moment, there isn’t any other independent reporting on this, although BuzzFeed has confirmed that the FDNY is taking this seriously. There is still plenty of other questionable reporting going on in the meantime. For instance, here’s a CBS report that was initially headlined, “Shrieking heard from Jeffrey Epstein’s jail cell the morning he died.” That suggests that Epstein’s “suicide” might not have been his idea. When you read the article, though, the “shrieking” seems to refer to the guards who discovered him, which isn’t exactly news:

    On the morning of Jeffrey Epstein’s death there was shouting and shrieking from his jail cell, a source familiar with the situation told CBS News. Corrections officers attempted to revive him while saying “breathe, Epstein, breathe.”

    Maybe everyone needs to take a deep breath and slow down, writes the Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan. Don’t get your information on Twitter, stop being a “news junkie,” and ignore early reports to wait for fully confirmed details:

    What we have here is an argument for what seems impossible in 2019: slow journalism.

    That’s not a joke, or an unwitting oxymoron: It’s a real thing, modeled after the 30-year-old “slow food” movement.

    “We need to decide for ourselves what so-called news is worth our while, not just allow ourselves to be subjected to an endless barrage of unfiltered media assaults,” wrote Peter Laufer, a University of Oregon professor and author of “Slow News: A Manifesto for the Critical News Consumer.”

    We’re in danger, in the former NBC correspondent’s view, “of missing the story because of the noise.” (Doyle McManus sang the praises of slow journalism recently in a Los Angeles Times column unrelated to Epstein.)

    Laufer’s book (published in ancient times: 2011) advises such solid ideas as: “Trust accuracy over time,” “Know your sources,” and “Don’t become a news junkie.”

    All of this is good advice, and perhaps a bit against interest, too. After all, the Washington Post and other media outlets make their livings off of “news junkies.” In fact, they contribute to the pool of “media assaults,” especially in breaking news stories. However, this might be advice better given to the media outlets more than their consumers, since we consumers tend to get a lot of the inaccuracies from those supposedly reliable sources and not necessarily the 4chans of the world. And if BuzzFeed’s correct, the 4chan source might have been entirely accurate.

    To be fair, Sullivan does aim this at her industry colleagues as well as consumers. The bottom line is that it’s better to get it right than first. And if media outlets focused on that rather than on misleading headlines about “shrieking,” for one example, perhaps Sullivan’s warning would be less necessary.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    He was murdered... I don't think there's any doubt. The circumstances surrounding his death are just ALL too WEIRD. They just have to try and prove he was murdered, but the culprits did their best to cover their tracks. Someone will probably have to sing. Even then, they're probably afraid that if they did, they're next.

    THE MAN THAT KNEW TOO MUCH. I'm sure that he probably had enough on even BUBBA CLINTON that he could have put him in prison.

    All anyone has to do is just follow their instincts.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 08-13-2019 at 03:35 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    He was murdered... I don't think there's any doubt. The circumstances surrounding his death are just ALL too WEIRD. They just have to try and prove he was murdered, but the culprits did their best to cover their tracks. Someone will probably have to sing. Even then, they're probably afraid that if they did, they're next.

    THE MAN THAT KNEW TOO MUCH. I'm sure that he probably had enough on even BUBBA CLINTON that he could have put him in prison.

    All anyone has to do is just follow their instincts.

    Your opinion was just strengthened this morning:

    Autopsy finds broken bones in Epstein's neck, deepening questions around his death
    Carol D. Leonnig and Aaron C. Davis, The Washington Post Aug. 14, 2019

    An autopsy found that financier Jeffrey Epstein sustained multiple breaks in his neck bones, according to two people familiar with the findings, deepening the mystery about the circumstances around his death.

    Among the bones broken in Epstein's neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam's apple. Such breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject. But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation, the experts said.


    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    He was murdered... I don't think there's any doubt. The circumstances surrounding his death are just ALL too WEIRD. They just have to try and prove he was murdered, but the culprits did their best to cover their tracks. Someone will probably have to sing. Even then, they're probably afraid that if they did, they're next.

    THE MAN THAT KNEW TOO MUCH. I'm sure that he probably had enough on even BUBBA CLINTON that he could have put him in prison.

    All anyone has to do is just follow their instincts.
    Wouldn't surprise me if a guard at that prison dies of some weird "accident" in the near future. This dude didn't kill himself.

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