Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
Yeah... that's like with ANY drug... like when you see all these drugs advertised on TV, they go ON and ON about the "possible" side effects.

My neighbor has been doing this Kratom for about 3 months now and he's had ZERO side effects, and it's got him off the oxy, which he was severely addicted to. He swears by it.
Everyone has to make their own choices. I'm not big on any supplements-natural or not. Heck, other than antibiotics I really hate any meds and even antibiotics I avoid because I want them if I'm super sick or a limb is in danger of being amputated.

Because there's no regulation-kind of puts it in the same basket as illegal drugs, you never know what's in them.

OTOH, if you find a company you trust, make your choices.