Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
Oh... yeah that could be... right... and Rip.

Boy she really does have a visceral HATE for Jamie. I don't think I'd like her in real life...

She's too intense for me.

Only 2 episodes left. Best way to watch it is DVR, and FF through the dumb commercials. I'm not hot on the story line with the kid either. It's an adult show, why they wrote a little kiddie into it is beyond me, and I think they're going to kill the kid off.
I'm thinking they will be killing Monica not the kid ... really cement Kayce to ranch wars. Also, need new son to indoctrinate. Gotta keep that dynasty going.

Although, maybe the kid rides his new horse out and falls off and dies and it has nothing to do with the war.

Or, if Becks kill kid Monica becomes another Beth for the ranch.

So many possibilities.

I think Rip deserves the ranch more than any of the Duttons.