Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
Since the 'negotiations' started with the Taliban, especially after they successfully cut out the official government being involved, they've stepped up the killing of both innocents and our military. It didn't START last week, they just were emboldened to the point of shouting it to the press. That was something the US government could not ignore. Otherwise we'd have had the signed 'agreement' yesterday.

Still think we're so 'desperate' to WIN we'll do the agreement, but I bet it won't be at Camp David.
I mean on the one hand, look at how much this war has cost us with really nothing to show for it, but on the other hand the military man in me says we can't let the Taliban get away with this.

As Gunny has said it's a lose lose for Trump, but it's largely of his own making.

I'm sick of war, but just as I was sick of Obama using the war as a political pawn, I'm sick of Trump doing the same. He will make this deal, not because it's a good deal but because he can say going into the election "hey I got us out of Afghanistan" and frankly I'm sick of that kind of politician. I thought Trump was supposed to be different (that's a question to all the Trump boot lickers on here, not you Kath)

Different would be Trump having the courage to say "I miscalculated here, we can't deal with the Taliban PERIOD" that's a guy I could respect. I still support Trump overall, but that support is waning every day.