Pity Her That Has Been So Deceitfully Played

Time was dark, under summer sun
Ill the sad winds that daily blow.
And damn the bad that has begun,
For in darkness tragedy runs.

No truth comes easy and with haste
Only lies, a true maid denies
For life may wreck, lay love to waste
As sure as sunlight brights the skies.

In life's journey her course was set
Tho' she, honorable true maid
Evil its own dark fruits begets
Pity her that has been so played.

Engulfed in that darkened abyss
Her name that was dishonored so
With labored breath, felt its last kiss
As her life, its living let go.

Those with hate saw only the bad
Never her life that was destroyed,
She a true victim of a cad
Her soul cast into in death's void.

Where hid the call for her defense
As her tormentor, his lies told
With lying proof, he gave offense
To kill she, that only truth told.

Robert J. Lindley, 10-03-2019

Compose based upon an account given me by a friend of how her great
grandmother's younger sister had been with such injustice, falsely
accused and her reputation destroyed. Several years later, she drowned
herself- leaving behind a note pleading her innocence of the charge,
that was later found to be the truth. If memory serves me well,
of the time this happened as she told me, this all occured in the
late 1880's/1890's.
There was a time that a "gentleman's word" in such matters easily destroyed
that of the accused female.