Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
Never said I wasn't nostalgic. LOL! Besides I like to cook and have friends over. Family would be good, but alas. Hummus is very, very good.
You responded with exactly that awhile back. Must have not been your topic . I'd rather eat the first version of MRE's than smashed up peas. I'd have to be starving.

I have plenty of extended family hereabouts. They always have some kind of a shindig going on but even the Holier-than-thou, prim and proper, upscale cousins don't do formal. More like a directed potluck and all the Cowboys fans (meaning the men) pile around the tube and piss and moan while the Cowboys snatch defeat from the jaws of victory yet one more Thanksgiving.

I ran out of "friends" when I stopped drinking. They'll have a drink-fest disguised as a meal. The aforementioned Cowboys game applies. An odd thing I noticed about drinking "friends" especially as a group -- it's a control thing in a way. If you aren't getting jacked up and acting like a fool along with the rest of them, you're no fun. I've seen exactly one of that bunch since getting out of the hospital. They aren't much into you and your post-hospital condition reminding them of their mortality either. And we hung out every weekend for a good years.

I'll do the usual load up about half the plate with white meat and some vegetables I can identify and that will do it. No one has to fight me for leftovers, that's for sure

Another "oddity". My daughter LOVES Thanksgiving. I never knew it when she was growing up. It's her favorite holiday. I was always too busy trying to make sure she got as good a Christmas as I could manage. Thanksgiving was a speed bump in the way of THAT. But she never said anything growing up. Conversely, she thinks Christmas is a pain in the butt