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    Default Hmmm... the board might be tolerable again if SCABB has decided he's gone...

    ... trouble just follows some people because they can't control what comes out of their cake hole. Myself... 99.999% of every fight I've ever been in on this board is because someone else dumped on ME, FIRST. I'm a counter puncher. I give what I get. To the old timers here that I have known for ages, I have NOT shit in your face and trashedf you in a thread, EVER, FIRST. YOU did it to ME, FIRST, and that deserves mention. That little tidbit of information is PARAMOUNT.

    No, I'm no angel, that's for sure, but you have to RILE me FIRST. I will debate with anyone, and love doing so, until the cows come home. But when you just crap on me and trash me and insult, what in the HELL do you expect me to do in return? Seriously? Turn the other cheek? Not going to happen. YOU start it with me, I'm in, it's as simple as that.

    So I honestly don't get why there's been so many problems. I post something, it TRIGGERS someone, they TRASH me, and then I'm the BAD GUY. TAKE IT TO THE CAGE I'm told, YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THERE, and then when it's in the cage, I'm told STOP, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT. It's rather baffling. It's as though the cage really isn't the cage. It's the same as the rest of the board... odd.

    Anyway... I'm trolling... because I've so enjoyed chatting with this bunch for so long, it's hard to just walk away. I really don't want to just walk away. I wish I could post and not be trashed by certain people and called names and insulted, and then wind up being the bad guy.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 01-09-2020 at 12:31 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    ... trouble just follows some people because they can't control what comes out of their cake hole. Myself... 99.999% of every fight I've ever been in on this board is because someone else dumped on ME, FIRST. I'm a counter puncher. I give what I get. To the old timers here that I have known for ages, I have NOT shit in your face and trashedf you in a thread, EVER, FIRST. YOU did it to ME, FIRST, and that deserves mention. That little tidbit of information is PARAMOUNT.

    No, I'm no angel, that's for sure, but you have to RILE me FIRST. I will debate with anyone, and love doing so, until the cows come home. But when you just crap on me and trash me and insult, what in the HELL do you expect me to do in return? Seriously? Turn the other cheek? Not going to happen. YOU start it with me, I'm in, it's as simple as that.

    So I honestly don't get why there's been so many problems. I post something, it TRIGGERS someone, they TRASH me, and then I'm the BAD GUY. TAKE IT TO THE CAGE I'm told, YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THERE, and then when it's in the cage, I'm told STOP, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT. It's rather baffling. It's as though the cage really isn't the cage. It's the same as the rest of the board... odd.

    Anyway... I'm trolling... because I've so enjoyed chatting with this bunch for so long, it's hard to just walk away. I really don't want to just walk away. I wish I could post and not be trashed by certain people and called names and insulted, and then wind up being the bad guy.

    For the record , before Christmas I told Jimmy my Christmas present to him was going to be that I was not going to attack you any more for the year , and I kept my word, and my reasons for not posting lately are my own and have NOTHING to do with you, but you felt the need to start a thread attacking me when you thought I wasn't around like a giant pussy, and then you have the chutzpah to claim that you don't start fights ? LOL

    And I guess Jimmy just hasn't been online since last night and that's the reason he hasn't chimed in on this thread to call you out for attacking someone who wasn't even posting.

    Also, I thought you had me on ignore anyway/ Oh, that's right...............

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    I did not see this thread somehow until just now. I guess I cleared all new threads when I logged in and missed this.

    And THIS is how it starts, and I'm going to end it quickly. Starting out of nowhere is uncalled for and instantly leads to this. And folks all somehow seeing one another posting when folks haven't been here. The hatred or dislike or whatever anyone wants to call it is quite clear and obvious. It's ALL nothing more than disruption to the board and serves ZERO purpose other than to fight. But going forward, if anyone stays here or not, it stays in here. I'm not going to play nice if it happens up top, after asking thousands of times to keep it in here. So at least we have that, it came directly here. But out of nowhere when time has passed.

    Like I said, it's obvious, and yet no one will simply ignore the other and enjoy the place. And I have played the middle of the field for too long and it's not happening anymore. It stays in here, that much is simple. ANYONE on the board is playing with fire if they can't follow that simple rule. If folks are involved, and both have posted back and forth - then BOTH are involved. At that point, don't anyone even PM me about it, as I will not entertain getting in between fights any longer. Just keep it in here. DO NOT allow anything that takes place in here to be brought up into other threads. Simple, just keep it in here.

    This has nothing to do with not liking anyone. I love all you guys and simply want to post and debate and discuss things and share things and have fun. But I am not having MY time slammed here with others fighting for whatever reason. I just grew tired of the non-stop fighting, and would prefer that it stays in here.

    And HPD - I meant what I told you. In addition, you know I like you and enjoy you being here. But I too enjoy having others here, and don't want to deal with endless fighting. I GET that you want to make a point, but this was not the way to return and instantly get a fight started. But you did so in here as requested, and hopefully this crap stays in here. Actually, it MUST stay in here.

    And if folks don't WANT to be fighting, then they shouldn't reply to the other folks, don't mention their names and just enjoy themselves. Otherwise, it's very simple, it stays in here.

    While this entire thing disappoints me coming out of nowhere after some time, it's in the cage. And I think I have been clear in my response that going forward any of this shit MUST stay in here. Folks have gotten quite pissed at me over the years about making comments when I intervene, but with no moderation. Simply move a thread and some have went nuts. Sometimes the same with locked threads. Point being, folks are not going to be happy when they start getting short term bans from the board - if things don't stay in the cage this time around.

    All sounds negative... but it's not. I'm doing well and in a great mood. I enjoy having ALL of you here and can move forward from this moment not knowing there was ever a past. That's how it works when you're with friends. I don't want to fight and don't want to see others fight. But this time the board will take 100% precedent with that simple rule.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Let's see . Did I tell Jim before Christmas that I wouldn't go after HDP for the remainder of the year (in public on the board) yes, yes I did.

    Did I keep my word, yes , yes I did.

    Hell, even moreso than that, today is the 9th of January and I hadn't even posted all year, just had a lot of things going on, let alone said jack to HPD so how does he THEN have the chutzpah to say " I don't start shit?" LOL and he wonders why everyone thinks he's a moron.

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    Life is so short in my opinion. Just let it go, and treat each other the way you’d like to be treated, so we can get some good discussions going. New Year New You, so to speak. You already both contribute so much.
    Maybe then Jim can enjoy the board again, also.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    Life is so short in my opinion. Just let it go, and treat each other the way you’d like to be treated, so we can get some good discussions going. New Year New You, so to speak. You already both contribute so much.
    Maybe then Jim can enjoy the board again, also.

    I aint letting shit go. I already did that. I completely left HerpePussyDipshit alone from before Christmas til today, just as I said I would and wouldn't have addressed him today if this thread hadn't been started by HerpePussyDipshit and what does Jim do when he finally sees it? Does he say "Hey HPD , STTAB has completely left you alone since the time he said he would ? WTF Man?" no, he starts in on some bullshit of "well I sure wish both sides would get past this" what fucking both sides? That cock sucker started this thread AFTER I had already posted that I would leave him alone , and further he started this thread about me who hadn't posted anything to him in what 2 weeks to claim that he never starts shit, and did Jim, or anyone else for that matter say "Hey HPD wtf man, YOU started this?" fuck on.

    This is EXACTLY why I left the first time many years ago, some dipshit shows up starts shit with me and I play for blood. I made HPD cry and scream and beg Jimmy to make me go away. When he is the one who started it, Anyone remember when it was 4 or 5 of them on me, and the day ended with each of them crying and screaming about how mean I am I am and how much shit I start? Yeah just like I started this fucking thread I suppose.

    Yeah that shit happened last time to when I was a regular contributor, was even liked by most until that Red State Rules moron and his little posse showed up and started shit with me, and I finished it when them too, and what did they do? Why the same exact same thing HPD and his little whiny pussy crew do now, whine to Jimmy and cry about how mean STTAB is and how if he was just gone the board would be a better place and what did Jimmy do? Did he at ANY point say "look, STTAB is an asshole if you provoke him, so don't provoke him and then come whine to me when he's an asshole, I don't want to hear it?" No, instead he did exactly as he did just now, tried to place blame on both sides. He did that the other day to right before Christmas, and when I called him on it, he essentially told me to fuck off he didnt' care if I posted or not. So I haven't posted, I've been reading here and there, but just thought I'd let cooler heads prevail before posting , but no HPD has to start shit and when he does , once again unprovoked , does Jimmy come in and say "wtf man, stop telling this guy you have him on ignore only to blast him out of the blue and then whine when he attacks you in return dude, I'm tired of hearing it?" No he comes in with his "well both sides...........bullshit, not even fucking acknowledging that I had told him before Christmas that I would leave HerpesPussyDipshit alone and had kept my word until HPD started it with this thread.

    If it wasn't clear to me before that Jim doesn't consider me to be an important member of this community, it certainly is now.

    HPD why do't you grow a fucking pair either leave me off ignore and deal with the consequences of flaming me without whining to Jimmy like the giant pussy you are or place me on ignore and actually respect what the fucking feature is supposed to accomplish. I have and do give Tyr that respect, since placing me on ignore he hasn't to my knowledge said oen thing to or about me. I don't agree with using ignore at all. But it's certainly better than being a giant pussy who flips it on and off to attack someone and whine when they attack you because "you have them on ignore" if this were my board, you'd be banned for using that pussy maneuver

    But it doesn't matter, Jim's complete lack of respect is why I am for the most part done posting. Not HPD , he's a dipshit, I didn't have any respect for him and didnt' expect any in return, but when you tell the board owner "I consider you guys to be friends, that's why I post here" and his response in the same thread is "fuck off" well that says it all doesn't it.

    Welp, back to my life which is just fine with or without this board. Happy New Years everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
    I aint letting shit go. I already did that. I completely left HerpePussyDipshit alone from before Christmas til today, just as I said I would and wouldn't have addressed him today if this thread hadn't been started by HerpePussyDipshit and what does Jim do when he finally sees it? Does he say "Hey HPD , STTAB has completely left you alone since the time he said he would ? WTF Man?" no, he starts in on some bullshit of "well I sure wish both sides would get past this" what fucking both sides? That cock sucker started this thread AFTER I had already posted that I would leave him alone , and further he started this thread about me who hadn't posted anything to him in what 2 weeks to claim that he never starts shit, and did Jim, or anyone else for that matter say "Hey HPD wtf man, YOU started this?" fuck on.

    This is EXACTLY why I left the first time many years ago, some dipshit shows up starts shit with me and I play for blood. I made HPD cry and scream and beg Jimmy to make me go away. When he is the one who started it, Anyone remember when it was 4 or 5 of them on me, and the day ended with each of them crying and screaming about how mean I am I am and how much shit I start? Yeah just like I started this fucking thread I suppose.

    Yeah that shit happened last time to when I was a regular contributor, was even liked by most until that Red State Rules moron and his little posse showed up and started shit with me, and I finished it when them too, and what did they do? Why the same exact same thing HPD and his little whiny pussy crew do now, whine to Jimmy and cry about how mean STTAB is and how if he was just gone the board would be a better place and what did Jimmy do? Did he at ANY point say "look, STTAB is an asshole if you provoke him, so don't provoke him and then come whine to me when he's an asshole, I don't want to hear it?" No, instead he did exactly as he did just now, tried to place blame on both sides. He did that the other day to right before Christmas, and when I called him on it, he essentially told me to fuck off he didnt' care if I posted or not. So I haven't posted, I've been reading here and there, but just thought I'd let cooler heads prevail before posting , but no HPD has to start shit and when he does , once again unprovoked , does Jimmy come in and say "wtf man, stop telling this guy you have him on ignore only to blast him out of the blue and then whine when he attacks you in return dude, I'm tired of hearing it?" No he comes in with his "well both sides...........bullshit, not even fucking acknowledging that I had told him before Christmas that I would leave HerpesPussyDipshit alone and had kept my word until HPD started it with this thread.

    If it wasn't clear to me before that Jim doesn't consider me to be an important member of this community, it certainly is now.

    HPD why do't you grow a fucking pair either leave me off ignore and deal with the consequences of flaming me without whining to Jimmy like the giant pussy you are or place me on ignore and actually respect what the fucking feature is supposed to accomplish. I have and do give Tyr that respect, since placing me on ignore he hasn't to my knowledge said oen thing to or about me. I don't agree with using ignore at all. But it's certainly better than being a giant pussy who flips it on and off to attack someone and whine when they attack you because "you have them on ignore" if this were my board, you'd be banned for using that pussy maneuver

    But it doesn't matter, Jim's complete lack of respect is why I am for the most part done posting. Not HPD , he's a dipshit, I didn't have any respect for him and didnt' expect any in return, but when you tell the board owner "I consider you guys to be friends, that's why I post here" and his response in the same thread is "fuck off" well that says it all doesn't it.

    Welp, back to my life which is just fine with or without this board. Happy New Years everyone.
    See you in 24. Or maybe longer if you choose. And if that choice is to leave again - then why not stay away? I don't need your BS helping ruin the board along with others and then attacking me if you don't get your way. You either start or respond with this bullshit every single time. You FILL my PM box, at least you did. I am tired of it. Don't like it? Well, reread the 3rd sentence. I told you I wasn't taking the bullshit anymore. But you didn't like what you read and just HAD to reply and condemn. Tough shit.

    MY "lack of respect" was LOST due to ACTIONS. Don't think just because you didn't reply, as no one was here to reply to, wins you brownie points. Don't think threads like this and your reply wins anyone any respect.

    And grow the fuck up. You always tell me you HAVE to respond to idiots and what not. Can't help yourself. Either starting by replying in good threads with that kind of BS, or replying to others that may have said something and get into a battle with them. Endlessly PM the owner. Then the shit you CONSTANTLY say, and I'm talking about things that otherwise shouldn't be written in front of women. We all have our moments, but you and others flip it around as if it's daily used language and no respect at all for me or the community. And then get angry and whine about the owner, and not ever about moderator action - but what, because I didn't speak to someone in the manner you wish? Grow up. To all and anyone that "MUST" do things, and then turn it around and get pissy with staff members.

    Yeah, everyone you don't like or agree with is a moron to you, and we know it, as you MUST tell us that endlessly.

    I THOUGHT I was VERY clear about not taking any BS with this going forward. But you made yourself clear, about how you feel, and about your very own actions.

    And if it wasn't clear, I'm hoping it is now.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Okay, people. Here's the deal :

    No one wants to be involved in your personal little spats. The cage is here and as far as Staff is concerned, you and your Arch-Nemesis can go at it.

    Here's a Man-Tip : IF you choose to have a purse fight, leave Staff out of it. Stop being a pussy and trying to involve Staff into your merry little feud.

    FYI - Jim is Staff. Jim is kind of the Lead Staff. Jim does not want to be involved or get your PMs crying for him to intervene for you because you feel slighted. Staff does not want to be involved or listen to your bitching about the latest villain and how mean he was to you, either.

    Listening to a grown man cry about something someone said to him on the internet is exhausting. It's stupid. It's a waste of time. Mostly, it's fucking embarrassing to watch a grown-ass man do it.

    I've been fucking around the interwebs since they were invented, and I've had some epic battles. I even lost a few because my enemy-of-the-moment was smarter than me. Not ONCE did it ever occur to me to run to the owner or a Mod to get someone to help me 'win'.

    So after lengthy discussion, Staff has adopted a new policy : You fight your own battles, Champ.

    We do not want your feuds to spill over into the rest of the board, so if you're feeling froggy, then jump down here to the Cage and unleash the fury. You can even use ALL CAPS for that extra fuck you, if you're feeling it. We won't stop you. You can make up new creative insults and use those amazingly clever names for everyone else to admire and applaud.

    But you can immediately cease and desist on being a miserable bastard and throwing a hissy fit begging for intervention because Staff wants nothing to do with your slap fighting.

    If any of us want to catch up on how the latest purse fight is coming along, we already know to immediately head to the cage to get our fill of the drama. No worries! We'll see it all, don't even worry about that. You'll still have an audience.

    STAAB, the next time I see that you reference Staff in one of your hissy fits, I'm going to ban you. You already got the first 24, so the next will be 48. Then 72. Then a week. Then a month, and so on, in that fashion, until you get the fucking picture. You fight your own battles on your own.

    If you PM Jim crying about someone that was mean to you, I'm going to give you a vacation.

    If you PM another staff member crying about someone that was mean to you, I'm going to give you a vacation.

    Staff is not your babysitter, nor your overprotective mother. You are a big boy. Time to act like it. Leave us out of it.

    That is all.
    Last edited by NightTrain; 01-10-2020 at 03:23 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    See you in 24. Or maybe longer if you choose. And if that choice is to leave again - then why not stay away? I don't need your BS helping ruin the board along with others and then attacking me if you don't get your way. You either start or respond with this bullshit every single time. You FILL my PM box, at least you did. I am tired of it. Don't like it? Well, reread the 3rd sentence. I told you I wasn't taking the bullshit anymore. But you didn't like what you read and just HAD to reply and condemn. Tough shit.

    MY "lack of respect" was LOST due to ACTIONS. Don't think just because you didn't reply, as no one was here to reply to, wins you brownie points. Don't think threads like this and your reply wins anyone any respect.

    And grow the fuck up. You always tell me you HAVE to respond to idiots and what not. Can't help yourself. Either starting by replying in good threads with that kind of BS, or replying to others that may have said something and get into a battle with them. Endlessly PM the owner. Then the shit you CONSTANTLY say, and I'm talking about things that otherwise shouldn't be written in front of women. We all have our moments, but you and others flip it around as if it's daily used language and no respect at all for me or the community. And then get angry and whine about the owner, and not ever about moderator action - but what, because I didn't speak to someone in the manner you wish? Grow up. To all and anyone that "MUST" do things, and then turn it around and get pissy with staff members.

    Yeah, everyone you don't like or agree with is a moron to you, and we know it, as you MUST tell us that endlessly.

    I THOUGHT I was VERY clear about not taking any BS with this going forward. But you made yourself clear, about how you feel, and about your very own actions.

    And if it wasn't clear, I'm hoping it is now.
    Lol you banned me for 24 hours? I didn't even notice until I read about in this thread after the fact. Odd that I have no idea what rule I broke lol. Oh and please stop saying I've been pming you to whine about other posters, you know that's not true. I literally have posts all over the board where I say that's a pussy move, fight your own battles and we both know it's always you that starts the pm chains with some variation of "sttab is so mean and if he isn't banned I'm leaving" asking me to leave this or that poster alone I've never once messaged you anything like that so why is night train under the impression that I have?

    As for hpd it's a fact that I left him alone just as I said I would and I did it an attempt to make amends with you . I mean I straight up said it "I'm gonna leave hpd alone for jim" what more do you want from me . But not only did u not acknowledge it when I said it but then two weeks later when hpd attacked me out of the blue you still act as though somehow I'm as much at fault for this thread as hpd.

    Jim I don't know how this got so far off the rails but I do know that any effort to patch things up between us in the last several months has been entirely one sided and that's not cool. Nor is getting a moderator worked up into a lather over something I didn't even do. Hpd is the one who whines you in pm about wanting me gone and I pick on him. Not the other way around

    I'm not holding my breath for any change though have a good weekend

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    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
    Lol you banned me for 24 hours? I didn't even notice until I read about in this thread after the fact. Odd that I have no idea what rule I broke lol. Oh and please stop saying I've been pming you to whine about other posters, you know that's not true. I literally have posts all over the board where I say that's a pussy move, fight your own battles and we both know it's always you that starts the pm chains with some variation of "sttab is so mean and if he isn't banned I'm leaving" asking me to leave this or that poster alone I've never once messaged you anything like that so why is night train under the impression that I have?

    As for hpd it's a fact that I left him alone just as I said I would and I did it an attempt to make amends with you . I mean I straight up said it "I'm gonna leave hpd alone for jim" what more do you want from me . But not only did u not acknowledge it when I said it but then two weeks later when hpd attacked me out of the blue you still act as though somehow I'm as much at fault for this thread as hpd.

    Jim I don't know how this got so far off the rails but I do know that any effort to patch things up between us in the last several months has been entirely one sided and that's not cool. Nor is getting a moderator worked up into a lather over something I didn't even do. Hpd is the one who whines you in pm about wanting me gone and I pick on him. Not the other way around

    I'm not holding my breath for any change though have a good weekend
    It's easy, STOP doing what you are doing right now - which is going public with your gripes or going public with your issues with other members. If you have an issue with others - simply keep it in there and leave every last other person out of it. Not hard in the slightest to do. I also asked, and will continue - LEAVE ME OUT OF IT, I am not here to intervene. Don't PM me when fighting and don't do as yesterday and bring me into it. I warned. And I'm doing so again going forward. Not hard going forward - LEAVE STAFF and specifically me out of the crap. I want no part of it. I don't want to fight. I don't want to hear others bitch. I don't want to discuss it via PM. I simply DON'T CARE. All I care is that it stays in here.

    I said you PM me endlessly, and that is true, and they are all saved. Whether laughing, goading, denying or a total list of issues - my point was and my words are that I get PM endlessly. THIS is why you have an issue. You read and decide what it means and runs with it. I'll worry about what "I" write. If you have a question about what another member wrote, ask them, and via PM.

    You bailed for 2-3 weeks and came back. Not being here and not goading others means nothing to me. Do so while here is another thing. Either way, I don't care, other than you keep it in here, as others should do the same.

    I had no idea about this thread, but then I was made aware... I made it clear that HPD is wrong and the aggressor here. And yet there are always other replies BUT at least they were in here, as stated. And past history tells me it's important to keep making reminders to ALL that keep doing the same shit - to keep it in here and why. That applied to everyone that involves themselves in feuds, of which you are one. So I made myself clear about going forward. I made it 100% clear who was wrong in this thread - and then made myself clear about what I hope to see going forward - since you BOTH magically appeared here around the same time.

    How to make things cool? How about trying what I have asked for a few years? Maybe try not replying to others that make you want to fight? Place them on ignore? Or simply don't fight up top and take it here. That wins my respect. And let me tell you guys something - it takes a LOT LOT LOT LOT to lose my respect, as I consider myself the most forgiving person in the world and able to look past things and move on. It takes a LOT to push me to outright say my respect has been lost. And yet I still give that respect, just not as nicely.

    I know who you were and how you were when we got along. And the same with almost every member here. But look at ALL of the bs over time and add it up. It's NOT my rodeo, and yet I get involved with each and every fight.

    You BOTH PM me, and yes always about what is going on. It gets tiresome. Folks don't want to be like "Hey, Jim, how ya been man?" - it's ALWAYS about someone else, about fighting in some manner.

    The fact that I am replying right now and not simply banning for bringing me up AGAIN shows you that I am still trying to do my best. But I am not getting into the crap anymore. Folks can fight all on their own in the reserved space here. Just not up top, and leave me out of it.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    It's easy, STOP doing what you are doing right now - which is going public with your gripes or going public with your issues with other members. If you have an issue with others - simply keep it in there and leave every last other person out of it. Not hard in the slightest to do. I also asked, and will continue - LEAVE ME OUT OF IT, I am not here to intervene. Don't PM me when fighting and don't do as yesterday and bring me into it. I warned. And I'm doing so again going forward. Not hard going forward - LEAVE STAFF and specifically me out of the crap. I want no part of it. I don't want to fight. I don't want to hear others bitch. I don't want to discuss it via PM. I simply DON'T CARE. All I care is that it stays in here.

    I said you PM me endlessly, and that is true, and they are all saved. Whether laughing, goading, denying or a total list of issues - my point was and my words are that I get PM endlessly. THIS is why you have an issue. You read and decide what it means and runs with it. I'll worry about what "I" write. If you have a question about what another member wrote, ask them, and via PM.

    You bailed for 2-3 weeks and came back. Not being here and not goading others means nothing to me. Do so while here is another thing. Either way, I don't care, other than you keep it in here, as others should do the same.

    I had no idea about this thread, but then I was made aware... I made it clear that HPD is wrong and the aggressor here. And yet there are always other replies BUT at least they were in here, as stated. And past history tells me it's important to keep making reminders to ALL that keep doing the same shit - to keep it in here and why. That applied to everyone that involves themselves in feuds, of which you are one. So I made myself clear about going forward. I made it 100% clear who was wrong in this thread - and then made myself clear about what I hope to see going forward - since you BOTH magically appeared here around the same time.

    How to make things cool? How about trying what I have asked for a few years? Maybe try not replying to others that make you want to fight? Place them on ignore? Or simply don't fight up top and take it here. That wins my respect. And let me tell you guys something - it takes a LOT LOT LOT LOT to lose my respect, as I consider myself the most forgiving person in the world and able to look past things and move on. It takes a LOT to push me to outright say my respect has been lost. And yet I still give that respect, just not as nicely.

    I know who you were and how you were when we got along. And the same with almost every member here. But look at ALL of the bs over time and add it up. It's NOT my rodeo, and yet I get involved with each and every fight.

    You BOTH PM me, and yes always about what is going on. It gets tiresome. Folks don't want to be like "Hey, Jim, how ya been man?" - it's ALWAYS about someone else, about fighting in some manner.

    The fact that I am replying right now and not simply banning for bringing me up AGAIN shows you that I am still trying to do my best. But I am not getting into the crap anymore. Folks can fight all on their own in the reserved space here. Just not up top, and leave me out of it.
    Jim if you didn't say I pm to whine to you about other posters why did night train just threaten to ban me if I do it again? It's because he's under the impression that I've done it before . Where did get that idea ?

    You can get mad and threaten and throw all the fits you want. Doesn't change facts. I brought you the poster upp in this thread not you the admin, because you the poster certainly always seem to find and comment on a cage thread if I start one. But not this time. How odd.

    I looked and I just don't see a rule about mentioning Jim in the cage.

    You wanna know why your board is small Jim. Things like this. You have a core group of hard right wing idiots that you cater to until other people either leave or they are pushed into breaking what few rules you do have and you ban them. Apparently you banned me for a day and it's still not clear to me that I actually broke a rule. Meanwhile is there any nasty vile disgusting name hpd didn't call Kath and nothing was said him? Did night train pop in and say " dude if you call Kath a slut again I'm gonna ban you" nope he didn't

    As for your "actions speak louder than words" yes they do and my actions were speaking the same thing as my words . I said I was gonna leave hpd alone and I did until I decided to defend myself in this thread. It seems you would prefer the bully be allowed to attack without response which is of course what he prefers as well. Surprised he didn't put me back on ignore after attacking me again.

    The truly bizarre thing about you coddling the far right morons is they don't even care about you or the board , they don't want anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest posting here and they tell you that straight up and yet still you cater to them. You could have and should have told hpd did months ago ",I don't wanna hear about sttab again. I don't care if you want him banned. Place him in ignore and leave him there but if attack him again I'll take your ability to ignore him away completely" and that woul have ended all you problems right there but instead you chose to mollify and coddle an asshole who we both know was doing the same in regards to a poster he didn't like and who would find another target ta bully if I leave .

    If you're happy with a small message board that only tolerates a single view point then just say but oh like you said before actions speak louder than words can.

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    Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
    Jim if you didn't say I pm to whine to you about other posters why did night train just threaten to ban me if I do it again? It's because he's under the impression that I've done it before . Where did get that idea ?
    I don't know, did you ask him, or PM him? I wrote what I wrote. Perhaps he mistook or whatever, I don't know - but I am not him, so you're asking the wrong person.

    You can get mad and threaten and throw all the fits you want. Doesn't change facts. I brought you the poster upp in this thread not you the admin, because you the poster certainly always seem to find and comment on a cage thread if I start one. But not this time. How odd.

    I looked and I just don't see a rule about mentioning Jim in the cage.

    You wanna know why your board is small Jim. Things like this. You have a core group of hard right wing idiots that you cater to until other people either leave or they are pushed into breaking what few rules you do have and you ban them. Apparently you banned me for a day and it's still not clear to me that I actually broke a rule. Meanwhile is there any nasty vile disgusting name hpd didn't call Kath and nothing was said him? Did night train pop in and say " dude if you call Kath a slut again I'm gonna ban you" nope he didn't

    As for your "actions speak louder than words" yes they do and my actions were speaking the same thing as my words . I said I was gonna leave hpd alone and I did until I decided to defend myself in this thread. It seems you would prefer the bully be allowed to attack without response which is of course what he prefers as well. Surprised he didn't put me back on ignore after attacking me again.

    The truly bizarre thing about you coddling the far right morons is they don't even care about you or the board , they don't want anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest posting here and they tell you that straight up and yet still you cater to them. You could have and should have told hpd did months ago ",I don't wanna hear about sttab again. I don't care if you want him banned. Place him in ignore and leave him there but if attack him again I'll take your ability to ignore him away completely" and that woul have ended all you problems right there but instead you chose to mollify and coddle an asshole who we both know was doing the same in regards to a poster he didn't like and who would find another target ta bully if I leave .

    If you're happy with a small message board that only tolerates a single view point then just say but oh like you said before actions speak louder than words can.
    I a NOT entertaining the rest of this bullshit. I'll update the rules for folks that need a rule for everything and common sense too. If you have an issue with me, that is your problem and I recommend ignoring. If not, you are free to leave. But this is the LAST time I am discussing or entertaining this crap and board rules and what not. I'll make them clear enough.

    But one thing is clear to begin with - this feuding bs and inability of others to walk away from fighting - the shit stays down here. Not a single on elsewhere. End of that story.

    Folks won't be coming to me for ANYTHING related to their little feuds, they can keep it in here and figure out how to work it out as adults. If not, too bad. Keep it in here. I am not being brought into the BS feuds and nor will I be involved in the threads and nor will I respond to any PM's related to the BS.

    I literally couldn't care less than I do about what members state about other members and who thinks who is wrong when these adults are fighting. Don't bring it to me. Stay in the mud down here by yourselves.

    That is abundantly clear and WILL lead to bans if not followed.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    One thing I do find a tad humorous in all of this at least. BOTH members were gone for a spell. And each can be honest, and some of us already know, but how many times has each left for a spell due to being unhappy about Jim's decisions? Both, and written here for all to see more or less. So BOTH will state that they get the shitty end of the stick. Both often claim the other gets away with everything. They all say the other is pushing members away from the board, and the reason the board is small. Both claim that the other person always starts and they only respond. Both refuse to ignore anyone. Both willingly do as they please and say what they want. Both blame Jim when things hit the fan.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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