Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
It's a real life soap opera.

But why would anyone be cross with people that are surely just pampering them? To lead a life where everything is just handed to you and you're waited on hand and foot, and still not be happy?

IDK... I guess I couldn't do that either because I was raised to earn what you have and take care of yourself. I'd be lost if I had people around the clock waiting on me and I had to live by a strict regiment and protocol. So I guess I shouldn't judge because I'm sure that would eat on me too, and I'd want out. Money wouldn't be an issue. I'd feel guilty having everything handed to me on a silver platter. I'd have to get out and do things my way, on my own, and feel satisfied that everything I had I earned.

Reminds me of this song...

Provided the Canadian press don't start their own 'war' against this couple, I hope their new life suits them.

I've nothing against the Royal Family, and their lifestyle, or even how they're funded ... as I think you know. Nonetheless, the path that Harry and Meghan are on, is one I hope works out for them.

Meghan chose to be part of the 'Royals' ... but, did she fully comprehend what she was taking on ? I'm not convinced she did.

Harry, by contrast, didn't choose to be born to the parents he had, to be a part of that family at all. That he has the guts to choose his own path, and, one far less steeped in sheer privilege, is surely something deserving of merit.