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    Default As Allegations of Gross Sexual Comments Swirl Around Bloomberg, CBS Skimps

    I wonder if ultimately the MSM will treat him as they did Trump over his nasty comments. Thus far, not really. Of course one has to immediately talk about Trump, and others breeze by it.


    As Allegations of Gross Sexual Comments Swirl Around Bloomberg, CBS Skimps

    Allegations of sexism and inappropriate remarks are swirling around the rising 2020 campaign of Michael Bloomberg. But CBS is skimping on the details — including how the businessman allegedly made gross insinuations about women and oral sex and may have told a pregnant employee to “kill it,” in regard to her unborn child.

    On Monday's CBS This Morning, the show allowed a scant 15 seconds to the developing story (out of two hours). None of the objectionable details were mentioned. In contrast, ABC and NBC over the weekend highlighted the specifics.

    On Monday, CBS’s Major Garrett breezed by with this explaination: “Bloomberg is also under fire for lawsuits filed over the years alleging that he created a culture of sexual harassment at his company. In a statement, the Bloomberg campaign responded, ‘Mike simply does not tolerate any kind of discrimination or harassment.’” That was it.

    Over on NBC’s Today, Andrea Mitchell went into defense mode, describing Sunday’s front page, 4000 word Washington Post story as making Bloomberg “an easy target for new scrutiny.” She also played a clip of an ad attempting to defend the Democrat:

    MITCHELL: Bloomberg’s rise in the polls making him an easy target for new scrutiny of his past. The latest a Washington Post summary of alleged sexist comments and lawsuits against his company by women employees going back decades. Bloomberg responding with an ad featuring woman who worked for him praising him.

    UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Nobody that I respect more and felt nor respected by.
    Mitchell offered no details. But, to NBC’s credit, the network at least offered some on Saturday night’s Nightly News. Unlike CBS, ABC's Eva Pilgrim noted the unsavory claims on Monday’s Good Morning America:

    The article accusing the billionaire of creating a workplace culture that allowed the sexual degradation of women. Bloomberg allegedly making crude comments telling an employee who just announced she was pregnant to “kill it,” and scolding a female employee who couldn't find a nanny saying, “All you need is some black who doesn't have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building.”
    On Sunday's GMA, ABC chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz reminded viewers of Trump’s Access Hollywood tape:

    Donald Trump has had allegations in the past, and not just allegations, but very sexist talk as we all remember on that Access Hollywood tape. So whether this sticks to Mike Bloomberg we just don't know at this point, Dan, but he'll definitely be getting more scrutiny about it.
    ABC has been covering the story consistantly, including reporting on it in 2019. Here’s some of The Post story by Michael Kranish that CBS isn’t interested in:

    The most high-profile case was from a former saleswoman. She sued Bloomberg personally as well as his company, alleging workplace discrimination. She alleged Bloomberg told her to “kill it” when he learned she was pregnant. Bloomberg has denied her allegation under oath, and he reached a confidential settlement with the saleswoman.

    The Washington Post interviewed a former Bloomberg employee, David Zielenziger, who said he witnessed the conversation with the saleswoman. Zielenziger, who said he had not previously spoken publicly about the matter, said Bloomberg’s behavior toward the woman was “outrageous. I understood why she took offense.”


    In the most high-profile example, a top saleswoman, Sekiko Sakai Garrison, alleged that Bloomberg told female salespeople about a male colleague getting married: “All of you girls line up to give him [oral sex] as a wedding present.” And, the lawsuit said, when Bloomberg saw certain women, he said, “I’d f--- that in a second.”


    The Post obtained a copy of the booklet. Bloomberg is quoted as desiring oral sex from a well-known actress and is quoted as saying, “If women wanted to be appreciated for their brains, they’d go to the library instead of to Bloomingdale’s.”
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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Some from the past:

    Sexual Harassment Charges Could Stymie Presidential Bid by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg

    Published July 29, 2007

    NEW YORK – Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks his mind and that is a big part of his cachet in anything-goes New York.

    But new details from a sexual harassment lawsuit he settled in 2000 and other racy comments over the years show how his blunt style could prove a liability if he runs for president as an independent.

    Before his election as mayor in 2001, Bloomberg was the target of a sexual harassment suit by a female executive who accused him of making repeated raunchy sexual comments while he was chief executive of his financial company, Bloomberg LP.

    —Bloomberg asked the woman who sued if she was giving her boyfriend "good" oral sex.

    —He said "I'd like to do that" and "That's a great piece of a—" to describe women in the office.

    —When he found out the woman was pregnant, he told her "Kill it!" and said "Great! Number 16!" — an apparent reference to the number of women in the company who were pregnant or had maternity-related status.

    Bloomberg denied the accusations. Both sides were barred from commenting because of confidentiality agreements. Stu Loeser, the mayor's spokesman, said Friday he had no comment for this story.

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    New York's Mayor Bloomberg in sex lawsuit

    By Toby Harnden in Washington12:01AM BST 31 Jul 2007

    A possible presidential bid by Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, could be threatened by new details of a sexual harassment lawsuit that alleged he said "kill it!" to an executive who told him that she was pregnant.

    Apart from being accused of suggesting that Sekiko Sakai Garrison abort her baby, he also allegedly said to her: "Great! Number 16!", an apparent reference to the number of pregnancies among his staff.

    The billionaire businessman is also claimed to have pointed out a woman to Mrs Garrison, and said: "If you looked like that, I would do you in a second."

    The suit accused him of referring to Mexican clients as "jumping beans" and saying of a female worker who was having trouble finding a nanny that "all you need is some black who doesn't even have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building".

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    Women have often felt unwelcome on Wall Street, and that has also been true at times at Bloomberg, according to several women who have complained that they were not treated fairly when they worked there.

    In 1996 and 1997, the company was hit with four lawsuits filed by female employees accusing the company of sexual discrimination or harassment. The women who filed those suits either declined to comment or could not be reached.

    Three of the lawsuits have been widely publicized. In the one that Bloomberg settled, Sekiko Sakai Garrison said that when she became pregnant, Mr. Bloomberg told her to ''Kill it!'' and that he and other managers at the company subjected women to lewd comments and behavior. Mr. Bloomberg denies all of this and says he passed a lie-detector test, though he has not released the results.

    Another employee, Mary Ann Olszewski, said in her suit that ''male employees from Mr. Bloomberg on down'' harassed and degraded women. A judge closed the case in February after her lawyer failed to meet court-imposed deadlines.

    T. Diane Winger, who claimed that she was unfairly demoted and that Mr. Bloomberg made advances to her, withdrew her suit after her husband, who also worked for Bloomberg, pleaded guilty in 1999 to stealing more than $1 million from the company.

    In the fourth suit, a reporter, Liz Roman Gallese, contends that she was fired because of her sex and age (she was in her 40's at the time). Bloomberg says her poor reporting did not improve despite the company's best efforts; its motion for summary judgment is pending before a federal judge in Boston.

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    'I'd Do Her': A Brief History of Michael Bloomberg's Public Sexism

    When the latest New York magazine cover story on leading New York City mayoral candidate Christine Quinn came out this week, it quoted current Mayor Michael Bloomberg as telling a reporter to "look at the ass on her" while gesturing toward a woman at a holiday party. Elsewhere in the piece, Quinn spoke briefly about the frequent comments the mayor makes about her clothes and appearance:

    [S]he said, "The mayor is going to yell at me when I get out of the car because I have flat boots on. The mayor has no use for flat shoes." Really, I said. Why would he care? "I was at a parade with him once and he said, ‘What are those?' and I said, ‘They're comfortable,' and he said, ‘I never want to hear those words out of your mouth again.' " Everyone in the vehicle, including the security detail in the front seat, cracked up. "He likes me in high heels. Let's see how long it takes before he notices." She scrolled through her BlackBerry. "Another big thing with the mayor, when I am rooting … like, the couple of days a week before I need to get my hair colored, he'll say, ‘Do you pay a lot to make your hair be two colors? Because now it's three with the gray.' And I'm like, ‘Did you wake up being this big of an asshole? Or did it take, like, all day to ramp up to it to be able to insult me like that?' "

    Some were shocked that Bloomberg, with his endorsements for President Obama and progressive stances on gun control, seems to have a mean streak of misogyny coursing just underneath his billion-dollar bankroll and diminutive size. Not shocked was anyone who's worked around Bloomberg for any significant amount of time. Those are the people who know the Independent mayor's other side, the one forged in the cutthroat, chest-thumping world of Wall Street, where Bloomberg made his billions and sat atop a company that—allegedly—encouraged female employees to wear short skirts and "fuck-me shoes."

    Here is a rundown of some of the more notable allegations of sexism leveled against Michael Bloomberg throughout his career. As you'll see, "look at the ass on her" appears to be merely the tip of the anti-woman obnoxiousness.

    1996-97, Bloomberg LP: "I'd do her."

    In 1996 and 1997, four women filed sexual harassment suits against Bloomberg LP. One of them, a sales executive named Sekiko Garrison, alleges that Michael Bloomberg told her to "Kill it!" when she shared with him that she was pregnant. Asked by Garrison to repeat himself, Bloomberg said again, "Kill it!" Garrison says that Bloomberg went on to lament that she was going to be the sixteenth woman in the company to be taking maternity leave.

    Garrison further stated that Bloomberg antagonized her even before she became pregnant, asking her of her engagement ring, "What, is the guy dumb and blind? What the hell is he marrying you for?" and, a week later, "Still engaged? What, is he that good in bed, or did your father pay him off to get rid of you?" In a deposition, Bloomberg is reported to have conceded saying "I'd do her" in relation to Garrison, but he insisted that he thought "do" meant to have a personal relationship with someone. Other reports from the deposition say Bloomberg almost stormed out of the proceedings when the opposing attorney asked him if he thought the porn film Debbie Does Dallas meant Debbie has a personal relationship with everyone from Dallas.

    Eventually Bloomberg settled with Garrison out of court for an undisclosed sum, though he maintains his innocence to this day, saying he passed a lie-detector test. The results of that test have never been made public.

    1998 and 2007, Bloomberg LP: "I don't recall ever using the term 'meat' at all."

    Another of the women behind one of the late '90s lawsuits was Mary Ann Olszewski, who claimed that "male employees from Mr. Bloomberg on down" routinely demoralized women at Bloomberg LP. Olszewski said that the harassment culminated in her being raped in a Chicago hotel room by her direct superior, a top Bloomberg executive. In a 1998 deposition relating to the Olszewski case, Bloomberg testified that he wouldn't call the rape allegation genuine unless there was "an unimpeachable third-party witness." "Describe for me your conception of how there could be a third-party witness to confirm or deny the truthfulness of her allegations," the attorney asked Bloomberg. Bloomberg responded, "There are times when three people are together." Later asked if he'd ever made a comment to the effect of "I'd do that piece of meat" or "I'd "do her in a second," Bloomberg said simply, "I don't recall ever using the term 'meat' at all." The Village Voice reported in 2001 that a federal judge dropped Olszewski's case after an internal Bloomberg LP effort to smear Olszewski as "flirtatious" and a "sex hound." But the Voice's Wayne Barrett says he believes there are signs suggesting Bloomberg secretly settled with Olszewski.

    In a 2001 New York Times article about the lawsuits, Bloomberg characterized them as: "If you don't give me what I want, I'm going to make a fuss."

    In 2007, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit against Bloomberg LP on behalf of 78 women who claimed that Bloomberg—who at that point was not involved in the day-to-day company operations, despite being a majority shareholder—and Bloomberg LP "fostered, condoned and perpetuated" a hostile work environment for female employees. The suit charged that Bloomberg LP systematically demoted women and excluded them from growth opportunities if they became pregnant. Manhattan judge Loretta Preska tossed the suit in 2011 citing insufficient evidence, but she allowed some individual complaints to proceed.

    2001, The Portable Bloomberg: "That horsey faced lesbian"

    In September 2001, less than a year before Bloomberg would first be elected mayor, then-New York magazine columnist Michael Wolff got his hands on a book called The Portable Bloomberg: The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Bloomberg. Dated Valentine's Day 1990, Bloomberg's 48th birthday, the book was reportedly a gift from Bloomberg LP staffers who wanted to canonize some of their boss' most famous quips and anecdotes. Anyone looking for uplifting bon mots, however, would be sorely letdown. As Wolff wrote at the time, the book "represents, I think, an institutional acceptance of the arrogance, cruelty, carelessness, and rulelessness of the CEO." Also, sexism. A lot of sexism. Here are some excerpts, all of which Elisabeth DeMarse, a former Bloomberg executive, corroborated as "direct quotes" from Bloomberg himself:

    The Royal family—what a bunch of misfits—a gay, an architect, that horsey faced lesbian, and a kid who gave up Koo Stark for some fat broad.

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    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    As a filthy rich dem he will be protected, coddled and covered for by most of the usual dem/lib/leftist dumb-ass suspects-- only those hardcore for one of the other dem candidates will openly attack him and his arrogance, or his - I am above any reproach personality, imho.-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    I have no doubt that Bloomberg will soon accuse Trump of saying things that Mike's actually said himself. That's the Dem playbook - "always accuse others of doing the things that you are actually guilty of".
    Ecclesiastes 10:2 - A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him to the left.
    Wise men don't need advice, and fools won't take it - Ben Franklin
    "It's not how you start, it's how you finish."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Russ View Post
    I have no doubt that Bloomberg will soon accuse Trump of saying things that Mike's actually said himself. That's the Dem playbook - "always accuse others of doing the things that you are actually guilty of".
    He's already running campaign ads in Wisconsin. Got no idea why but he is, and he's claiming he's gods gift to the democrat party and only he can beat the bad orange man.

    Pfft... take a hike mini mike.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-19-2020 at 08:45 AM.

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