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    Michigan monitoring 325 people for coronavirus infections, but has tested ZERO


    At least 325 people in the state of Michigan are being monitored for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) after having recently returned from travel to mainland China.

    Joining the hundreds of other potentially infected people also being monitored in California and several other states, these people in Michigan all took trips to communist China within the past two weeks, or were passengers on an unidentified cruise ship where the virus is present.

    Our guess is that this cruise ship was the Diamond Princess vessel from which 16 passengers were sent to locations all across the United States, including to the Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, though this cannot yet be confirmed.

    As of this writing, none of the potential Michigan cases are under quarantine, but state health agency spokeswoman Lynn Sutfin told local media that all of them have been asked to self-quarantine, meaning they have the option to continue moving about in public without restriction.

    Sutfin said that, at this time, none of the patients are a high enough risk to be placed under mandatory lockdown.

    Michigan is one of the few states that has the equipment necessary to conduct tests for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). Most states, warned Mike Adams, the Health Ranger are ill-equipped to test for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), which means they may have undetected cases roaming around in public.

    Thus far, Michigan has tested a total of five people using protocols set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, all of them have come back negative, and there are still no confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) anywhere in Michigan.

    In nearby Wisconsin, however, there is now one confirmed case of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). And in Illinois, we’ve received word that there are now two confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).

    All of the potential cases in Michigan will continue to be monitored for the hallmark symptoms of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), which include fever, cough and respiratory issues.

    “We are keeping track of cases resulting from repatriation efforts separately because we don’t believe those numbers accurately represent the picture of what is happening in the community in the United States at this time,” stated CDC head Dr. Nancy Messonnier as to the disparity in official case numbers being put out by her agency.

    Listen below as the Health Ranger talks about why people who live on rural farms as opposed to in densely packed cities have a far greater chance than anyone else of surviving the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19):
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-26-2020 at 08:58 AM.

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    Fed up with CDC delays and excuses, U.S. laboratory association urgently requests FDA allow state and local labs to run coronavirus tests without CDC approval


    It’s now becoming increasingly clear that the CDC has ordered state labs to halt all coronavirus tests in a desperate effort to avoid all testing and thereby find no evidence of “community outbreaks.”

    The CDC’s intention is to obviously cause the coronavirus to spread as widely as possible in America by prohibiting nearly all testing in the United States.

    The worse the epidemic gets in America, the more funding and power the CDC receives from the “crisis” once it’s finally unveiled.

    Now, the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL), totally fed up with CDC excuses, delays and broken “diagnostic kits,” is asking the FDA for emergency approval to create and run their own local tests for coronavirus infections.

    “As of Monday, only five U.S. states – California, Illinois, Nebraska, Nevada and Tennessee – have the capability to test for the virus, according to the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL),” reported CNBC today. “The group, which represents state and local public health labs, sent a letter to FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn seeking permission to develop tests for the virus.”

    The APHL CEO, Scott Becker, stated what we’ve been saying for weeks: “We’re weeks and weeks into this response and the desire is to begin community-based surveillance and make sure we have the diagnostics as close to the population as possible, and we’re not there,” he said.

    Of course we’re not there. That’s because the CDC is working hard to make sure virtually no one gets tested.

    Fewer than 500 people tested in the entire United States, thanks to CDC negligence

    While South Korea has so far tested at least 28,000 people for the virus, the CDC has so far tested just 426. That’s despite the fact that California alone is monitoring 8,000 people for possible coronavirus infections. To date, virtually none of those people have been tested at all, and the same story is repeated across Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, Michigan and just about everywhere.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-26-2020 at 09:10 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Coronavirus spreads to Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria, Austria and Brazil while cases explode in Italy by 45% in one day


    Over the last 36 hours or so, the coronavirus spread has now been confirmed in a slew of new countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria and Austria. Cases are already confirmed in Belgium, Lebanon, Finland, Sweden, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Israel, Cambodia, Nepal, Afghanistan, Russia and many other countries.

    An infection is now suspected in Brazil, which would make it the first South American nation to confirm a coronavirus infection, bringing the virus to a whole new continent. According to Brazil’s Health Ministry, one test of a local patient has reportedly come back positive. A second confirmation test is necessary to make the diagnosis “official.”

    These are irrefutable facts, yet we still have naysayers throughout the media and across the cultural landscape who claim none of this is happening, that the coronavirus bioweapon system is “just another flu,” or that it’s a grand hoax being perpetrated by all these countries as some elaborate staged event to commit economic suicide for some unknown reason.

    Pandemic denialism is essentially the “Flat Earth” version of epidemiology. According to the denialists, all the nations listed above are faking it, sacrificing their national economics to carry out some sort of elaborate hoax for some unimaginable reason.

    Rush Limbaugh, meanwhile, still insists the coronavirus is just “the flu.” It’s a reminder why highly influential people should stick to their areas of expertise and not wander into areas where they very quickly demonstrate their shocking technical ignorance and lack of knowledge.

    Coronavirus cases explode in Italy by 45% overnight

    Coronavirus infections exploded overnight in Italy, rising to 322 confirmed cases, an increase of 100 from the previous day.

    To try to stop the spread of the virus, Italy is running armed road blocks surrounding 12 towns, prohibiting road travel.

    According to The Epoch Times, no one in Italy even knows the source of the outbreak, completely obliterating any argument from WHO officials that this is “contained” or “not a pandemic.” Via TET:

    Italian health officials haven’t yet identified the source of the outbreak. Angelo Borrelli, the head of the Italian civil protection department, said the case count grew from 222 to 322, representing a 45% increase, in a 24-hour period from Monday evening to Tuesday evening.

    According to the pandemic denialists, of course, Italy must be faking it for some reason. Yes, it’s an insane idea, but that’s what is now being promoted by the left-wing media and even some conservative journalists.

    Notably, the very bureaucrat in Iran who told everybody the virus was no big deal is now infected himself. Also via TET:

    Only a day earlier, a coughing and heavily sweating Iraj Harirchi said at a televised news conference in Tehran that “the situation is almost stable in the country.”

    Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour confirmed Harirchi had the virus. Harirchi himself posted an online video saying he had it and that he had quarantined himself at home. He promised that authorities would bring the virus under control.

    That’s reassuring, huh? The very government bureaucrat sitting in quarantine after accidentally getting infected is telling us all the government has it under control. The irony is almost pure comedy, if it weren’t so tragic.

    San Franciso declares state of emergency while media tells us there’s no emergency at all

    San Francisco, meanwhile, has just declared a state of emergency over the coronavirus, even when CDC officials claim there are essentially zero confirmed cases in San Francisco.

    According to the SF Chronicle, Mayor London Breed said more resources need to be allocated, “to make sure we are prepared,” even while the entire media establishment in America claims there’s nothing to be prepared for in the first place.

    So why did San Fran just declare an emergency, then?

    The CDC’s insane policy of “Don’t Test, Don’t Tell” is keeping America in the dark while the epidemic explodes across U.S. cities.

    I believe I'm correct in saying that it's found a footing in east Africa (the continent) ? If you're also right about Covid-19 reaching Brazil, that's two Southern Hemisphere continents affected in the past couple of days.

    Australia has its own, of course. So, aren't we at the threshold of pandemic status being confirmed ? Or do Greenland and Antarctica (both free of it !!!) ... also have to be included ?

    Our British colony in the Falklands is still free of it (three cheers, everybody ..).

    What did I say about the sheer stupidity of the EU's 'free movement' policy, in another post ? The Italian cluster of cases is now translating into a spread of the virus into countries neighbouring Italy. That's within just a couple of days after the initial report of the 'explosion' of Italian cases reached the media.

    You know, once this is all over, the pandemic having disappeared ... I'll bet that the ever-arrogant EU will have learned precisely NOTHING from any of this. So, there they'll be, complacently ideologically 'pure' in their belief that porous borders across the EU's Member States is a 'wonderful thing' for them, and - to the extent they'd even care - the wider world ....
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post

    I believe I'm correct in saying that it's found a footing in east Africa (the continent) ? If you're also right about Covid-19 reaching Brazil, that's two Southern Hemisphere continents affected in the past couple of days.

    Australia has its own, of course. So, aren't we at the threshold of pandemic status being confirmed ? Or do Greenland and Antarctica (both free of it !!!) ... also have to be included ?

    Our British colony in the Falklands is still free of it (three cheers, everybody ..).

    What did I say about the sheer stupidity of the EU's 'free movement' policy, in another post ? The Italian cluster of cases is now translating into a spread of the virus into countries neighbouring Italy. That's within just a couple of days after the initial report of the 'explosion' of Italian cases reached the media.

    You know, once this is all over, the pandemic having disappeared ... I'll bet that the ever-arrogant EU will have learned precisely NOTHING from any of this. So, there they'll be, complacently ideologically 'pure' in their belief that porous borders across the EU's Member States is a 'wonderful thing' for them, and - to the extent they'd even care - the wider world ....
    Well the CDC, in their ever amazing wisdom, is saying... "this could be bad." Well, pfft, YA!

    I would think that we should be hearing it considered a WW pandemic any time now.

    I'm kinda hunkered down myself. I'm not going anywhere that I don't have to go. Going to see how this plays out.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-26-2020 at 10:18 AM.

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    [QUOTE=High_Plains_Drifter;951805]Coronavirus spreads to Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria, Austria and Brazil while cases explode in Italy by 45% in one day


    Crap, that's what I was afraid of. Once a few plane loads get outta dodge, and a percentage may be sick, and then even if only say like 7 of them got through somewhere. Now they go home to families, hit the stores, then hit the doctors office or hospital with people in the waiting rooms. And then it explodes in a particular area. And then again, some from that area go out of town for whatever the reason, and some will take plains and trains. And just like that.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Crap, that's what I was afraid of. Once a few plane loads get outta dodge, and a percentage may be sick, and then even if only say like 7 of them got through somewhere. Now they go home to families, hit the stores, then hit the doctors office or hospital with people in the waiting rooms. And then it explodes in a particular area. And then again, some from that area go out of town for whatever the reason, and some will take plains and trains. And just like that.
    Yep... as of now, I don't think there's any "mandatory" confinement for anyone in America. Some have been asked to "self quarantine," but that's just a joke. This is going to have to get a lot more serious before things here in America get worse. But so far, there's only 57 reported cases here, but they're not TESTING people either. I think this could BLOW UP OUR FACES real easy... we'll see... but if you haven't stored up any dried goods, foods that won't spoil like Spam and such, and water, maybe stash a little cash somewhere, I'd recommend you do. Better to be safe than sorry.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-26-2020 at 11:51 AM.

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    This is an example as to why our markets are getting hammered around.


    Half the Population of China, 760 Million, Now Locked Down

    In China, 760M people are locked down. Apple just issued a warning. In Japan, there is a sudden spike coronavirus cases.

    Apple is supply constrained and Revenue Projections Will Fall Short Due to Coronavirus.

    Apple Inc. became the first major U.S. company to say it won’t meet its revenue projections for the current quarter due to the coronavirus outbreak, which it said had limited iPhone production for world-wide sales and curtailed demand for its products in China.

    Apple had last month projected record revenue for the current quarter of between $63 billion and $67 billion, which it said was a wider than normal range due to the virus. The technology giant on Monday didn’t provide an updated sales estimate, saying that the situation in China is evolving. It said it would provide more information when it holds its earnings call in April.

    The difficulties are extending into supply chains around the world. Volkswagen AG said Monday it would postpone production restarts at some Chinese plants for another week. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV last week said it temporarily halted production in Serbia because it could not get parts from China, which continues to deal with manufacturing delays as it seeks to contain the spread of the virus.
    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Well... Trump tried to warn companies to move their manufacturing back to America, and to diversify when it comes to finding what we need from somewhere other than JUST China. We have too many fish in the barrel in China. We need to pull the hell otta there, and this virus crap is example #1 WHY.

    If it wasn't for the U.S., China would look a whole lot like Cuba. We've been funding and allowing them to steal our technology for their incredible rise to power for decades now. How stupid can we be? Is GREED REALLY that huge of a motivator that you'd be willing to FINANCE the build up of our greatest enemy? It's shameful, and pathetic.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-26-2020 at 12:52 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    How stupid can we be? Is GREED REALLY that huge of a motivator that you'd be willing to FINANCE the build up of our greatest enemy? It's shameful, and pathetic.
    It seems as though greed combined with a lust for power is enough of a motivator for those who see capitalism and conservatism as our greatest enemy.

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    CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier says the coronavirus pandemic will spread in the USA, a matter of “when” not “if” … while Trump urges everybody to keep buying (overbought) stocks


    When listening to the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier warn about the coming pandemic outbreaks across America, you no longer have to read between the lines.

    She’s just flat out saying it now: It’s coming. Get prepared. If you aren’t prepared, you’re a fool.

    “Now is the time for businesses, hospitals, communities, schools and everyday people to begin preparing,” Dr. Messonnier recently told reporters on a conference call, according to CNBC. “We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare for the expectation that this could be bad.”

    The Wall Street Journal adds this unambiguous statement that needs no interpretation:

    “We expect we will see community spread in this country,” meaning the virus circulating within local communities, said Dr. Messonnier. She added that the question isn’t if the virus will expand in the U.S., but when.

    The coronavirus is coming to America… it’s no longer a question of “if”

    Thus, it’s only a matter of time before the coronavirus spreads in America. And with one case already testing positive in Brazil, we now have the coronavirus on a whole new continent.

    Over the last 48 hours, the pandemic accelerated rapidly, moving into 8 new countries. It has now been detected in Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Italy, Australia, Malaysia, France, Vietnam, Canada, Kuwait, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, USA, Egypt, Finland, Belgium, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Israel, Cambodia, Nepal, Oman, Afghanistan, Philippines and China.

    Such a vast, global spread would be impossible if the virus were “contained” as the communist-run WHO continues to falsely claim. (Notably, Google refers all searches on coronavirus to the WHO so that its official lies dominate the narrative.)

    This pandemic is so far beyond containment that the question of it going global is already answered. Yes, it’s global. And no, it won’t be contained.

    President Trump and Rush Limbaugh are trying to tell everyone it’s no big deal and the WHO has it under control

    Both President Trump and Rush Limbaugh are working overtime to downplay the severity of this global pandemic. Rush says it’s no worse than the flu, while President Trump has scheduled a press conference this evening at 6pm Eastern to tell America that there’s no reason to panic and everybody should buy more (overpriced) stocks.

    Rush and Trump, it seems, are all-in with the “everything’s awesome” bandwagon, while the independent media (InfoWars, ZeroHedge, Natural News, etc.) are doing the math and warning that this pandemic could be devastating to the U.S. economy and the health of its citizens.

    Further complicating this issue is the newly uncovered fact that the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier is reportedly the sister of Rod Rosenstein, part of the anti-Trump conspiracy coup gang that tried to overturn the 2016 election and remove Trump from office. But Rosenstein, notably, is widely reported to be cooperating with AG William Barr and may be providing testimony to help indict other deep state traitors such as James Comey (we’re not holding our breath that anybody gets indicted… too early to tell).

    At this point, there are so many conflicting stories, theories and narratives that it’s nauseating to try to navigate the “truth” about all the motivations and agendas here.

    So keep it simple. What’s undeniable is that the virus is spreading globally at a breathtaking pace.

    It’s also undeniable that the CDC has prohibited nearly all coronavirus testing by U.S. states and local hospitals, meaning there’s virtually no testing taking place anywhere in America.

    In my view, the CDC is setting a trap for Trump by getting him to address the nation and tell everyone it’s all under control. Once the testing actually resumes in America, we’ll see hundreds (if not thousands) of cases exploding overnight, and the media will pounce on Trump, blaming him for incompetence and a lack of action to stop the pandemic.

    And if you want another conspiracy layer to consider on top of everything else, I wouldn’t even be surprised if some particularly wretched Democrat operatives are spreading the virus on purpose, contributing to the eventual spike of cases in America that can all be blamed on Trump. The Dems can’t wait to blame Trump for people dropping dead in the streets from the coronavirus… and San Francisco just declared a state of emergency, by the way, even though they claim there are no infections in the city so far. (Huh?)

    Dr. Messonnier, once again, seems to be telling the truth (for the moment) when she says this pandemic is coming to America. That part seems inevitable.

    We already have confirmation from a Homeland Security source that there are over 1,000 confirmed infections in America, and that number is over a week old. Given the roughly 3.5-day doubling period of this virus when left uncontained, that means we might already have > 4000 infections in the United States.

    And Trump is about to tell America everything’s under control?

    It’s a Trump trap.

    In fact, I think the spread of the coronavirus in the United States is deliberate. Listen to the evidence in this podcast, below. Hear all my podcasts (now posting 3 per day) at or
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-26-2020 at 05:00 PM.

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    Oh joy, and another way that one person can spread the disease, between South Korea, the USA and also Israel potentially.


    Korean Air Flight Attendant Working LAX Flights Diagnosed With Coronavirus

    LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) – A flight attendant for Korean Air who worked several flights out of Los Angeles International Airport has been diagnosed with coronavirus.

    The 24-year-old was diagnosed Tuesday in southern Seoul, according to the Korea Joongang Daily newspaper.

    The flight attendant had worked flights between LAX and Seoul–Incheon International Airport on Feb. 19 and 20, according to South Korean media outlets.

    The woman also serviced a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Seoul on Feb. 15, South Korea’s Center for Disease Control said. She may have contracted the virus from a South Korean church group who were on a pilgrimage to Israel, the Yonghap News Agency reports.

    So far, 30 members of that church group have been diagnosed with coronavirus, according to South Korean health authorities.

    Korean Air has closed its operations center at Incheon Airport in order to disinfect the area.

    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    CHINA’s own scientists conclude the CoVid-19 coronavirus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market


    A state-run Chinese media outlet has announced to the world that – big shocker! – the communist regime of China may not be telling the truth about the actual origins of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).

    The Global Times of China published a story about a new study entitled, “New Chinese study indicates novel coronavirus did not originate in Huanan seafood market,” published in the journal ChinaXiv, that links the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) to something else other than that infamous seafood market.

    Patient zero, which the study doesn’t identify, is lurking somewhere out there with the evidence needed to trace the virus back to its true source, the study suggests. But as of right now, nobody knows the identify of patient zero, and may never know, which means the whole thing remains a mystery.

    By conducting an analysis of genome-wide data, the researchers involved with the study were able to determine that the official story surrounding the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) is questionable, at best. It simply wouldn’t have been possible for tainted seafood to ignite this crisis based on the available evidence, in other words.

    “The study believes that patient zero – who has not yet been identified, and whose identity holds the key to unraveling the mystery of the coronavirus source – transmitted the virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market,” reports Zero Hedge.

    “The crowded market facilitated the further transmission of the virus to buyers, which caused a wider spread in early December 2019. According to the researchers, the new coronavirus experienced two sudden population expansions, including one on January 6, 2020, which was related to the Chinese New Year’s Day holiday.”

    Community spread of coronavirus was already occurring before it hit the Huanan seafood market

    Based on what’s been uncovered, human-to-human transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) was already occurring as far back as November, and simply sped up by the time it reached the Huanan seafood market, the paper contends.

    In countries like Australia, France, Japan and the United States, experts have identified at least two different sources of infection. In the U.S. specifically, there are reportedly at least five different sources of infection.

    Because the communist Chinese regime took its time in issuing the appropriate emergency response to the pandemic, and also failed to get the message out quickly to as many Chinese people as possible, the number of cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) increased dramatically.

    “While the Chinese report did not go so far as to offer alternative theories where the virus may have originated, we find it amusing that the very first comment to the Global Times article is a rather tongue-in-cheek suggestion of what the real answer may be,” reports Zero Hedge, presumably referring to the following comment:

    “Must have started in the top secret bioweapons building round the corner then.”

    This is the same alternative theory put forth by the New York Post, which surmised that the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) probably leaked from a Chinese laboratory like its only level-4 biosafety facility, which just so happens to exist in the city of Wuhan.

    “China has unleashed a plague on its own people,” the Post concluded. “It’s too early to say how many in China and other countries will ultimately die for the failures of their country’s state-run microbiology labs, but the human cost will be high.”
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-26-2020 at 05:10 PM.

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    BOMBSHELL: Fewer than 600 people “officially” tested for coronavirus in the entire United States; massive cover-up under way as 47 U.S. states have tested ZERO people


    With each passing day of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s becoming more and more clear that the United States is following the “Wuhan plan” for how to contain coronavirus infections: Avoiding testing people, and you can then avoid reporting any “confirmed infections.”

    Given the tens of thousands of Chinese nationals entering the United States of America every month, the thousands of Chinese students and the many thousands of residents who are under “observation” by state health authorities in places like Washington and California, a reasonable person might expect that the CDC has so far tested at least 10,000 people for the CoVid-19 coronavirus. But guess how many the CDC has actually tested?

    To the great shock of anyone paying attention, the CDC’s own website admits the agency has tested only 414 people in the entire country.

    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-27-2020 at 08:47 AM.

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    Just heard a doctor interviewed on Fox News say that "most people, if infected, can sit out the virus at home and be just fine." So that reinforces what I've heard before, and that's that only the very old and weak are dying from the Coronavirus. In fact, more people die of the Flu that get infected than do the Coronavirus. I think we could be getting very worked up about nothing, because this doesn't even add up to being as deadly as the yearly Flu season. I think the Ebola and such were much greater threats.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-27-2020 at 08:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    BOMBSHELL: Fewer than 600 people “officially” tested for coronavirus in the entire United States; massive cover-up under way as 47 U.S. states have tested ZERO people
    I'm reading conflicting info on this one and that irritates me, as that means someone is lying, or incompetent, or both.

    First warnings make me think they obviously aren't fully prepared for this, or at least certain areas/hospitals are not. Shit better be show massive improvement or there will be serious consequences once this thing starts hitting badly.


    HHS Secretary Alex Azar: 3,625 Patients Tested by CDC for Coronavirus So Far – 40 Labs Across US Able to Test for Virus Starting Tomorrow

    Health and Human Services Secretary Alexander Azar testified before Congress on Thursday morning.

    Azar told lawmakers CDC test kits for coronavirus will be distributed today and 40 labs across the US will be able to test for the virus starting tomorrow.

    93 US labs will be able to test for the virus starting Monday.

    Rest -

    California Coronavirus Patient Went to Hospital Last Week But was NOT TESTED By CDC Despite Requests from Local Health Officials

    A person in northern California who has not traveled internationally recently came down with coronavirus this week.
    The patient did not have contact with any known people with coronavirus.

    Doctors do not know how he caught the virus or from whom.

    And now this —
    The patient was sent home last week after he went to the hospital.
    And the CDC refused requests to check him for coronavirus despite requests from local health officials.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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