Walk Slowly, Tread Lightly, Voice Kindly, Hold Tightly

Walk slowly, Life with its deep mysteries awaits;
For within the moment Time breathes and dies
Spur gently, racing horses begging passion's gate
To bring Love from those towering blue skies-
Walk slowly.

Tread lightly, on daydreams that magnify desires;
Some are foolish, not ever meant to be
Step lively, into romance before it expires
As Love's joy, sets sails upon open seas-
Tread lightly.

Voice kindly, words that in gratitude issue praise;
For it is true tenderness so rewards
Give freely, heart's glow, its magnificence raise
To ones depths that life and honor safeguards-
Voice kindly.

Hold tightly, greater fortitude that courage brings;
As are cast rare gems of sweetest delight
See clearly, life's beauty and Nature's offerings
for such are gifts that prove life is alright-
Hold tightly.

Robert J. Lindley, 2-27-2020
Rhyme, ( Beneath The Starry Skies, Looking Into Infinity )

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2020