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    With underlying health issues, I am thinking I wouldn’t fare so well. My main concern at this point, though, is what I will do if I cannot get my meds because so much is made in China. I currently get just a 30-day supply. I wonder if I should call my doc and ask her for 90 day scrips?

    Also, generally, what do you all keep for emergency food and water supplies? I have some of both, but I think they expire after 5 years.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Trick to staying healthy: wash your hands often.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Trick to staying healthy: wash your hands often.
    I agree it’s very important, but you need the people around you to do the same.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    With underlying health issues, I am thinking I wouldn’t fare so well. My main concern at this point, though, is what I will do if I cannot get my meds because so much is made in China. I currently get just a 30-day supply. I wonder if I should call my doc and ask her for 90 day scrips?

    Also, generally, what do you all keep for emergency food and water supplies? I have some of both, but I think they expire after 5 years.
    Call your doctor, current advice seems to be to have a 90 day supply on hand, while you keep the monthly prescription going.

    If you have food and water for 5 years, I would think that would be fine. Personally wouldn't want to hang around that long if it meant no contact with others. To each their own with that.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Trick to staying healthy: wash your hands often.
    Thanks for popping on bro, especially with that comment because I couldn't agree MORE.

    I don't get out a whole lot, but even around here in little Podunk town, I wash my hands IMMEDIATELY when I get home, and I use the saniwipes on the carts in stores before I grab the handle.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-27-2020 at 06:46 PM.

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    Chinese state media finally admitting official coronavirus count is a lie


    In a shocking turn of events, Caixin, a state-run media outlet in communist China, has finally fessed up about the mass underreporting of coronavirus deaths in Wuhan, ground-zero for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) pandemic.

    Confirming what we and others in the independent media have been saying for weeks now, Caixin published an exposé addressing the major discrepancy between the official numbers and the actual numbers, which one doctor based out of Hunan says is a factor of 50 to one.

    For every 50 actual deaths, in other words, communist China is only reporting one death, which means the true Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) death count is substantially higher than what the world is being told.

    Of particular concern are the number of deaths occurring in prisons and nursing homes, which are almost going completely unnoticed as the communist Chinese regime focuses almost exclusively on what’s going on in Wuhan’s hospitals.

    We know that Chinese authorities missed some 500 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) that emerged in a handful of prisons located both in and out of Hubei, which prompted some journalists and local officials to take a closer look at the situation.

    Amazingly, one local nursing home that sits just blocks away from the Huanan seafood market where the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) was initially said to have emerged has seen a sharp increase in the number of deaths among its patients – the highest number of deaths in this short a period of time perhaps ever, some of its workers say.

    In this particular nursing home, some 19 people have died since the outbreak first went public, and yet only one of them was attributed to the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).

    Since proper testing isn’t being conducted, in many cases, officials are getting away with blaming things like “pneumonia” or “infection” for this unusual uptick in deaths when, in all likelihood, they’re probably just undiagnosed Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) cases.

    “A list of the dead at the social welfare facility obtained by Caixin showed 15 fatalities between Dec. 23 and Feb. 11 and four more Feb. 18,” the state-run news outlet reported. “Of the total of 19 fatalities, only the death of an 83-year-old male Feb. 15 was clearly linked to Covid-19.”

    “Either others were attributed to infections, including six to lung infections and two deaths from shock caused by infection. The remaining 10 fatalities were reportedly from other causes, and five of them took place before Feb. 11 when the nursing home started testing for Covid-19.”

    One of the nursing home deaths was a 27-year-old female in the prime of her life

    While 18 of the 19 deaths during this time period occurred in people above the age of 80, and some in their 90s, with various preexisting conditions, keep in mind that the remaining death occurred in a 27-year-old woman who’s said to have had cholecystitis, or an inflamed gallbladder.

    While this case wasn’t officially diagnosed as the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), it is highly suspect in light of all the others that more than likely were. It suggests that this deadly illness isn’t killing just the elderly, but also younger people in the prime of their lives.

    “So, their 2,442 death count means at least 122,000 dead,” pointed out one Zero Hedge commenter about the 50-to-one discrepancy in China’s official death count.

    “As far as I was concerned even four weeks ago, the ‘infected’ number they were giving was the actual death count,” wrote another.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-28-2020 at 08:40 AM.

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    Solano County, where critically ill woman exposed dozens of hospital workers to the coronavirus, is home to Travis Air Force Base that tried to export infected patients to city near Los Angeles


    The California county where a now-critically ill woman exposed dozens of hospital staffers to the coronavirus is also home to Travis Air Force Base, where infected Diamond Princess patients have been housed in a quarantine unit.

    The woman was not tested for 11 days because the CDC continues to withhold testing kits from the entire country. California Gov. Newsom declared in a news conference today that California has “just a few hundred testing kits” that he called, “simply inadequate,” reports the SF Chronicle.

    The independent media — Natural News, Zero Hedge, InfoWars and Peak Prosperity — has been hammering this point for well over a week, asking why near-zero testing of people is being conducted in America. The totally discredited mainstream media, which has downplayed this entire pandemic from day one, claims it’s a “conspiracy theory” to cite the CDC’s own numbers that show only 445 people have been tested in the entire country:

    State-by-state testing numbers are now published on, revealing that nearly all states have tested exactly zero people.

    Although this point should be abundantly self-evident, if you don’t test anyone for the virus, you won’t find any evidence of infections.

    The CDC continues to repeat they have “no evidence of community outbreaks” in America — a goal that’s easy to achieve when you aren’t testing anyone.

    Travis Air Force Base tried to export infected patients to Costa Mesa, near Los Angeles

    Last week, Travis Air Force base attempted to secretly export up to 50 infected patients to the Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa, utterly without any approval of Costa Mesa city leaders. The Fairview center was built to house neurologically impaired adults and has no biocontainment facilities whatsoever. The center has a history of mysterious deaths, violent assaults on patients and even patient rapes. Over 43% of the patients there are given hypnotic drugs, according to public records.

    When city officials became aware of the Air Force plan to relocate infected patients there, they balked and filed a federal lawsuit, demanding a judge grant a temporary restraining order to halt the action:

    Here’s what the lawsuit document says:

    Statement of Facts:

    Defendants intend to relocate from 35-50 patients already diagnosed with the Coronavirus from a secure location on Travis Air Force Base, where they are isolated from population centers, to Costa Mesa, a densely population city within a county of over 3 million. (Dempsey Decl. ??2, 6-7). And they plan to do so without first determining the suitability of the facility where the individuals will be housed. The Defendants’ plan was announced at the eleventh hour, with no efforts to include local government leaders or local public health officials. (Id.). Indeed, State officials demanded to know why local emergency personnel notified City leaders at all of the plan to introduce people with a deadly and highly communicable disease into the community.

    As we point out in this previous story, the reason Travis Air Force Base needed to export infected patients is because the Air Force base has been overrun with infected patients.

    They’ve run out of biocontainment beds, in other words, because California is experiencing a sustained, rapidly multiplying coronavirus outbreak that the CDC knows all about but chooses to hide from the public.

    In fact, DHS, the FDA, the CDC and the NIH are all well aware that America’s cities are about to be hit with thousands of coronavirus infections. It’s already beyond containment in the United States, and the public has been lied to from day one.

    Only the independent media has been reporting the truth about this virus, and Big Tech is making sure all indy media sources are banned in order to “control the narrative.”
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-28-2020 at 08:48 AM.

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    Open borders politicians in Europe are contributing to the spread of Wuhan coronavirus the same way they allowed their countries to be invaded by refugees


    Left-wing political ideology is going to be the death of Europe someday, and probably within most of our lifetimes.

    A few years ago, the continent’s various countries threw open their doors to waves and waves of mostly Muslim refugees from the war-torn Middle East and North Africa, flooding their cities with people who simply do not share their values or their historic Christian faith.

    The results have been predictable: Cities in France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, and Britain where large immigrant communities were formed have become ‘no-go zones’ for birthright citizens. Crime and violence has gotten so bad in some of these regions that police no longer patrol them.

    Now, that same open-borders mentality is exposing hundreds of millions of Europeans to Wuhan coronavirus, as Summit News reports:

    Even as the coronavirus begins to spread around the continent, EU officials have steadfastly refused to implement border controls, insisting that the sanctity of open borders is more important.

    The number of confirmed cases in Italy has soared from 3 to 322 in the space of just five days, with 10 deaths, but authorities insist that the Schengen Area, which abolishes passport checks and border controls between 26 European states, must not be compromised.

    And, the news site reports, even though some 50,000 citizens in Lombardy and Veneto are under internal lockdown, there are no such policies in place for national borders.

    In Italy, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte refuses to implement border control and security measures, lamely claiming that they wouldn’t do anything to stop the spread of the virus or contain it. That response prompted former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini to demand that Conte resign “if he isn’t able to defend Italy and Italians.”

    But other Italian officials are aligned with Conte’s government.

    “We agreed to keep borders open, closing borders would be a disproportionate and ineffective measure at this time,” Health Minister Roberto Speranza also told reporters in Rome on Tuesday.

    RT reported that borders will remain open even though Italy is now confirmed to be a major source of the virus spreading into neighboring European countries.

    Spreading throughout Europe

    “Nearly a dozen towns have been quarantined across the northern Italian regions of Lombardy and Veneto, and supplies across the north have run low. Public events have been cancelled, and panicked shoppers have stripped supermarket shelves of provisions,” the Russian news site reported.

    By mid-week, RT noted, the number of confirmed coronavirus victims in Spain rose to seven. Before then, a German tourist and a British man tested positive for the virus on the Canary Islands and in Mallorca, respectively, though both have now been discharged from hospitals.

    On Tuesday, Switzerland and Austria, which border Italy to the north, confirmed their first cases of the virus.

    “The Swiss patient, a 70-year-old man, had returned from an event in Milan two weeks ago. Across the Alps in Austria, a young Italian couple tested positive for the illness after entering Austria from Bergamo in Italy on Friday,” RT reported.

    Two additional cases have cropped up in France, as well. One patient recently returned from Italy while the other from China.

    The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern,” while WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters on Monday that the virus has “pandemic potential” — though we believe it’s already reached that level.

    And in the U.S., health officials have also said they believe the potential for a major outbreak exists.

    “Widespread transmission of COVID-19 in the United States would translate into large numbers of people needing medical care at the same time,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-28-2020 at 09:29 AM.

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    Coronavirus update for Feb 28: Mexico confirms infection, stocks puke, U.S. labs to finally begin testing Americans next week after 3-week CDC delay


    Updated for Feb. 28th: As we publicly predicted would happen four weeks ago, the coronavirus is exploding around the world. Today, the number of new infections outside China exceeds the number of infections reported inside China.

    Here are the highlights of what’s happening so far:

    – California looks set to explode into another Italy scenario as local, human-to-human transmission now appears to be taking place in Solano County, where a woman now critically ill with the coronavirus previously exposed dozens of hospital workers in two hospitals. She was not tested for 11 days because the CDC’s testing flow chart — exactly as we’ve been warning for over a week — excludes the testing of people who contract the virus in America and who didn’t visit China.

    – The Governor of California stated yesterday that California has only around 200 test kits for the entire state. To this very day, there is virtually zero testing of anyone happening in the entire United States — a fact that many people still are unable to believe (they remain in total denial). The SF Chronicle also confirms this story.

    – According to a highly disturbing Wall Street Journal story, federal employees who ran the quarantine sites in California and elsewhere failed to wear proper protective equipment (PPE) and also weren’t trained in how to handle people exposed to the virus. Most disturbingly, as the WSJ subhead says, “Employees weren’t tested for virus before leaving California quarantine sites on commercial flights.”
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-28-2020 at 05:13 PM.

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    COVID-19 outbreak hits drug factories, pharmaceutical shortage now inevitable


    Drug factories are potentially the next “collateral damage” of the COVID-19 outbreak.

    This is after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Thursday that a manufacturer alerted the agency about a disruption in its supply of a certain human drug.

    FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn said the shortage is due to an issue with the production of an “active pharmaceutical ingredient” (API) used in the drug. According to Hahn, the still-unnamed manufacturer has confirmed that the shortage was traced to a site hit by the coronavirus.

    Hahn, in a statement published on the FDA website, said the agency is now working with the manufacturer – as well as several others – in a bid to mitigate the shortage.

    The FDA previously announced that it has kept in touch with over 180 manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, reminding the companies to evaluate their entire supply chain, with particular emphasis on the supply of their products’ APIs.

    In addition, the agency said this week that it has identified about 20 drugs that either source all of their main ingredients from, or are finished in China, and that it has contacted their manufacturers to gauge if they would face shortages in light of the COVID-19 outbreak.

    As noted by a CBS report, antibiotics such as amoxicillin, doxycycline, penicillin and other key drugs are at risk of running low since 90 percent of their core components are sourced from China. (Related: Desperate scientists inject monkeys with coronavirus to create vaccine.)

    Is Big Pharma beholden to China?

    This looming shortage is the exact scenario feared by writer Rosemary Gibson, who highlighted America’s dependence on China for medicine in her book “China Rx.”

    Gibson, who has long advocated for the rebuilding of domestic drug production capabilities in order to safeguard the U.S. from a disruptive event like the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, is also a senior adviser to the Hastings Center, a bioethics research institute based in the USA.

    “We have a couple of perfect storms that are colliding. Large parts of China are locked down. People are not going to work. They are not making essential medicines and even if they were made, transportation routes are blocked,” Gibson said in an interview with CBS MoneyWatch.

    According to Gibson, one of her fears is that China could begin nationalizing and hoarding medicines that would otherwise be exported to the U.S. and other countries.

    “Whatever supply of essential medicines China has is needed to care for Chinese people that are suffering. It means we in the US are not going to have as much as we thought we would. It’s very scary,” Gibson said in her interview.

    Presently, the U.S. relies heavily on China when it comes to drugs and the ingredients needed for their production. In fact, according to the FDA, China, as of 2018, ranked second among the countries that exported drugs to the U.S.

    In addition to medicines and their APIs, China also produces and exports numerous FDA-approved medical supply components such as insulin pumps, MRI machines, catheters and dental implants.

    China’s hold on the global pharmaceutical industry is so deeply entrenched that according to Jayasree Iyer, executive director at the Access to Medicine Foundation, a non-profit organization that analyzes the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, it would be very difficult for a foreign buyer like the U.S. to replace Chinese API supplies in the event of a substantial supply chain disruption, such as the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak which, as of press time, has already infected 83,368 and killed 2,858 people worldwide.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-28-2020 at 05:19 PM.

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    It never fails. Doesn't matter what the president does, the democrat trash machine will smear the president.


    Democrats Smear Trump with More Lies, This Time Regarding Coronavirus

    With the coronavirus being a hot topic it’s no surprise that the Democrats are attempting to use it to their advantage, creating false allegations against the Trump administration.
    During the Democratic debate on Tuesday night former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg made allegations that a pandemic specialist had been fired at the White House and that funding was being cut for the Centers for Disease Control.

    Bloomberg even tried to blame Trump for the spread of the coronavirus despite the fact that there are less than 60 cases in the United States with a majority of the cases coming from individuals who were on the Diamond Cruise ship.

    After fact checking Bloomberg’s claims about pandemic specialist being fired it was discovered that the specialist left voluntarily during a restructuring of the National Security Council. The alleged budget cuts were proposed not enacted and the proposal came down as the CDC was winding down its response to Ebola.

    While Democrats might feel that President Trump’s response to coronavirus is less than adequate they need to check their facts before making false allegations.

    Plus they seem to be overlooking what he has done right. Despite the fact that he overlooked protocol when shutting down travel to China, that decision has likely prevented a larger outbreak and has given the government more time to prepare should an outbreak occur here in the United States.

    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 03-01-2020 at 09:03 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier says the coronavirus pandemic will spread in the USA, a matter of “when” not “if” … while Trump urges everybody to keep buying (overbought) stocks


    When listening to the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier warn about the coming pandemic outbreaks across America, you no longer have to read between the lines.

    She’s just flat out saying it now: It’s coming. Get prepared. If you aren’t prepared, you’re a fool.

    “Now is the time for businesses, hospitals, communities, schools and everyday people to begin preparing,” Dr. Messonnier recently told reporters on a conference call, according to CNBC. “We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare for the expectation that this could be bad.”

    The Wall Street Journal adds this unambiguous statement that needs no interpretation:

    “We expect we will see community spread in this country,” meaning the virus circulating within local communities, said Dr. Messonnier. She added that the question isn’t if the virus will expand in the U.S., but when.

    The coronavirus is coming to America… it’s no longer a question of “if”

    Thus, it’s only a matter of time before the coronavirus spreads in America. And with one case already testing positive in Brazil, we now have the coronavirus on a whole new continent.

    Over the last 48 hours, the pandemic accelerated rapidly, moving into 8 new countries. It has now been detected in Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Italy, Australia, Malaysia, France, Vietnam, Canada, Kuwait, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, USA, Egypt, Finland, Belgium, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Israel, Cambodia, Nepal, Oman, Afghanistan, Philippines and China.

    Such a vast, global spread would be impossible if the virus were “contained” as the communist-run WHO continues to falsely claim. (Notably, Google refers all searches on coronavirus to the WHO so that its official lies dominate the narrative.)

    This pandemic is so far beyond containment that the question of it going global is already answered. Yes, it’s global. And no, it won’t be contained.

    President Trump and Rush Limbaugh are trying to tell everyone it’s no big deal and the WHO has it under control

    Both President Trump and Rush Limbaugh are working overtime to downplay the severity of this global pandemic. Rush says it’s no worse than the flu, while President Trump has scheduled a press conference this evening at 6pm Eastern to tell America that there’s no reason to panic and everybody should buy more (overpriced) stocks.

    Rush and Trump, it seems, are all-in with the “everything’s awesome” bandwagon, while the independent media (InfoWars, ZeroHedge, Natural News, etc.) are doing the math and warning that this pandemic could be devastating to the U.S. economy and the health of its citizens.

    Further complicating this issue is the newly uncovered fact that the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier is reportedly the sister of Rod Rosenstein, part of the anti-Trump conspiracy coup gang that tried to overturn the 2016 election and remove Trump from office. But Rosenstein, notably, is widely reported to be cooperating with AG William Barr and may be providing testimony to help indict other deep state traitors such as James Comey (we’re not holding our breath that anybody gets indicted… too early to tell).

    At this point, there are so many conflicting stories, theories and narratives that it’s nauseating to try to navigate the “truth” about all the motivations and agendas here.

    So keep it simple. What’s undeniable is that the virus is spreading globally at a breathtaking pace.

    It’s also undeniable that the CDC has prohibited nearly all coronavirus testing by U.S. states and local hospitals, meaning there’s virtually no testing taking place anywhere in America.

    In my view, the CDC is setting a trap for Trump by getting him to address the nation and tell everyone it’s all under control. Once the testing actually resumes in America, we’ll see hundreds (if not thousands) of cases exploding overnight, and the media will pounce on Trump, blaming him for incompetence and a lack of action to stop the pandemic.

    And if you want another conspiracy layer to consider on top of everything else, I wouldn’t even be surprised if some particularly wretched Democrat operatives are spreading the virus on purpose, contributing to the eventual spike of cases in America that can all be blamed on Trump. The Dems can’t wait to blame Trump for people dropping dead in the streets from the coronavirus… and San Francisco just declared a state of emergency, by the way, even though they claim there are no infections in the city so far. (Huh?)

    Dr. Messonnier, once again, seems to be telling the truth (for the moment) when she says this pandemic is coming to America. That part seems inevitable.

    We already have confirmation from a Homeland Security source that there are over 1,000 confirmed infections in America, and that number is over a week old. Given the roughly 3.5-day doubling period of this virus when left uncontained, that means we might already have > 4000 infections in the United States.

    And Trump is about to tell America everything’s under control?

    It’s a Trump trap.

    In fact, I think the spread of the coronavirus in the United States is deliberate. Listen to the evidence in this podcast, below. Hear all my podcasts (now posting 3 per day) at or
    It's a simple, and, I would've thought, very obvious step to take: draconian measures are necessary, RIGHT NOW, to safeguard against spread of this virus from Europe. There's been an explosion of cases in Italy, and many European countries (my own included) are reporting that cases are building in each. The EU's braindead ideological insistence upon porous borders across all EU countries (nothing has been done to reverse it, except maybe by Italy) cannot help but boost the virus's spread.

    You're probably best off just banning all travel from Europe to the US (would Canada follow suit ?).
    It's That Bloody Foreigner Again !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
    It's a simple, and, I would've thought, very obvious step to take: draconian measures are necessary, RIGHT NOW, to safeguard against spread of this virus from Europe. There's been an explosion of cases in Italy, and many European countries (my own included) are reporting that cases are building in each. The EU's braindead ideological insistence upon porous borders across all EU countries (nothing has been done to reverse it, except maybe by Italy) cannot help but boost the virus's spread.

    You're probably best off just banning all travel from Europe to the US (would Canada follow suit ?).
    Can't Britain decided what to do with it's own borders since BREXIT?

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    Well THIS sounds ominous...


    “Recovered” coronavirus patients in China are testing positive a second time

    It has come to our attention that supposed recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) doesn’t necessarily mean that a previously infected person is fully in the clear.

    New reports suggest that at least 14 percent of former coronavirus patients who appear to have overcome the novel infection end up contracting it a second time after being released from medical care.

    This is what’s happening to many former patients who were previously discharged from hospitals throughout South China’s Guangdong province as they’re reportedly testing positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) a second time in follow-up visits, an ominous foreboding for the future of full containment.

    These secondary infections point to the fact that supposedly recovered patients are actually still carrying around the virus even if their symptoms are gone, adding another level of complexity to an already difficult situation.

    According to Song Tie, deputy director of the Guangdong Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Guangdong CDC), nobody knows why this is happening and whether or not such patients are still infectious. If they are, then this global emergency is even more severe than previously believed.

    The latest National Health Commission treatment guidelines state that Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) patients are to be considered fully recovered, and thus released from hospitals, once throat or nose swabs show up negative in two consecutive tests. A CT scan must also show that there are no lung lesions present, and no obvious symptoms such as fever.

    Patients in the official “recovered” category are still instructed to continue monitoring their health and limiting outdoor activities for at least two weeks after leaving the hospital, as well as checking in for retests in the following weeks.

    Listen below as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, warns about how the tens of millions of unprepared people throughout America are actually a bigger threat than the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) itself:

    So far, secondary coronavirus infections don’t appear to be transmissible
    The only bit of good news, here, is that these secondary cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) appear to be asymptomatic, at least so far. Other associated testing has shown that, so far, among those who tested positive a second time for the Wuhan coronavirus, their close contacts are not testing positive for the disease.

    What this all suggests on the surface is that secondary Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) infections may not be transmissible, with an emphasis on the word may. Time will tell as to whether or not this is patently true across the board, or if these handful of patients tested simply got lucky.

    Since most of these secondary positive test results were obtained with anal swabs, a rarely used testing method, there are also questions as to its accuracy. Experts say the positive test results obtained from this method have all been “weak positive” results.

    The reason for these anal swabs is that Guangzhou Medical University had previously identified the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) in fecal samples, which suggests that the disease may be spreading through feces.

    Those patients who’ve tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) a second time in Guangdong are reportedly being put under concentrated observation. Health authorities have also indicated that they are planning to step up their monitoring protocols for first-time patients who are discharged as being recovered.

    In Guangdong, there are now at least 1,347 confirmed infections of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), along with at least 805 alleged recoveries.

    Over in the southern island province of Hainan, officials there are also confirming secondary infections of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), which is why the rule there is to have all discharged patients remain under home quarantine for at least another 14 days. After this time period, if both throat and anal swabs turn up negative, then patients are free to return back to normal society.

    More of the latest coronavirus news is available at
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 03-01-2020 at 12:07 PM.

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    Travelers appalled by lack of screening at NYC airports amid coronavirus outbreak


    With the coronavirus outbreak exploding around the world, with thousands of confirmed cases in over 40 different countries, international travelers are concerned about the safety measures being practiced to contain the virus and quell the aggressive spread. At the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, passengers looking to get through the immigration process as quickly as possible are appalled by the lack of proper screening conducted by airport employees, especially compared to the procedures done in the countries they had just left.

    Emily Ferrara and Blair Haworth are two students returning from Florence, Italy, where their study program was canceled due to the virus outbreak. As reported by Natural News, Italy has about 896 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the second largest outbreak outside of China. However, CBS revealed that these students were never questioned about anything related to the virus once they landed in New York City.

    “We didn’t even get checked. Like we’re used to being in Florence where you get your temperature checked. Here they didn’t do anything, which is kind of crazy,” Ferrara said. “Considering, like, how much the cases have spread so fast, like, they should definitely be taking more precautions here.”

    Currently, only passengers arriving from Wuhan, China – ground zero of the coronavirus outbreak – are being screened at select airports around the United States, including JFK Airport, San Francisco International, O’Hare International in Chicago, and a number of other international airports. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar claimed that the Trump administration is expanding the number of airports conducting screening from five to 20. However, there is still no information as to whether LaGuardia and Newark airports – two of the closest international entry points to NYC – would be part of the additional 15.

    Preparing for the coronavirus

    As of writing, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in NYC, although 27 people have been tested for the virus and 700 individuals have opted to self-quarantine as a safety precaution.

    COVID-19 is a flu-like disease caused by a member of the coronavirus family that is closely related to the SARS and MERS viruses that have caused outbreaks in the past. The disease is caused by a virus designated as SARS-CoV-2 by the Coronavirus Study Group (CSG) of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. COVID, on the other hand, is short for “coronavirus disease.” Those with confirmed cases reported symptoms such as coughing, fever and shortness of breath. However, severe cases of COVID-19 can lead to pneumonia and death. (Related: Harvard Professor: As much as 70% of the global population will catch coronavirus.)

    To prepare for a virus outbreak that the CDC claimed to be inevitable, NYC officials are scrambling to make plans to lessen the impact of the virus. NYC mayor Bill de Blasio said Wednesday that the city is working toward acquiring at least 1,200 brand new hospital beds to be available throughout the city specifically for affected patients.

    “We’re in a state of high vigilance, high readiness all across city government to address this crisis,” de Blasio said in a report by CBS.

    De Blasio is also looking to acquire at least 300,000 more surgical masks after distributing about 1.5 million masks to hospitals, healthcare centers and first responders, including the New York Police Department (NYPD). Finally, de Blasio requested the CDC to expand its screening of travelers that arrive at international airports from Italy, South Korea and Japan, among others.

    “Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand. Anyone needs to be screened and if they have symptoms they need to be quarantined,” de Blasio said.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 03-01-2020 at 12:22 PM.

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