Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
He mentioned Cuomo by name. I heard that DeBlasio didn't fill out forms the other week, he's an idiot. This ventilator thing has to do with emergency preparedness coordination-governor.
I'll have to go look. I'm pretty sure what Trump said is that de Blasio didn't order the equipment and Coumo will save the day because he was on top of things. Again, I may have misheard what was said.

I think Cuomo is panicking with the NYC numbers, they say apex hits in 14-21 days. He's not getting anything 'made' by that time. So, panic. Trump doesn't like being criticized, especially when he's trying to go back to his happier scenario.
I definitely detected panic with Coumo this morning, but if those numbers are correct, it's justified and there'd better be a lot of Cavalry headed that way right now.

Seriously Rick, I hope you're right and he can be talked back. I don't know, but it could be one of those 'things' that puts me back to a write in vote. Sort of laughing/crying. It's beyond reckless.
We live in interesting times and this is all new to everyone. This whole thing will be studied in depth for decades to come.

It's not unreasonable to see people getting frustrated, especially our leaders who are supposed to have answers to every scenario that pops up - this is all being figured out on the fly and the stakes literally couldn't be higher for all of us.

I can't imagine the stress, and it will continue 24/7 for the next few months without letup.