Communist figureheads. Socialist figureheads. Leftie leaders (with sufficient power) of any description: they ALL make sure, despite their 'beliefs', that 'they & theirs' are doing extremely well, materially speaking.

Here in the UK, for example, Jeremy Corbyn is said to have greater personal, private wealth than does Boris Johnson.

It's the way of the world, it's how human nature is. In my book, any non-Capitalistic philosophy is too alien to human nature to ultimately work. I'm sure Popes know it, as do most of the rest of us .. but, they have their message to preach, as this current one does.

This particular one seems more completely brainwashed by Europe's Lefties than is usual. I have to say: this one takes his Leftieism to highly offensive levels.

I won't put it any more strongly than that.