Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
Judging by the thread I've just migrated from. your question as to why Trump was installed as POTUS baffles the hell out of me.
I didn't understand it, either.

I've had an education tonight. I've learned that most if not all Americans have a distrust of centralised authority. Meaning, presumably, that distrust of the Head Man running that authority, has to be a 'given'.
Well, I've noticed that you Europeans have much more trust in your governments to do the right thing. It wasn't long ago that you Brits were able to arm and defend yourselves, and that's now long gone. Now you can be arrested for carrying a knife around.

Americans usually have a wary eye out for encroachments upon our rights, because we've seen the slippery slope that giving an inch ends up being a mile.

I wouldn't say that we don't trust Trump, at least I trust him, but there are others in our government who would gladly turn us into their version of Cuba or Venezuela if given the chance. Government is not to be blindly trusted, and even those with good intentions can, and are, wildly wrong with their plots and schemes.

So, why WAS Trump installed as POTUS ?
He wasn't. He was righteously elected as POTUS according to our Constitution by the the voters.

As of this evening, I've no idea. I thought I did. I was wrong.

Why do you people ever vote for any President ? If you'll distrust the Office he works from, and leads, what on earth is the point ??
I think Trump is doing a marvelous job. I can't imagine how screwed we'd be if 0bama was dithering in the White House when this pandemic hit.