Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
Rut roh, Russ lives in free IT vendor tees.

My favorite is from Arista, “I got 99 problems, but a Switch ain’t one”.
I have TONS and he knows what I speak of as far as working with vendors and their little freebies thinking you'll spend hundreds of thousands more - when I had no say in the decisions. But I had a few connections that got 'pushed' in front of others, because they didn't give me t-shirts, but palm pilots back then and then a laptop! Ok, we should buy those 10 servers from them

But the geekier ones, and advertising for microsoft or any of the bigger companies felt weird, I guess as a dirtbag. After the dress shirt came off after work, on goes a shitty plan white t-shirt or a cool 'ol rock shirt! Or maybe a Steelers one of course. but then I worked at Snapple for a few years, become friends with this one and that one, and one is in charge of the room with EVERYTHING in it they ever give away. Got me a sweet Snapple real hockey jersey, A cool purple windbreaker from I think it's Nantucket Nectars or something like that. Some cool Snapple shirts and a nice jacket. And yeah, some plain Cadbury Scwheppes crap. And since that who came in and bought Snapple and made it more corporate, I didn't wear that crap. Nor the freebies from all the printer demos, Nikon, Epson... and don't remember the others, been too long for my brain now.