Quote Originally Posted by Drummond View Post
So, will travel bans end ? If 'yes', that would be done in the knowledge that Covid-19 is far from defeated.

You pose (assuming travel bans do go) a particular risk to others that very few countries could match or exceed. Your country's landmass is huge. Your country's commerce domination in the world is nearly unmatched. Your country's population is also huge ... around 330 million ?

So with travel bans rescinded, and many Americans having potential to travel internationally .. you do pose an infection threat !

Bear in mind that around 20% of infected people remain asymptomatic. Most of the rest show no symptoms for several days. None of those people will be aware they're carriers of the disease.

I come back to my original question. Will travel bans be rescinded, or not ?

So that's a YES - that the UK IS blocking outgoing traffic 100% when they open? I don't care if it's ONE person from the UK getting others sick. Why do they get a pass? Lower population? Nope. Gotta shut down entirely. ALL incoming AND outgoing traffic to protect US. Can you link me to that master plan they are starting?

Don't bother. We ALL know the answers ALREADY and have for awhile now.