Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
If someone wants to put another on ignore, and it takes away long feuds and many ruined threads, then I think that's a good idea. And if someone chooses to do so, they shouldn't be using the option to view the posts anyway, or replying to people on ignore, by replying to quoted posts. It defeats the purpose of having someone on ignore, and ending any feuding issues.

And if someone is on ignore and knows it, they shouldn't purposely reply to that person when they post, or reply to someone else when they quote them. They know they are on ignore, and should just leave it at that.
Quote Originally Posted by STTAB View Post
^This type of bullshit is exactly why this board has less posters than it did even 3 years ago. It's a fucking clique where as long as you agree with the proscribed opinions the many won't say shit to you. I mean a fucking moderator posting in this thread should have only had one thing to say on the subject "yes, that's true, if you use the ignore function, you shouldn't be toggling it on and off as you choose to take shots at a poster and then place them back on ignore" but Jim posted in this thread and didn't say that, and now NightTrain has also posted in this thread and not only didn't say that, but threw shade my way .

I did post in this thread and I did state as much. Did you expect me to ban someone over it? Make a board announcement over it?

Folks in feuds make their own decisions and then live with any consequences. Goes for both and all sides. All sides have been asked to cease many times and asked to use the ignore function many times. If used properly many issues go away. But many refuse, then many will look at posts anyway, and many reply to folks who have them on ignore. And no one is fully innocent. So then I advise members to at least keep things in the cage if they must.

But it's not a place to make demands of me because you don't like the way things went sour after yet another fight, a continuation of a fight. So you make your comments known in the cage. Ok, and? Again, did you think someone was going to get banned over it? Other than myself shaking my head at the obvious, and explaining the obvious for the millionth time, there was nothing else to address. I agreed and stated that such replies shouldn't happen. Also, folks repetitively replying to and/or about someone who has them on ignore... or claiming that one MUST reply to what they see as stupidity, then of course there will be consequences of these types, in which people will reply in kind. Either way, it's business of your own doing and of your own making - not mine. And yet, once again, you will bitch and moan and turn shit around and point blame in my direction or the boards direction.

How about folks putting on the proper set of panties when they come here, and simply cease interacting with someone they supposedly hate so much, or someone that annoys them so much? But it's got to always turn into a feud with someone, and then demands or condemnation towards me or other staff members for not doing something that measures up to what you may want.

I really don't care any more about the stupid feuds and folks inability to handle them. I stated all I needed to say on the matter, and it should have just ended there.

It ends now.