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    Default Time For Removing Turkey From NATO

    Even France will be for it:


    The dispute in question took place last month when a Tanzanian freighter in the Mediterranean was suspected of illegal arms smuggling and other violations. A French ship flying the NATO flag was dispatched to intercept them and conduct routine inspections. In response, Turkey sent three of their own warships out to target the French ship with their targeting radar systems and armed their crews in a threatening fashion. The Tanzanian ship was assisted in getting away.

    Does that sound like the actions of an ally to you? Of course, Americans were already all too familiar with Turkey’s many ham-handed maneuvers over the past couple of years. They not only held an American pastor hostage for more than two years but more recently took the side of Syrian forces under Bashar al Assad over the Kurds who have been fighting as allies to the United States. On top of that, Turkey has conducted arms deals with the Russians, purchasing missile systems that are not compatible with the rest of NATO’s forces.

    Erdogan has also been cozying up with both China and Iran of late, in addition to providing material assistance to Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro while he’s been under sanctions from virtually everyone else. The list goes on. Turkey has been playing both sides of the coin for years, soaking up all the benefits of being a member of NATO while acting in direct conflict to the organization’s goals.

    As far as I’m concerned, it’s time for the United States and the rest of our NATO partners to either fish or cut bait. If Turkey doesn’t want to act as a reasonable ally, they should be dropped from NATO’s ranks. Yes, this would be a potentially costly move for both America and the rest of NATO, as we would have to deploy our military forces elsewhere in the region if we’re losing access to Turkey’s airbases. But what good is their military strength doing for NATO if it’s being deployed to help our adversaries rather than our allies? And something tells me that if we get close to pulling the trigger on this action, Erdogan may suddenly see the light and come back to the table. Direct confrontation and significant action are probably the only things he understands and respects.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    I'm all for getting rid of Turkey. Place stinks. Figuratively AND literally. We need to start treating them as hostiles and and stop taking shit off Erdogan. We actually should kill him, but that's just MY opinion.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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