Every now and again a special woman comes along. I will admit, I don't think the overall majority of women are suited for the military, and less so, much less so for green beret.

But as stated - if standards not lowered, she still kicks ass and makes the grade - she could have my back any day of the week and then some. Now, if lowered or catered to, entirely different ballgame, and that can actually harm in the end, IMO. Although I see some of that in the military, I would like to think that the special units were different. Like going to Buds and trying to be a Navy Seal, I couldn't see them burning through the guys hitting the bell and lowering standards for women. As far as I know, no women have ever made it to being a Navy seal.

That's not to say it cannot happen. It will take one hell of a strong and determined woman. Someone who puts their life into it and dedicates themselves. Also likely someone simply born with certain abilities and features.

I nominate this woman to be one that IF she put herself forth to do so, would make the grade. Amanda Nunes. She got started in her training world at age 4 in Brazil. Her entire life has been basically dedicated to her body and fighting and training. She is now in the UFC and the women's current bantamweight and featherweight champion. But don't let those names fool you into thinking too small or not capable.

I put her up against most men in their prime and she wins. I'm not talking putting her up against a heavyweight like Mike Tyson, but I mean most in similar weights. And then the military doesn't go by weight class, it goes by qualifications and meeting the grade. While she trained for much different, I do believe her dedication to all she does and her capabilities, I believe she's one of those special women who can make the grade along with men in many areas.

Ronda Rousey? She kicked the crap out of her, along with all the other supposed greats.

This is just general highlights and about her kicking ass:

This woman is brutal in the octagon!!