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    Default I agree with you and stand by my remarks.

    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
    Further, as far as body strength goes... I would point out that America's most highly decorated soldier and undisputed badass, Audie Murphy, was rejected for being too small by the Army, Navy and Marines in WWII when he tried to enlist.

    He was 5' 5" and 112#.

    The Army finally accepted him, as we all know he was a wrecking machine on the battlefield.

    As far as women being a distraction... yeah, I can see that point but if she's qualified then she's got the right to be there. Yeah, there will be issues but that's the reality of things and sidelining an otherwise exceptional soldier just because she's a woman is unfair.

    That, to me, is like derailing a black guy because he's black. If he's qualified and does the job then he deserves to be there, and that goes for any job - not just the military.

    OTOH, if anyone gets a pass because of sex or race, then you've harmed the organization by allowing substandard people into the mix - and that's bullshit. If we're going to be gender-blind, then there should never be a lessening of standards to bend the rules to accommodate.
    I must emphasize...I never said she, or any other female didn't have a right to do what she wants as a member of the GREEN Beret. Problem is, honestly speaking. I remember seeing far too many abuses (almost like intentionally looking the other way). But that was back in the 90's. I know the world has changed. And the military is no longer what I would recognize.
    I may be older than most. I may say things not everybody will like.
    But despite all of that. I will never lower myself to the level of Liars, Haters, Cheats, and Hypocrites.
    Philippians 4:13 I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me:

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
    If the young lady was badass enough to graduate - and reportedly excelled at Green Beret training - then my hat's off to her.

    It's a real accomplishment that most men can't do. She's earned it and it's only right that she's able to be a Green Beret.

    I've met some extremely tough women over the years, and my first exposure to a female badass was in high school when I witnessed a female junior (who was in my weight training class) respond to a normal snarky girl with a wicked right uppercut that lifted her off her feet and deposited her against the lockers 6 feet away. I thought she was dead at first, but she was just knocked cold. Had a bit of whiplash for a while, too, and had roughly 87% less snark after that speed-tune.

    I have a friend, Cassidy, who was Army Infantry, got out as a sergeant - but she was kicking around the idea of going SF. She's one tough girl and I think she could have done it if she'd decided to... very tough both mentally and physically.

    She's a pretty decent fisherman, too - I watched her land this beautiful King Salmon and took this pic :

    Attachment 12761
    I completely agree. Couldn't have said it better. Looks great. On paper. I also think it's a shame it doesn't work that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by icansayit View Post
    I must emphasize...I never said she, or any other female didn't have a right to do what she wants as a member of the GREEN Beret. Problem is, honestly speaking. I remember seeing far too many abuses (almost like intentionally looking the other way). But that was back in the 90's. I know the world has changed. And the military is no longer what I would recognize.
    Agree with this one too. After thinking it over, shit-hot, hard-charging Green Beret ... what's not to love? Just not in MY unit because "it" is female. A single female can take down a 13 man squad faster than the entire Chinese Army. I could write a book on it.

    To start with, all the rules change for everyone else to fit that one person in. No more acting like "guys". PC at ALL times. Never, EVER get caught alone with a female if it can be avoided. No cussing, no talking about sex, no back-slapping -- no touching except in the line of duty for that matter. Don't piss them off because they have the distinct advantage of complaining about you the male that will be listened to and an airtight alibi won't get you over.

    Where does she drop trou's for Nature's calling in the field? Or to clean herself? Guys drop their shit where they stand and start cleaning if and when the opportunity arises. Where foes she sleep? Everything she does that is "female" she does alone and away from the unit. What if eyes on at all times is mandatory? I've been on 2 mn teams where it was.

    That's if she's NOT a "climber". If she's out to play politics to get ahead, I'd rather be in combat with one round left. I got a better chance of survival.

    It doesn't even have to be intentional. One guy could have bigger ideas in his head than he needs, and if she's buddies with different guy and the first feels slighted?

    And you can't just tell them no. They're people, humans, in their 20s ... they're going to do what they want regardless the rules and/or possible punishment.

    None of that, which is off the top of my head becasue it's not a short list, is worth one female, I don't care if it's the Lady Sif from Asgaard.

    Again, it's too bad it's that way, but it is what it is.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
    I have a friend, Cassidy, who was Army Infantry, got out as a sergeant - but she was kicking around the idea of going SF. She's one tough girl and I think she could have done it if she'd decided to... very tough both mentally and physically
    When I visited NT in Alaska I spent the week at his cabin, and Cassidy and her boyfriend were along with us too.

    Skinny and pretty little girl. Thin and almost "tiny" I would describe her. Not intimidating in the slightest bit.

    I was more then impressed by the end of the week and was in fact a little intimidated, as she made me look silly a few times. With my good clothes and good boots still on, and not even knowing her yet, she turned around and picked me up and walked me from the boat through like 10-15 feet of water to dry land when we first got there. I don't care and gladly took the ride, I have no shame!

    We go a few hundred yards or more to get to a creek for fresh water while there, fill up a bunch of jugs. Next thing you know, Rambo in her military fatigues is standing guard with her rifle. Something about bears eating me if you aren't careful.

    Then we go fishing like, what, 6-10 miles up the river through the canyons and rapids. While I'm fishing, there she is again behind me with her rifle. Something about not paying attention, catching fish and having them around, and something about bears eating me if you aren't careful.

    Probably, what, all of 5'7 or 8, probably about 130lbs or so, and would likely take on most men, and most assuredly beat most men in shooting as apparently she was an army marksman - hence her being the one to protect me all week! LOL
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Every now and again a special woman comes along. I will admit, I don't think the overall majority of women are suited for the military, and less so, much less so for green beret.

    But as stated - if standards not lowered, she still kicks ass and makes the grade - she could have my back any day of the week and then some. Now, if lowered or catered to, entirely different ballgame, and that can actually harm in the end, IMO. Although I see some of that in the military, I would like to think that the special units were different. Like going to Buds and trying to be a Navy Seal, I couldn't see them burning through the guys hitting the bell and lowering standards for women. As far as I know, no women have ever made it to being a Navy seal.

    That's not to say it cannot happen. It will take one hell of a strong and determined woman. Someone who puts their life into it and dedicates themselves. Also likely someone simply born with certain abilities and features.

    I nominate this woman to be one that IF she put herself forth to do so, would make the grade. Amanda Nunes. She got started in her training world at age 4 in Brazil. Her entire life has been basically dedicated to her body and fighting and training. She is now in the UFC and the women's current bantamweight and featherweight champion. But don't let those names fool you into thinking too small or not capable.

    I put her up against most men in their prime and she wins. I'm not talking putting her up against a heavyweight like Mike Tyson, but I mean most in similar weights. And then the military doesn't go by weight class, it goes by qualifications and meeting the grade. While she trained for much different, I do believe her dedication to all she does and her capabilities, I believe she's one of those special women who can make the grade along with men in many areas.

    Ronda Rousey? She kicked the crap out of her, along with all the other supposed greats.

    This is just general highlights and about her kicking ass:

    This woman is brutal in the octagon!!

    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I completely agree. Couldn't have said it better. Looks great. On paper. I also think it's a shame it doesn't work that way.

    Agree with this one too. After thinking it over, shit-hot, hard-charging Green Beret ... what's not to love? Just not in MY unit because "it" is female. A single female can take down a 13 man squad faster than the entire Chinese Army. I could write a book on it.

    To start with, all the rules change for everyone else to fit that one person in. No more acting like "guys". PC at ALL times. Never, EVER get caught alone with a female if it can be avoided. No cussing, no talking about sex, no back-slapping -- no touching except in the line of duty for that matter. Don't piss them off because they have the distinct advantage of complaining about you the male that will be listened to and an airtight alibi won't get you over.

    Where does she drop trou's for Nature's calling in the field? Or to clean herself? Guys drop their shit where they stand and start cleaning if and when the opportunity arises. Where foes she sleep? Everything she does that is "female" she does alone and away from the unit. What if eyes on at all times is mandatory? I've been on 2 mn teams where it was.

    That's if she's NOT a "climber". If she's out to play politics to get ahead, I'd rather be in combat with one round left. I got a better chance of survival.

    It doesn't even have to be intentional. One guy could have bigger ideas in his head than he needs, and if she's buddies with different guy and the first feels slighted?

    And you can't just tell them no. They're people, humans, in their 20s ... they're going to do what they want regardless the rules and/or possible punishment.

    None of that, which is off the top of my head becasue it's not a short list, is worth one female, I don't care if it's the Lady Sif from Asgaard.

    Again, it's too bad it's that way, but it is what it is.
    I have no problem admitting that here are some truly bad-ass women!
    But to add such to an elite combat unit and that addition function 100% as another male soldier trained the same simply does not happen.
    One can not turn off human nature and the natural and cultural accommodations that females are given. I do see that
    instinctual, genetic , sexual nature being zeroed out is impossible to achieve. And any distraction from unit cohesiveness and functions is of a paramount weakness.
    Gunny pointed that out and no amount of mandating no sex, no intimacy, no giving special favors will hold up, imho.
    Dem.lib.idiot progressive ideas on gender equality issues do not belong in combat units period...
    We see it in movies but in real life its bullshit, imho..-Tyr
    It is a totally unnecessary addition added to an already extremely hard position and a very dangerous one too.---Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    When I visited NT in Alaska I spent the week at his cabin, and Cassidy and her boyfriend were along with us too.

    Skinny and pretty little girl. Thin and almost "tiny" I would describe her. Not intimidating in the slightest bit.

    I was more then impressed by the end of the week and was in fact a little intimidated, as she made me look silly a few times. With my good clothes and good boots still on, and not even knowing her yet, she turned around and picked me up and walked me from the boat through like 10-15 feet of water to dry land when we first got there. I don't care and gladly took the ride, I have no shame!

    We go a few hundred yards or more to get to a creek for fresh water while there, fill up a bunch of jugs. Next thing you know, Rambo in her military fatigues is standing guard with her rifle. Something about bears eating me if you aren't careful.

    Then we go fishing like, what, 6-10 miles up the river through the canyons and rapids. While I'm fishing, there she is again behind me with her rifle. Something about not paying attention, catching fish and having them around, and something about bears eating me if you aren't careful.

    Probably, what, all of 5'7 or 8, probably about 130lbs or so, and would likely take on most men, and most assuredly beat most men in shooting as apparently she was an army marksman - hence her being the one to protect me all week! LOL

    Yeah, Cass is a true badass. I remember standing guard for her and all the other little ones while they fished up at Disappointment, so I think she feels obligated to provide watch for everyone else nowadays.

    And, I'm sure she'd LOVE to demonstrate her shooting abilities should a Griz appear and charge the group. I believe she'd be smiling as she let fly a wall of lead downrange.
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    I've met many women who were pound-for-pound stronger than many men and just as tough if not tougher. So women should fight and die for the Yinon Plan for Greater Israel and the Kalergi Plan the same as men, God's Chosen People profess a great belief in gender equality, so it's the least the US military can do.

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