Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
I really don't want Biden, even more than not having wanted Clinton. I hope you're right. I'm seeing lots of problems with virus and now schools. I don't know why he's not focused on what he's been doing good at?
As much as I dislike Biden and think he's a doddering old fool, I think we really dodged a bullet with Hillary. Where Biden wouldn't really have a coherent plan and the intelligence to pull off nefarious schemes, Hillary would have. It would have been disastrous.

We're kind of in a slack ride right now. The virus is a wild card and a huge distraction, combined with the BLM / Socialist riots. It's pretty hard to be seen as heavy handed and crush the idiots rioting in an election year... even though that's what I'd love to see personally, that's a very risky move going into an election and I'm positive the DNC is trying to goad him into such an action.

Other than try to help the virus effort and foreign policy, I don't see much that he can do right now.

The debates are still unscheduled, that's his time to dismantle Biden and end the election early. But if I were in Biden's camp, there would be no way in hell I'd allow that spectacle to happen.

I don't see any way Biden can avoid it - that's a very traditional political event. On the other hand, I would claim that the Kung Flu makes it unsafe if I were running Biden's campaign. Don't know if that would fly, but there will be efforts at all costs to duck the debates and they've got to be furiously trying to figure out a way.