Illuminations, Temptations, Life's Travails Endured

Weep for Truth that man's inherent evil betrayed
Zeus hurled lightning bolts, paradise dreams delayed;
Intriguing words, those tales of mythological beasts
Sirens tempt, alluring songs, dark orgasmic feasts:
Man that so blindly eats, stirring to walk upright,
Consuming illusions of life's selfish delights:
No more than mere cannibals of impish degrees
Born of midnight madness and seed from dying trees.

Man in darkened lusts seeking illicit spoils
Raping with greed, as seas of sewage churns and boils
Flying through phantasms of barbaric hate
Rising as a charred Phoenix of dooming Fate
Unto dawn's fiery breath, its unfulfilled dreams
While harbinger of death, drowns with malignant streams
Gasping from a multitude of overwhelming lust
Avoiding light, truth of one day turning back to dust.

From the beginnings of aspirations and greed
First wailing cry, signifying an evil seed
Crawling as a mere babe down in well trodden dirt
Yet unacquainted, to life's many flesh-born hurts
Weak, ever needful under mother's tender cloak
Destined to serve, slave under temptation's yoke
Taught to seek, what sensual pleasures thus abound
Ecstasy's whispers, allures that truly astound.

Born of flesh, a searing flame too oft set to rage
Whether a pauper or prince, each coming of age
Reaching that mature stage when new blacken chart sets
Course of life, and all, whatever future begets
Letting dark to sully and run its wicked course
Rampaging, destroying, without fear or remorse
A Caesar in power, born of demonic ways
God of deceit, creator of a dancing malaise.

Standing aloft, contemptuous of good and light
Evolving monster, lurking into darker nights
Beset by arrogance, stand of a know it all
An Achilles well before his sad fated fall
Ignorant of Time, ill winds of eternal wrath
Prancing, before a tumble from a crumbling path
Left behind as humanity's cycles repeat
Death touched, final blow, mankind's greatest defeat.

Cast into oblivion, reduced to bleached bones
Memory, marked by a plot, one white headstone
Perhaps some tears that time too will one day erase
Fruit of iniquity, sad harvests, a disgrace
Ending, befit for one that embraced the dark
Reduced to dust and sorrows, a stained mark
Alas! To in error, such futile life so choose
Playing with a marked deck, destined to lose!

Robert J. Lindley, started 2-03- 2020.
completed to post 8-06-2020
A tribute to Samuel Johnson...inspired by
his-- " drury-lane-prologue"...

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2020