Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
I have mixed emotion about all of this. Agreed, shame it couldn't have waited til Monday and give people a proper chance to grieve and show respect. But considering the timing, it doesn't surprise me, and both sides went directly to the choice instead of waiting.

One one side I know what the Democrats would do in this position or what they would try. And if they had the senate lead and it was 3 days before the election, Garland would be a justice right now. I know they would find crap or make it up no matter the nominee, and no matter the timing.

But the Republicans just forced a wait til the election on Garland as Obama's choice, and it will be hypocritical if they now do the opposite. The Democrats lie and are hypocrites daily, so part of me won't feel bad about it, but the other part of me knows the truth and the right thing to do.

The Republicans do have the majority they need already but I don't think they'll carry the votes if they put it to the floor. But if they can gather them up and change minds? Push it through then. And why do I say that? Eastwood's empty chair may get voted in along with an unknown true leader, and they will keep the house and maybe take the senate. If so, then having that extra justice will perhaps help some day.

So underneath I do know what the right thing to do here is & a part of me thinks that happens anyway. But if they should be able to push their nominee through, I'm not going to feel too awfully bad about it.
What do you think would have happened if mitch had given garland a vote?