Quote Originally Posted by aboutime View Post
I am old enough to remember when this nation was having more or less, the same kinds of problems in the past...and DON'TCHA KNOW. We made it through all of those problems...the same way we will this time.

Allowing a minority of RADICALS to threaten ALL OF US...simply WILL NOT WORK.

All of the Conspiracy junk being thrown around from those who have nothing else to do with their ignorance is typical.

Remember how threatened we were when the Chino Commies invaded Korea? I DO!
Remember Khrusheve telling us we were all going to Die, banging his shoe, and the beginning of the Cold War? I DO!
Anyone here remember those 13 days in October when Russia put Nukes in Cuba? i DO!

Remember JFK getting assassinated? I DO!
Martin Luther King was killed? I DO!
How bout the years I was first in the navy, and we were in LBJ's war in Vietnam...while the sixties flowerchildren were demonstrating everywhere, and everyday? I DO!
Most of you didn't know...while in Uniform. People like me couldn't dare walk among the Hatefilled who called us Baby Killers. I DO!
Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed? I DO!
How bout the 1968 Democrat Convention in Chicago? I DO!
How about KENT STATE killings of students? I DO!

Where would you like me to stop?
America, and Americans are better than the ANGRY MOBS who are trying to take over, and destroy our nation.
UNLESS...We just sit on our hands, and pretend there is nothing wrong with voting for HARRIS, BIDEN, or SOCIALISM.
I got most of that covered. Was a tade young for JFK and the CUban Missile Crisis, not to mention we lived on the Black Sea in Turkey at the time.

I see this is different for a reason I have hinted at/harped on for years and years. The current behavior of the Dems has brought the possible reality of it front and center and IMO, a REAL threat above and beyond most of what you listed. The Dems gaining sole control of the US Government means the Dems can legalize anything they want to do. Best I can tell, "anything they want to do" includes, lying, cheating, stealing, colluding with enemies of the Constitution, supporting anti-American "anything" just to get the win. It appears there is nothing they won't do to get their way. I'm surprised they haven't tried to take out Trump. I put nothing beyond them at this point.

It may be hard for some to gather their thoughts around, but I see Kamala Harris as a thousand times worse than Obama.

Be that as it may, I just had to be honest with myself about the issue. As a result, it makes a lot of the periphery disappear. I'm not going to accept a Dem win as legit. Taking it a step further, if it turns out that a Dem win is provably legit, then I don't want to be part of this country. I still believe in the US Constitution and the ideals it embodies. That doesn't mean I'm going to support commies who wrap themselves in it and legislate themselves to be correct legally.