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    Default Was there a Great Armenia?

    Alik Bakhshi

    Was there a Great Armenia?

    As you know, Armenia lays claim to vast territories located in neighboring, and not only neighboring countries, as evidenced by the map of “Great Armenia” presented by Armenian historians.

    Judging from the map drawn by them, it seems to me, the state of Armenia occupied a rather vast territory of the Middle East, washed by four seas: the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean (Persian Gulf). But bad luck, the stories are known for Egyptian navigators, Phoenician, Greek, Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Khazar (the population living on the shores of the Caspian calls it the Khazar Sea), Turkish sailors, however, there is not a single evidence or mention of those sailing on those seas ships of "Great Armenia from sea to sea", yes, yes, exactly from sea to sea, and not otherwise, that's how historians call Armenia today. And it must be considered a big omission of the Armenian historians who did not bother to find the sunken ancient Armenian ships in those seas. True, according to rumors, on Mount Ararat, which the Armenians consider theirs, is Noah's Ark, from which one can conclude, if of course forget about the state of Urartu that existed before on this territory, that this is the very missing historical fact that testifies to the sailors of Great Armenia, the first of which was the Armenian Noah.

    Well, we can hypothetically assume that the Armenian people have a certain syndrome like an allergy to sea water, but even more surprising is another historical fact, namely wars. The fact is that all great empires, and such, if we take into account the map drawn by Armenian historians, was Great Armenia, did not do without wars. Stories are known for the wars of Ancient Egypt with Assyria, the Persian Empire with the Greeks, Alexander the Great founded a vast empire fighting the empire of the Persian king Darius. Continuous wars within the Middle East were fought by the Great Roman Empire, again with the Persians and Jews. The Byzantine Empire is known. The Baghdad Caliphate is known, which was supplanted by the empire of Genghis Khan, and then finally fell under the onslaught of Timur. Finally, the Ottoman Empire is known, which fought in this region with the empire of Timur and subsequently with another Turkic empire of the Safavids (the Kyzylbash Empire). And somehow it happened that none of the named empires had a chance to fight “Great Armenia from sea to sea”. It is difficult to imagine that somewhere between the eternally warring empires named among themselves, there was at least some small, and even an independent state, and not that Great Armenia. Armenian historians clearly still have to make many "historical discoveries" to fill this gap in world history.
    But even if he agrees with Armenian historians about Great Armenia, which, again judging by the presented map, had in the distant past the status of nothing other than an empire, then this cannot be a reason for its reconstruction. It seems that Armenian historians are going to fight in the depths of centuries in order to recreate the "Great Armenia". This way, Macedonia may demand the re-establishment of the empire of Alexander the Great, and with much greater reason, relying on indisputable historical facts, or Mongolia will be tempted to return the empire of Genghis Khan.

    There are peoples who have never had a state education, for example, the Gypsies. It is hardly possible to name a state on the Eurasian continent where the gypsy people do not live. It is also difficult to name a state in the Middle East where the Armenians do not live, and not dispersed, but forming compact centers. This feature is well traced in our time. For example, in the Crimea, the Armenian population has been known for a long time, recently an Armenian diaspora has formed in the Kuban, where it is already difficult to determine who is larger in number than the Kuban Cossacks or the Armenians who settled there. Many Armenians now live in the resort towns of the North Caucasus. An interesting and many-speaking fact - at the time of the conquest of Georgia by Russia, 60% of the population of Tbilisi were Armenians. Maybe that's why Armenia today has territorial claims to Georgia as well. In the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, a whole region where the Armenian population lived compactly was called Armenikend. Another interesting historical fact is when the Russians conquered the Irvan Khanate of Azerbaijan in the city of the same name, in addition to Azerbaijanis, 5% of Armenians and Kurds lived each. The same demographic situation was in the capital of the Karabakh Khanate, Shusha. There is a large Armenian diaspora in Moscow, Paris, and more recently in America, mainly in California and Argentina. It should be noted that, unlike the Gypsies, the Armenians tend to build churches, which exist or are still preserved in those places where the Armenians founded the diaspora. Taking into account the given reliable data, Armenian historians can significantly expand the borders of Greater Armenia, now from ocean to ocean.
    Thanks to the Russian Empire, which, in order to gain a foothold in the Caucasus, began to populate the territory of the former Irvan Khanate with Armenians from all over the Middle East, preliminarily evicting the Turkic population, later already under Soviet rule, the Republic of Armenia was formed. By the way, the circumstance of deportation of Azerbaijanis also took place under the Soviet regime, unfortunately, it continues today. It should be noted that as a result of this policy of squeezing out the local Azerbaijani population with the encouragement of Moscow, Armenia has become the most mono-national republic in the Soviet Union. The fact that Armenia is an artificial state formation is evidenced by the fact that the Armenians living in other countries do not seek to settle in Armenia, moreover, for the sake of a good life, the Armenians leave their artificial homeland, as well as the territory of occupied Karabakh. It is noteworthy that if, as a result of the Karabakh war, the Azerbaijani population of Armenia fled to Azerbaijan, then the Armenians left Azerbaijan anywhere, but not to Armenia.

    Russia stands at the origins of the appearance in Tbilisi in 1890, long before the German Nazis of the world's first Nazi party "Dashnaktsutyun", which set the goal, through ethnic cleansing and terror, to create a chimerical Armenian state in Turkey. Moscow's support for this political monster during the First World War resulted in the tragedy of both the Armenians themselves living in Turkey and the Turks who were subjected to ethnic cleansing. An attempt by the Dashnaks, the real perpetrators of this tragedy, to shift the blame on the Turkish authorities failed at a trial organized by the British occupation authorities in Malta on a tip from the Armenians in 1920. After a long trial, the court did not find the fault of the Turkish government in this tragedy and acquitted all those arrested (1). Interestingly, after the Maltese court, the Dashnaks no longer attempted to appeal to the courts (2), but through propaganda began to sentence the entire Turkish people to the wall, sowing lies all over the world about the Armenian genocide and the never-existed “Great Armenia” (3).

    After the collapse of the USSR, Armenia remained the only strategic ally of Putin's Russia, which, like a chain dog, is ready, on the go-ahead from Moscow, to continue the begun weaning of lands for Great Armenia.

    1. A hole in a portrait or from the Great Lies to "Great Armenia".
    2. On the issue of genocide, or why Armenia is wary of the trial.
    3. Armenian nationalism on the website, as a reflection of the general picture in the media.

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    There may have been a great Armenia. But then I found out that Kim Kardashian has a connection. That ends that streak!
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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